Arc: Recovering What's Lost 4.1

Chapter 6 What you are, what you will be and who you were

Heaven makes forgotten data *Videstro's memory*

When the world began, heaven was a faction of less than 200,000 angels. Hell at this time did not exist and Lucifer still commanded the forces of heaven. This was a mission to eliminate a divine anomaly, the beast, the being that would be known as Leviathan, the demon of the seas.

-Why did he call us, Father?

Lucifer who had just been promoted to leader of the squadron of the twelve angels of dominion, Azazel, Azrrael, Gabriel, Rasiel, Metatron, Raphael, Sandalphol, Zafkiel, Zadkiel, Baraquiel, Kokabiel and Lucifer all these were the first twelve angels under the control of God this team was only to eliminate anomalies which would cause problems later. God decided to send these angels at that very moment he created a prison from which no being could escape and so God said

-We'll send Leviathan here. If he stays free for too long, he'll be a problem when he creates life on that planet. Lucifer, I need you to take charge of bringing Leviathan in here to close the door and leave him inside. Do you understand?

-Yes father, but how will I get out of there?

-Don't worry, my son, have faith

-yes father

With the assigned mission, Lucifer took one of his most powerful weapons, the "Control Chaos", the sword that can destroy everything.

-this should finish that thing off quickly

-Lucifer, are you ready?

-Yes, I'll go right away

Lucifer stared at the jet-black blade with a pattern of veins that pulsed as if the sword had life.

-This is the weapon that dad entrusted to me and with this weapon I will finish off Leviathan and gain access to his right hand so I can reach my little brother Christ.

The one who had that thought went to the bars with the others who were waiting for him, he said

-let the operation begin

They saw the world they were about to enter and were stunned. It was a world with only fire and water, and beneath the water moved their target, the sea creature Leviathan, a snake with skin as hard as diamond and the ability to control water at will. The angels who saw this told their leader.

-e lucifer we await orders

-Even if everyone surrounds Leviathan, make sure he doesn't try to escape by sinking.

- Baraquiel raises her with a tornado of fire from the ground

-Azrrael when he comes out of the water tries to cut the eye area

-zafkiel in case we can't get her too high use your time control and stop her there

-zadkiel freezes the water under him

-And what will you do?

-I will give him the final blow that will give him a one-way pass to the void

Zadkiel, who was looking at him with doubt, just ignored that feeling and tried to fulfill his orders as best he could.

The battle lasted several hours. Brachial and Kokabiel were injured but were quickly removed from the area. Azazel was frozen in an ice sphere that was thrown by Leviathan, which Zadkiel froze by mistake.

But in the end Lucifer took out the weapon he was referring to.

-ven "control Chaos"

The sword that came out of a hole in nowhere looked like something you'd have stored in a vault on the most dangerous edge of limbo.

-But Lucifer, are you trying to kill us all or what?!

-Don't worry, I can control it well now, I can do it!

-You forgot the last time you used that thing, by a hair you don't destroy an entire world with us in you idiot, do what dad ordered you to do now!

-Shut up Zafkiel, I am the leader of this operation and dad demanded that I finish this thing now!

-NO He asked us to lock her in hell as planned or you forgot!

-I don't need you, I can do this alone.


-divine executing wave

With a vertical, horizontal and then diagonal movement the energy strike unfortunately failed.


-Open the seal of a thousand chains and lock the beast leviathan within the confines of purgatory created to eradicate the evil and cruel. By the grace of God I condemn you. GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!

Rasiel who was the one who opened the doors and with a light god closed the doors with leviathan inside.

-Rasiel, what do you think you did? I already had it.

-You almost got us all killed with your damned arrogance, those are not the attitudes of a leader, so dad sent me to tell you that you are relieved of your position as leader of the twelve angels of the domain. Now the leader will be God directly.

Lucifer who heard this was stunned and then with a look that radiated murderous intent he tightened the grip of "Chaos control" but a few seconds later


The sword disappeared from his hand and with an angry expression he looked up at the sky only to see a seraph taking the swords somewhere else.

-Father, what are you doing?!

-Lucifer, after seeing this sacrilege, I can no longer stand by while you almost kill your brothers with that last attack. Until I consider you capable of having such power, I will have them under custody and you will not be able to use them until you can control yourself.

-What are you talking about, father, if I control myself very well?

-Seriously, if you controlled yourself, you wouldn't have damaged the land so much and you didn't even follow the orders I gave you, which were to send Leviathan to hell and not eliminate it.

