
Her fall got the attention of Yellow outside. Before he could react I was on him. A strike to his solar plexus pushed him back and a roundhouse kick to the head sent him straight to la la land.

I watched him topple over and reached out to M. “Did she manage to get word out?”

“Yes, the others are rushing out of the Director's Office right now.”

It didn't need to be said where they were headed. I may need to out myself as a Bastion to the whole world today.

I frowned at that. I didn't like it but I was prepared for it.

If revealing a little secret was what it took to save the world then I was up for it.

“This is what you are going to do, M. Take control of the security room, lock Cyborg out. Without the control room he's useless,” I instructed, acting fast. “Then take control of the doors. I want you to start isolating all of them so I can take them down one by one.”