Episode 10

My cases were not simple. I was employee of the year, therefore they gave me the most complex ones. Hence the whole Eileen and Gianni problem. But there weren't a lot of them, so I could handle it. I just needed to focus.

First case was easy enough at that stage, the kid was barely 9. The main issue he had was that his parents were divorcing, and fought on who kept him. And the kingdom.

That poor kid was torn between the two parents without a say in his own future. I decided to go see him after school on the next day and check on him. His contract was already signed and partly paid for, so I wasn't too worried about that, but he probably needed a friend of the fairy kind at this time.

Second case was a mess, with a 14 years old girl who was going through a rough patch. She'd been treated so badly by her dad that her mom had come to us in secret 2 years ago to help her get a HEA.

Except she was going through it again, this time with a boyfriend of her own choosing. He was mean. I wanted to turn him into a mouse and be done with it, but Jo had forbidden it last time I mentioned the idea. I had to fix it somehow. I'd send Liliane to check on her, these two got along well and it would do the fairy good to see something other than the inside of this place.

I was sweaty and parched. I needed a coffee and some fresh air. I went to see Liliane first, to tell her the good news.

"Hey love, I have a job for ya." She squealed in delight. She loved being part of my cases, for some reason. "Relax, it's just a check up on the girl who was abused by her dad, remember her? She found a boyfriend who is heading the wrong way, you need to be the confidante tonight when she leaves school. Yes?"

Liliane squealed again, loud enough that half the floor turned to us with question marks over their heads. I waved them off. They lived for gossip, and I was in no state to deal with it.

I was starting to feel really fuzzy, my head heavy, my vision slowly receding. I was sweaty and hot, and couldn't think straight. I went to the coffee machine, so far away on the left side of the block of offices. I really needed one.

It was a trial to get there without bumping on anyone. But I made it. I'd forgotten my mug. Fuck. Not going back to take it. I grabbed a goblet and filled it, added sugar, and went back to my desk.

It was really odd. Fairies didn't get sick. We don't catch the flu, or a cold, or anything. And I'd slept enough. So why was I feeling so bad?

I sipped my coffee, head banging, hands shaking, eyes darting back and forth. I was feeling queasy. The coffee didn't seem to help. Maybe a smoke? But the building was non smoker, and I'd have to go outside. In the sunny day. I wasn't sure I could take it.

I did it anyway. Grabbing my coffee, I avoided Liliane's attempts at eye contact and made my slow way straight to the elevator. I wondered for a second if I should fly but felt uneasy on my wings, so I made the way too long trip on foot. I pressed the button, the ding of the doors opening reverberating throughout my entire skull.

I didn't have the strength to wave at the desk person. I went straight out, shading my eyes with my hand and grabbing my pack of cigarettes as soon as I was out the doors.

The first puff felt so good. The second, less. The third got me coughing. I took a gulp of coffee to steady myself, and tried to think. Why was I like this? It didn't seem to be the coffee or the cigarette, since smoking was making my head even more hazy. Could it be…?

I had my purse on me, as always. I went straight to the heavy metal bar nearby to test my theory.

It couldn't be the alcohol. I only drank 2 or 3 glasses a day since… oh. For the past 6 months. It was beginning to be a long time. I arrived at the bar, unsteady on my feet, sweating profusely, barely breathing.

It was thankfully dark inside. I didn't really care about the rest. The decor was lost on me as I made my way to the counter, sat heavily on a black barstool and tried to wave at the bartender.

She turned and saw me, my state clear on my face. "You need a strong one don't you" she said. I nodded. "Whiskey. Your strongest." My voice was cracked.

As soon as the glass touched the counter, I grabbed it. Anything to not be in this state. I took a big gulp and immediately regretted it. My head started spinning faster, the warmth suddenly returning to my shaking bones, my empty stomach protesting the effraction. The bartender put a bowl of peanuts in front of me.

"Whoa take it easy, you'll make yourself sicker. Eat something. We serve snacks if you want." I nodded. I had no idea what I wanted and couldn't say so, but she knew what to do. I bet I wasn't her first.

I took a small sip this time, but it didn't help my stomach. It did help with the headache though.

