After getting what he wanted from the store, Kent teleported inside the Harem Tower, where he immediately appeared in the love garden.
"They're inside the pool, huh?" Kent smiled and then reached out to Alina, who was also in the pool with them.
[Alina, dear, why don't we meet inside the room for the reward I promised?]
Inside the pool, where all the ladies could be seen naked and submerged, Alina smiled and walked out of the pink water, causing the others to look at her with envious expressions.
The body walking out of the pool was just too gorgeous. And what she was going for was also something they all wanted, yet they couldn't have it.
"Where are you going?" Unity asked.
"Nowhere," Alina smiled cutely.
"He's here, isn't he?" Selene, however, connected the dots, causing the gate masters and Val to look around while covering their chests.