-but father

-No buts now once I make my decision I will choose the new leader of the angels of the domain

-Go and rest. I'll call you when I make a decision.

-yes father (all others)

-yes father (lucifer)

Lucifer was reluctantly ordered to leave so as not to make the situation worse.


1 week before creation

-Well everyone today is a great day today will be the capture of the last demon that stops the creation of a new world the demon of destruction Belial

This was the great day, this is the last mission of the angels of the dominion, the capture of the currently known Count Belial, the demon of destruction. The angel that God chose to be the leader was Rasiel.

By this time he had 71 dangerous demons including Beelzebub, Satan, Astaroth, Asmodeus, Balaam and Leviathan who was the first to fall with the capture and confinement of Belial God could begin creation.

-Well my children now go and catch your last target

-yes father

Lucifer was the only one who fought the demons head on for the reason of becoming someone capable of fulfilling his father's expectations.

-Well, I'm in this situation because of dad, now I have to prevent his energy from hitting me at all costs.

-Lucifer move towards those rocks over there and wait until I tell you

-Who do you think you are to give me orders, huh?

-Lucifer, don't be stubborn and obey!

Zadkiel and Gabriel who were trying to distract him with arrows and icicles scolded Lucifer

-zafkiel stop it now


Zafkiel stopped him and there was a sound of breaking bones. It was Zafkiel's bones that were breaking.

-It's too strong, I won't be able to resist any longer. Whatever you're going to do, do it quickly.

-Now Azazel cuts his arms and legs quickly


With his divine speed he cut off Belial's arms and legs.

-Lucifer suppress him now with the sword of Azrrael

-Yes, I'm going, I'm going

With somewhat clumsy but effective movements, Lucifer drove the sword into Belial's heart.

-My turn Open the seal of a thousand chains and lock the king of destruction belial within the confines of purgatory created to eradicate the evil and cruel. Under the grace of God I condemn you

-well done everyone


With Zafkiel who couldn't stand up, Kokabiel and Baraquiel helped her get back up.

-are you OK

-Although it is having a good number of broken bones, I am fine.

With a smile everyone said

-mission accomplished

This fight lasted a whole day and everyone was tired to the core.

-And dad, do you think they could lift us up?

-because you said so


With those last words Rasiel fainted

-Rasiel despierta ¡Rasiel!

At that moment its shape changed to that of a blue-green stone, a soul emerald.

These stones are obtained when an angel decides to leave his spirit but without a physical body.

-Rasiel acaba de…


God who turned away from looking at the sad scene had tears in his eyes and with a seraph who went to take the stone that Rasiel had become, God said

-Rasiel gave everything for my purpose, I am very grateful to him. Rest my daughter, you fought very bravely, I hope to see you soon.

Everyone was sad, Zafkiel and Zadkiel, who were her best friends, broke down in tears. Azazel and Gabriel broke some stones out of frustration and helplessness. Kokabiel and Baraquiel released screams so loud that the flames of the earth rose like volcanoes. The only one who didn't feel anything was Lucifer, who was climbing while the others suffered the loss.

Lucifer arrived at his chambers that he shared with Christ and told him

-Lucifer it's okay if you want to cry

-Shut up, I have nothing to cry about, we just lost a friend, I was prepared for this a long time ago. Besides, it's dad's fault that Rasiel is dead, he was the one who gave her the eternal seal. I'm out of here.

As Lucifer left he met a seraph whom he recognized as the one who took his sword that fateful day.

-And you

-Yes, I love Lucifer, what can I offer you?

-Tell me where my sword is

-I'm afraid I can't give you that information on your father's orders.

-I didn't ask you, I told you to tell me

With tremendous force, Lucifer slammed the seraph against the wall, leaving a web of cracks.

-Okay, please let me go.

Lucifer released him and told him the location of the sword of chaos.

-The sword is kept in the vault along with the seal of hell

-What is the seal of hell?

-It is a means to seal Anomalies within the prison itself, you could say it is to keep the most dangerous Anomalies under control.

-I see

-But whatever you do, don't touch the seal, master.


With Lucifer running on his way to the vault to claim what is "his". But he had a small setback along the way

-Hello brother Lucifer, how are you?

Who met the next angel of the seal? This angel, despite being a child, God created him to have the seal of hell that Rasiel had.

-Hello Malvestro, how are you?

-Well, thanks, brother. Have you seen my brother Viestro around here?


