"900 Billion," A voice boomed from one of the VIP rooms, showing that it was someone nobody would want to mess with.
However, he wasn't even done when another Voice spoke.
"990 Billion"
"1 trillion"
"1.2 Trillion". Sword King Shawn placed his bid.
"1.4 Trillion." The wicked Poison Witch, for the first time since the auction started, also joined.
"1.7 Trillion" Pill Saint Barton, the same pill saint that Kent bought the Venom from placed his bid.
In fact, now that the wicked poison witch is around, people start to wonder why she didn't bid on the Poison Sac.
But the bidding grew, and more started adding their voices. It was like some of them had prior notice that such an item would be sold, so they were throwing in their bids like hungry lions.
Suddenly, somebody who was not the sword king, the pill saint, or the wicked Poison witch spoke.