Episode 6

Two years. Two years of trying to find her a prince. Two desperate years in which all kinds of balls and parties had been organized. But all she wanted was to go to seminars.

So we looked for princes who had an education or were getting one. Private clubs, symposiums, authors' signings, we went everywhere with her to try and get her the HEA her father so desperately wanted. To no avail.

We would find her talking about the actual topic with a lot of people, not once showing any sign of interest in the young men we shoved her way.

We had tried everything else. So why not try this?

I still had a few hours before our dear princess was out of school, so I decided to go out and get a coffee. I needed some fresh air and a new perspective. Jo would do the research in the meantime. I had nothing much to do until I could talk to the girl.

I exited the HEA Ltd. building through the same double glass doors I had entered. I smiled and waved again to the desk person, and made my way down the street to the nearest cafe.

It was a nice little place, with a fairy theme. Of course. The waitresses had fake wings on their backs, the waiters pointed ears. There were wooden tables with white chairs scattered around in an airy circle, and pastry counters on all sides. The atmosphere was light hearted and warm. Might as well be in the office.

I took a deep chocolate filled breath and went to the nearest table. I felt exhausted. As soon as I sat down, a winged waitress appeared with a menu. I waved it away. "Coffee, black, too much sugar. And a brownie. Please." She nodded cheerily and left.

Halfway through my brownie I lifted my head to find someone seated across from me.

"Hello Miss Tina, fancy seeing you here. I wouldn't think this place would be to your liking. You do know they don't serve alcohol, right?" Cecile was looking at me with a cup of tea in their perfectly manicured hand and a raised eyebrow.

What the fuck were they doing here? And how come I didn't hear them enter or even sit right in front of me? Who the hell was this person?

I couldn't let the insult slide. "Cecile was it? To what do I owe the dubious pleasure of your presence?" I sipped my coffee and signaled a waitress for another one. I wasn't going to let anyone annoy me more today. Besides, the coffee was good and the brownie better. I wasn't in as sour a mood as earlier.

"I was on my way to enjoy a nice cup of tea and saw you sitting here so I thought I'd join you for a chat. You do know how to chat?"

I watched the waitress as she went behind the bar to get my coffee. Her ridiculous fake wings moved in time with her hips, hypnotizing. I sighed. "I do know how to chat, but right now I would very much enjoy drinking my coffee in peace. So why don't you tell me what you want and be on your way?" I was so tired.

Cecile smiled a wicked smile that made me want to punch them in the face. "What I want and what you want are one and the same, Miss Tina. My prince and your princess together, sooner rather than later."

Cecile delicately raised the teacup to their lips, their eyes never leaving mine. They were seriously annoying me.

"Look there you big piece of nothing, there are rules to follow, a protocol, and the princess has to agree to it anyway. I haven't even had a chance to talk to her so cut me some slack and go back to your pretty prince while I do. My. Job."

I might have banged the table on these last words. I wanted a drink, a strong one, not coffee. I wanted Cecile to disappear. I wanted 5 minutes to just breathe.

Cecile raised an eyebrow, then slowly nodded. They got up and went to the counter to pay for their tea. Leaving, they shot me a mock salute that raised all the hairs on my body, coupled with a smirk that made me want to throw fireballs. Sadly I couldn't do that in public. 

My coffee break ruined, I checked the time. Still too early. I had to find something to do to relax. I finished my brownie, paid the ridiculous cost of my caffeine addiction, and made my way to a more relaxing place.

Halfway down the street the sounds of distorted guitars soothed my ears. If I couldn't take a breather here, there was no place on the planet where I could.