No, He Did Not

A legendary grade item has just been sold, but instead of everyone talking about that, their focus was rather shifted to a different thing, and it was Kent's short conversation with the sword king.

That is more shocking than the ten billion that had just been spent.

They clearly heard him call the mysterious figure Sword King, and the person didn't reject his claims, which meant they were true. He was indeed a sword king, and somehow, Kent figured it out,

But that can be pushed aside.

What couldn't be pushed aside was the fact that the sword King had invited Kent to a drink to talk about the sword.

That, that right here, is something that cannot be ignored.

"Did he just have a casual conversation with a Sword King and even get an invite to have a drink with him?" someone from one of the VIP rooms asked.

"No, he did not...right?"

But it was true.