Arc:Cold Hands, Warm Heart 1.2


Pacific Ocean Entrance to Bismark Laboratories time 2:59:59 PM

The doors of the laboratories were blown off by a powerful explosive charge and several armed individuals entered killing everything that came their way, regardless of whether they were combatants or not.

-Mr. Tempo, everything seems clear here.

-Okay, go on to the next room.

In the rearguard, a man of no more than 20 years old led the formations of 10 men. There were about 7 groups that moved between the enormous complex.

-What's up Typhonus?

Behind Tempo carrying a huge scythe a gray-haired subject with purple eyes in a suit moved very cautiously as if he detected something dangerous

-This aura is not normal, it is black, but not of evil, but of something else.

-But here you don't see anything that could have those characteristics.

-although I feel like I've seen it somewhere else

- Really?

-when I fight that guy Legio whatever his name is