Episode 8

I woke up the next morning with a hangover, as always. I might have refrained from complete drunkenness, I still had too much. Again. Jo wouldn't be happy, but fuck it. I got up and went to make myself some coffee to try and ease the pain. Maybe this time it would work.

Black coffee, too much sugar, and a cigarette. The best way to start a new day. I didn't do the usual research or even phone checking. Just the part where I enjoyed the coffee and smoke. My French was showing that day.

Coffee gone, I took a long hot shower and dressed up. I decided to go with stripes and a béret to go with the overall feeling.

I didn't have anything to do on my case until Josephine called me, so I decided to go to the office once again and check in on Niles, who was still in his frog form.

The trip there was as uneventful as a romcom on TV. I waved to the brand new person who manned the desk. I had no idea how they kept finding new ones, the whole town must know by now that the job was aweful. Still, it never hurt to be polite to the poor thing.

I went to the elevator, and pressed 3. Department of magical incidents. That's where I would find Niles.

The floor was bustling with activity, and noise my hangover could've done without. I hailed the first person who crossed my path. "Hey love, where's Niles?" The poor guy shook his head. "You know, works here, was turned into a frog?" He pointed to the end of the corridor, then indicated a left. "Thank you love".

At the end of the corridor and on the left was a room full of creatures, ranging from mouse to moose. Not a single human in sight. I'd have to find Niles on my own.

It took me a good half hour to find my first frog. It had a nametag. Jarvis? Not the one I was looking for, and I didn't want to mess with anyone else's magic. Maybe this wasn't an accident. We fairy godmothers and potion makers weren't always on the good side.

I then found a John, a James, a Jim, a Henry, and a Molly. Frogs weren't a men-only curse, after all. But still no Niles. After 2h of searching, I concluded that he must not be here.

I left the room, carefully closing the door behind me, and went in search of a human who could answer questions. It wasn't as easy as you'd think. I ran into a person with no mouth, first. Then one who croaked when I talked to her. Third time's the charm, the next one was talkative. Too much. They wouldn't let me have a word in, continuing a monologue that probably started hours ago and would end along with the day.

I left them to their own devices and went in search of a coffee. My head was pounding in my ears. I found the coffee machine in the middle of a blue room, decorated with white bands on the walls. As soon as I closed the door, silence. Finally.

I pressed the double espresso button, grabbed some sugar, my wand, and magicked a comfy chair to sit in. Blue, to fit with the room. I could breathe. The wand went back to my purse as I sipped my first mouthful of coffee.

That's when I heard a croak. It came from behind the coffee machine, muted. I thought I was hallucinating. But it happened again.

I got up and pushed the machine, or at least tried to. Heavy thing. Looking around, I checked for onlookers. All clear. Another bit of magic and the coffee machine moved to the side, revealing a big sad frog behind it. Could it be?

"Are you Niles? From the mail service?" A croak answered me. Of course. I took the frog in my hands, moved the coffee machine back to its rightful place, and sat back down.

"I really hope you're Niles." I put the frog on the ground and got my wand from my purse again. It was a small wand, like me, but powerful. I twisted it and uttered a classic spell under my breath. Nothing. I tried for a more complex spell, and this time the magic took hold.

A white whirlwind started appearing around the frog, taking on more power, more whiteness, more whirlwind as the second passed.

It disappeared with a "whoosh" and here before me stood Niles. "What the hell…?" I couldn't finish my sentence. He had fainted.

I looked around me. The room was still empty and, beyond the doors, it seemed that everyone was busy. I'd have to handle this myself.

I gulped down my way too sugary double espresso and went to the water fountain. I never said I was good at handling people, especially in weird circumstances like this one. I dumped a whole goblet of water over Niles' head. Should do the trick.

It did. Niles sputtered and turned to his side, coughing. I left him a few seconds to get his bearings.

He croaked. Fuck. I must've gotten the spell wrong. I tried the first thing that came to mind and served him a goblet of water. He gulped it down and, breathless, tried to speak again. The croak was closer to a human voice this time.

After 15 minutes, a lot of water, and another chair, Niles could speak again. "Thank you. I have no idea what happened. One minute I was chatting with the new guy over on 9th, the next I was on the floor croaking." 9th being floor 9, one of the floors where us fairy godmother mostly resided.

"I'm sorry you got caught up in this. I'll call Josephine to let her know you're no longer a frog, and to see what else we can do for you. Do you want a coffee or would you rather go home now?"

Niles rubbed his eyes. "I'll go home if that's okay with you, I'll wait for Josephine's call. Don't worry I'm not leaving the Agency, but I think I'll need a small vacation after this."

"Of course," I said, getting up. I shook his hand and watched him leave, unsteady on his feet. Poor guy.

I waited until he was gone to make my slow way to the elevator. Now I had a choice. Go to my office, or go home. I had no news of the case, no emergency, and I'd done this Agency a solid by turning poor Niles back to human form. What to do?

With a sigh I decided to go see Jo and inform her of what had just happened.