I was supposed to be the next seal protector the next sandalphol


-I already saw you



With a step at extreme speed

-good heavens

-Give me back my book

-okay take it

The book was one of the books of historical record

-(I don't have time for this, I have to get back what's mine)

Lucifer left there leaving the two brothers with their childish fight behind.

-Goodbye brother!

The children said goodbye, leaving Lucifer with a clear path to the vault.

I arrive at the vault and try to take the sword, but he rejects it by throwing it against one of the walls of the vault.

-What the heck. Why did he do that?

When Lucifer was released he stared at her for a few seconds before walking back to her.

-Dad, at least he should have put some kind of lock on it, but I have a way to make it obey me again.

Concentrating a small part of his energy directly into his palm, a series of symbols were created with which the seal on the sword was broken.


Releasing an aura as dark as night, all the light in the vault faded away

-What power? Could this have been because of the anomalous symbols I put on it?

A voice was heard that echoed throughout the sky

-All angels report to the throne room

-Dad is calling me, it will be better to leave this here, close it!

Nailing the sword into the pedestal on which he was, he ran away from there at full speed.


Creation day heaven throne room

Lucifer and the seraph were in the throne room hours before the creation of a new world. Lucifer threatened him not to say anything to God or any angels around.

-yes…yes I love Lucifer

-Okay. Now let's go.

The seraph was scared because he didn't know Lucifer's intentions.

Several hours later

All the angels gathered in the throne room

-everyone is here

-yes father

Everyone spoke at the same time

-Well first of all. Malvestro come forward

-yes father

The boy Malvestro, who was not even the slightest bit afraid to stand in front of everyone, stood up and everyone, including the angels of the domain, stepped aside to let the boy pass.

-videstro stand to the left of Malvestro

-yes father

I, who when they called me, felt so nervous that I felt like I would break like glass, but I gathered courage so as not to upset my older brother Malvestro.

-Well these two children are Malvestro and Videstro they will become the new seal angel and the guardian of the seal

God said these lines concentrating energy in his palm he created two objects one was a two-handed silver sword and the other was a symbol with chains protruding from its interior the seal of hell

-Vistro to you I give the lineage of the guardian the sword of the orchard

-yes *Stumble* yes thanks father

I had tripped over my robe and fell face downwards causing everyone including God to burst out laughing.

-Well, now I give you Malvestro the most important treasure in heaven, the seal of hell, use it wisely.

When Malvestro touched the seal to absorb it into his body, the seal showed high rejection rates towards Malvetro. Everyone, including God, was stunned. I, who still had the Sword of the Orchard in my hand, tried to cut the seal to stop Malvestro's suffering. But when I did, the seal broke. The sword tried to approach me violently. When I slipped and touched the seal by mistake, the seal disappeared. When everything calmed down, everyone began to search all areas of the palace.

-look for possible anomalies in the surroundings


God gave the order to all the battle angels in the room to begin searching for any anomaly that might escape. I pulled myself together and looked to my right and saw Malvestro lying to one side unconscious.

-¿Malvestro? ¡Malvestro!

I screamed and went to my brother's side

-*shake* come on Malvestro wake up please wake up

-*cough* Vistro get off of me, you're heavy

-huaa sorry

When Malvestro woke up, I was quite calm knowing that my brother was okay.

-Videstro, what's wrong with your eyes?

-What are you talking about, my eyes have nothing?

-No. I'm sure your eyes were emerald green but now they're diamond silver.

-oh really

Malvestro told me that I took one of the pieces of the now broken sword from the orchard and I saw myself


When I got that surprise, my eyes, which were once as green as jewels, were now as silver as the piece of metal in my hands.

-God, what's wrong with my eyes? I'm going to go blind or something.

God just stood there with a thoughtful face, he told me

-Videstro could you take off your gloves?

-yes of course

When I took off my gloves there were a series of patterns like those seen on someone who had been scratched by a dragon but these were concentrated in one spot on the back of my right hand.

-God what is this?

-That young man is the seal of hell

-the seal of hell!?


-father what should we do now

-yes this is too unfortunate but that was difficult to predict *Whisper*

God had whispered something with his hand in front of his mouth which made it difficult for me to hear him when Malvestro spoke seconds later.

-But father, I was supposed to have the seal, not him, yes, he has the seal. What do I have, eh?

-Well Malvestro if Videstro is the angel of the seal you must be the new sandalphol


God trying to comfort Malvetro brought a new sword from the orchard Malvestro went to take the sword the same thing happened as with the seal the sword rejected him

-But what the hell!

