Arc:Cold Hands, Warm Heart 4

Chapter 4 The Demonic Angel Rage Nightmare

Heaven Several Centuries after sealing the original Demonic Angelice

The face of the form after its sealing a demonic Angel with black hair with some red profiles in a lock and his dead eyes the color of Petroleum had just awakened in a dark cell in the depths of the sky

-Where am I?

He looked around but saw no one or anything, just a dark cell. If it weren't for the light from the bars above him, he wouldn't be able to see beyond his nose.

-Who am I…?

I look at his hands which were tied with huge chains of a material that suppressed part of his abilities to use his wings.

-Now what do I do?

I analyzed the situation without reaching a clear conclusion of what I would do, I could only watch the day and night go by without a clear idea of what was happening.