12. Choice

Pitch black.Distant murmurs and dying echoes.Onkai felt like he was awake, like he could see all, but all was darkness.He felt condemned, powerless and, to some extent, afraid."Ghuuuu!" Onkai gasped as if he had almost drowned to death.He was greeted with the sight of about half a dozen familiar people in a tiny, brick, prison-like room, just a wooden door, a table and a couple of chairs with a barred window."Looks like he's awake?" Xavier had his arms crossed, he was facing the whole of The King's Armor as if he had just scolded them."My condolences Mad Player. You must be quite confused." Xavier grabbed a nearby chair and took a seat opposite Onkai.Onkai aggressively pushed himself forward to attack Xavier, but his efforts were futile, he was chained and cuffed to the chair he sat on."To be honest with you, you're quite lucky to be alive right now, I mean I ordered these lot to kill you, but that Zero there has quite a gentle heart, though he doesn't look it." Xavier pointed at a frustrated Zero who tutted and looked away.Onkai tried to use his powers but for some reason they weren't working, he started shaking his hands in fury, hoping something would happen, but somehow, it truly seemed as though his powers were gone."Trying to use your powers I see. Allow me to explain. I'm a sorcerer, I casted a spell on those chains so that your powers won't work when you wear them." Xavier explained to him with exaggerated gestures, he talked to Onkai as though he was talking to a child, mockingly. "Indeed, being a sorcerer is quite entertaining."Onkai was getting frustrated but couldn't do anything about it."You see, in the Kingdom of Highmaria, every player is gifted a second chance, no matter what they have done. You get a choice really. Either you are executed, or either you pledge your life and abilities to the King, in this case you will spend your days working for the military. If you pick the second option, I would have to cast a spell on you where you would only be able to use your attacking abilities against the zombies. In the case you use them against anyone else, and if you have the intent to hurt them, your powers will vanish into thin air and you will die on the spot. If you attempt to escape the military, you will also die on the spot." "Onkai's eyes widened, a look of hate, anger, sadness and fear, all in one, had conquered his face."Zombies huh... when I say that word, something really awakens inside of you doesn't it?" Xavier questioned Onkai.Onkai didn't reply, he stayed silent as he had the entire time."It's common for a reborn player to have a few flashbacks of his previous life for a while. I was informed that you, let's say... reacted strangely to the sound of the zombies. Tell me, what is it you see when you hear those creatures being named, we may have a common enemy."Onkai opened his mouth, "I see death. I see people I know being devoured. I see people I know transforming into them."He looked incredibly uncomfortable."Transforming?!" Xavier questioned, the others all turned their heads towards Onkai in complete shock."Every day I don't know how many thousands of men die fighting to rid those devil spawns. They never seem to end, and we never seem to find out more about them. If what you say about human transformation into zombies is correct, we could potentially find their origins and a way to end them. Are you sure what surfaces to your mind is a valid recollection?" Xavier asked desperately. "Because if it id, we might just have a chance to end them.""I think so.""How?! You must tell me how! How does one transform into a zombie?!" Xavier leapt out of his chair and grasped onto Onkai, pleading him to answer."I don't know, I can't remember."Xavier let go of him and sat back down, he sighed and grasped his head in his hands."What drives you to be the way you are? Is it vengeance? Grief? Hate?" Xavier asked him."I don't know." Onkai responded, still looking away from him."Well whatever it is, I can assure you one thing. The root is most definitely those zombies. You might enjoy all the slaughtering you do, but you won't be able to do that anymore, though you can kill that treacherous feeling that awakens inside of you. You can help us and you can help yourself at the same time. If you take the oath, we can end the pain inside of you with those zombies." Xavier exclaimed.Onkai listened attentively, pleased by the thoughts of him desecrating zombies."When a player goes to the same spot he died in a previous life, he will remember his past life, all of it." Xavier informed Onkai."And how do you know that?" Onkai asked back."Because it happened to me.""What?!" Hinami shouted in confusion."Do you remember the place of your passing at least? If we go there, you will remember everything." Xavier said, ignoring Hinami."Not exactly. I know it was some sort of village, and I know it was outside those walls." Onkai responded."Behind the walls is quite a large uncertainty, but a village you say? No one has ever heard of a village behind those walls." Xavier answered Onkai curiously."I'm fairly certain. In fact, I'm sure it was behind the walls." Onkai finally looked up at Xavier, his eyes were convincing enough."So will you do it then?" Xavier had finally asked the pivotal question."Y..uh... fine." Onkai answered reluctantly, knowing his corrupted cynic freedom would now come to an end."Great!" Xavier cheered.He equipped his wand and started waving it around, uttering some sort of nonsense words.Fasily, Aren and Hinami held in their laughter. It was always quite funny when Xavier would cast a spell, it didn't quite suit how he looked. He appeared as if he was some sort of mindless idiot when doing it, slightly dancing rhythmically as he did so too.He halted and put his wand back in his pocket. "It is done."He walked towards Onkai's chains and tapped them ever so gently, but with the little tap they evaporated to nothing."Now, if you didn't believe what I said, try freeze me." Xavier commanded him."But you just said that would kill you." Onkai answered."I'm allowing you this one chance, just do it."Onkai hesitantly agrred to do so. As he always did, he lifted his hands in the air to create a ball of ice, but as he sent it towards Xavier, it travelled about an inch until it just vanished."See, you can't use it against people anymore." Xavier assured him. Xavier turned back to his students, his grin transforming into a nasty frown. "You lot. I'm tasking you to work with Onkai from here on, he holds valuable potential for the progression of life in Highmaria and to destroy the zombies once and for all. You will all train with him in the military induction, live with him and follow him on every military expedition beyond the walls. Protect him with your lives!" Xavier commanded them.A large group of complaining groans had filled the tiny room."But we were just trying to kill him a few hours ago." Fasily complained."He's a... He's an asshole though!" Devolo groaned."I should've just killed him." Zero grunted."Silence! Put yourselves to use for once!" Xavier scolded them all. "I'll see you all tomorrow at the induction, now find him a room."