-e Malvestro calm down

-Shut up, you say that because you are not in my situation

-Relax, probably when I try to take the sword it will reject me because I have the seal, right?

When I went to take the sword to prove my point the sword just flew into my hands and a flash the words to name the new Sandalphol were written in gold on the blade

(This sword belongs to the holy guardian of the gates to purgatory, the new archangel Sandalphol Videstro)

When Malvetro and I finished reading Malvestro, all he did was get even angrier.

-Now that I did I ruined everything

-It's not your fault, Videstro, it's just that Malvestro is too proud.

-No father, it's just that Malvestro is not upset, he is sad, something that you were going to give him he didn't want to go with him and it hurt him

-I see *chuckles* you know him very well and

-Yes, of course, he is my twin brother, it is to be expected, right?

With these words the world went blank.

Chapter 7 Pandemonium on Earth Fight of Celestial Beings

Abandoned church area: unknown time 10:15 AM

Waking up after my bad landing last night I realized that my swords, my cloak, and all my belongings (except clothes) were gone.

I began to search frantically when I decided to access the book of Rasiel sealed in my hand during the dream that had a lot of information about the seal of a thousand chains was placed directly into my brain

-come to the book that knows the oldest past, the most unusual present and the most uncertain future

With the words I spoke the space in front of me distorted slightly. A hole opened in the air and out came a book resembling a bible but with metal pieces on the edges and locked.

-open infinite knowledge

These were the unlocking words for the lock.

When the book opened I asked him to show me the location of the sword of chaos as it was the most dangerous of the two. The book showed me that it was lying in the desert not far from here.

-Okay, let's go.

I carried the book under my arm as I wondered who had taken the swords and why. When I was close to the sword there were some clothes lying around.

-(this must have been due to the absorption of vital energy from "Control Chaos") poor and sad human

I took the sword and the clothes of the deceased. When I returned to the church I decided to change into the clothes I had taken from the desert. The clothes were a white shirt with a cross on the chest, a grey jacket, jeans and black sports shoes.

I cut my other clothes into strips to wrap Chaos so as not to scare anyone.

-Okay now give me the location of Creating

I spoke to the book again and it showed a location and below it wrote that (it is in the city of Coro)

-in which direction

Another passage was written (to the north)

I spread my wings when I got enough lift I started a journey that lasted about 2 hours


City of Coro area: Falcón Venezuela time 1:23 PM

-What do you think that you are so happy?

-I found something cool a sword with turquoise emeralds in the sheath

-let's see

When the thief took the sword from his back he took off his belt and placed it on the table

-Wow, this alone could be worth a lot on the black market, don't you think?

-If we are going to melt it and extract those stones, if we sell it in part, we will surely make a profit.

-Of course

With plans made, the thieves intended to destroy the sword to sell it.

-Dad, I've finished doing my homework.

-To Saul, how nice, I congratulate you

-Thanks. What's that?

-something I got in the desert yesterday

-Where is a sword I can touch it

-Of course I don't see why not.

The boy of about 11 years old reached his hand towards the silver blade. But when he touched the sword it reacted by rejecting the boy and sending him flying away from it. The man who saw this shouted the boy's name before running towards him.


The man screamed in vain because the impact was so strong that he broke his neck and died. When the man still with tears in his eyes took a mallet from the workshop and went towards the sword. When he tried to hit it to bend the blade or break it, the sword acted the same as with the boy, throwing it but with more force. The man hit a wall of his house and his companion who saw this alone fled from there.

-Shit no. I'm leaving here.

When he went out he met a young man with a slightly strange appearance.

-Good morning sir, have you by any chance seen a young man like this?

When he said this he showed Videstro's photo

-or a weapon like that

He also showed a photo of the sword that was kept inside the house.

-I haven't seen the young man, but the sword is inside this house.

-thank you so much

When the young man entered the house he just raised the sword and looked at it from afar.

-Well at least it's not corrupted which is pretty good

The young man who was wearing a pure white robe with sandals. He had white skin and black hair, golden eyes and a long sword at his waist.

-oh here

-Where did you get it?

-I found her in an abandoned church in the desert

-In which direction is it?

-a couple of hours to the south

-Thanks. Can I take it?

-If you go ahead, that sword will only bring you problems.

-Yes. Don't even say it, well I'm leaving

When the young man left the house he walked alone down the street in a normal way. When I went to check on him again he was no longer there.

-uh, Gustavo, are you still here?


Gustavo was scared by the surprise, his friend and his son were fine.

-But what the hell is going on here