While I was waiting for food, I listened to the music and took a look around. Everything was black, from the barstools to the tables. There were neon lights on the wall, band posters, and dimmed lighting from the ceiling. I recognised the music playing. Lamb of God, one of my favorite bands.

The sweating was starting to recede. Thank fuck I wasn't in as bad a shape, but still queasy and hazy. The bartender returned with eggs and bacon. I nodded my thanks and devoured the contents of my plate.

The food was good. I grabbed some peanuts every now and then too. It settled my stomach. Thankfully. 

The whiskey went down fast after that, I did need to get back to work after all. I paid for the drink and meal, thanking the bartender profusely. "You might want to get help, you know" she said. I grunted. Fairies didn't need help, we're the ones who helped others.

I went back outside, the sun still hard on my eyes but less blinding. I took a smoke from the endless pack, lit it with my thumb, and made my way back to the office.

I wasn't going to let such a little thing get in the way of my work, especially with Jo on my back about my other cases.

As I reached floor 9, I felt a hush descend on the office space. Eyes followed me from everywhere while I made my way back to my desk. Liliane was staring openly. I was more and more uneasy, but understood as I reached my desk.

Jo was waiting for me.

She looked pissed. Her white button up was askew, her ponytail half out of the elastic band. Something was up, and it was bad enough that she'd come here instead of calling me.

"Tina, in my office. Now." I could feel the barely controlled anger emanating from her entire being. What the hell had I done?

We went up in silence, and didn't get a coffee as we passed the pumpkin by. Things were indeed bad. Josephine closed the door of her office as soon as we were inside then turned to me, her eyes shooting daggers. 

"Have you looked at yourself Tina? What the fuck is wrong with you, running out of the office like that to go to the bar? Looking like you were half dead? Liliane called me, the poor girl was out of her mind with worry. So tell me. What. Is. Wrong?"

Shit. I hadn't counted on anyone calling the boss to complain of my state, or following me for that matter. I was in trouble.

"Well, see, I was feeling very off. And I mean like shit. Head spinning, hazy, queasy, you name it. Even my headache had a headache. So I tried coffee, then a smoke, but it didn't help. Fairies don't get sick, Jo. There was only one answer. So I went and did what I had to do in order to be able to work the rest of the day."

I took a good long breath and added "punish me if you want, I can't help it. This case has gotten to me bad. I didn't expect it to turn me into an alcoholic, but here we are."

She sat down, hard. So did I. The words were said, there was no taking them back. "I'm glad you at least admit to it", said Jo, voice strained. She reached under her giant desk for the mini fridge and took a can of soda, opening it with a sigh.

"We have a problem, however. I can't have my very best worker drunk on the job." I had to interrupt. "I'm not-" She didn't let me finish.

Jo's eyes pierced my still sore skull. "You're not, but you will be, because you got yourself addicted. And that's just not possible. So we have two options, Tina. Either you fix it, or you stay out of the office. And I mean fix it now."

I sighed and rubbed a hand on my face. "I don't know how. Can I just work from home while I figure it out?" There was no way I was going to be kept out of work. I loved this job too much.

Jo sighed too and let her back hit the back of the chair. She looked tired. "Thanks for freeing Niles, by the way. He's grateful." She took a sip of her soda, her eyes wandering the room before landing on mine. "You know I can't let you work like that. I should fire you for it. But you're the best, and I kind of like you, so I'll compromise. You work from home and fix this mess you put yourself in. You've got 3 months. Clear?"

"Clear. Thanks Jo". I rose from the chair I was sitting on the brink of and returned to floor 9. The hush that greeted me was worse than earlier. 

"It's all right guys, I'm not sick, I'm not fired, I'm just gonna work from home for a while. Liliane, I'm gonna need you to report back after your mission, you have my cell phone. Everyone, back to work!"

I had no right to talk to them like that but fuck it. It worked, and I could go grab my stuff and leave without any other worry.

I did wave to the desk person this time, and left the building with a slight frown. I didn't like being forced to work from home, although I was known to do it every now and then. But when it's not a choice, it's less fun. At least I still had a job. And 3 months to figure my shit out.