Episode 13

After an hour, I left. It had been a very pleasant time, I'd needed that. I considered Eileen as more like a friend than a case by then. After all, I'd been to countless events with her, and spent so much time at her place going through the profiles of all the available princes.

I had some time still before school ended so I went to a café nearby, determined not to drink until midnight.

The café was part of a chain, the same where I'd been before. White everywhere, fake wings and pointed ears. The atmosphere was pretty much the same as well. I went in and took a deep breath of the same chocolate filled air.

It was fairly quiet at that hour, everyone but me being at work. A couple of students were busy on a paper in a corner. I chose a table and was immediately spotted by a waitress. I wanted coffee but ordered tea, with a white chocolate donut. No need to get shaky when I was meeting a depressed child a couple of hours later.

I spent my time on my phone, reviewing my emails and preparing for what I'd tell the kid. His name was Erwan. He was a very sweet child, but a very sad one.

When it was nearly time, I paid the expensive price of my teas and donuts and left. I had a bus to take, followed by a tram. I really needed to get my driver's license at some point, I just never really had time for it.

I arrived at Erwan's school right when the bell rang. I spotted his mother waiting for him and went over to her. "Hello, I'm Tina, your son's fairy godmother, remember me?" She nodded, her wide eyes fearful. "Can I talk to your son for a bit before you bring him home?" She nodded again. I wondered what she'd done to be so afraid.

She retreated to her car and I posted myself before the entrance, in a way that Erwan would see me. As soon as I spotted him, I waved him over.

He was a shy kid, didn't like attention. So I didn't shout. He saw me wave and came over, wide eyed. What was it with this family?

"Hello Erwan, I'm Tina, do you remember me?" He nodded. It was his usual way of communication. Nods and shakes, for yes and no. I had to remember that. "Are you doing okay?" Nod. "Are you sure?" Shake. "Do you want to tell me about it?" Shake. That was going to be a long hour.

I took him to a nearby bench and magicked him a blueberry cupcake. His favorite. He smiled a wide smile at me and tore into it. At least I got this part right.

"So, still yes and no questions?" Nod. "Are your parents treating you right?" He froze mid bite. Slowly turned to look at me, fear in his eyes, tears forming. Oh shit. Very slowly, he nodded, but I knew he was lying. "Can I give you a hug?" He burst into tears.

What else could I do? I gave him a hug. I stroked his hair, telling him it was going to be okay. I was fuming. Something was very wrong in that family. Eventually the tears receded, and he broke the hug.

I magicked him a pack of tissues to wipe his face. What could I do? I had to bring Jo into this, I wasn't equipped to deal with such a situation. I took out my wand, and Erwan flinched. "No no it's okay little guy, I just want to give you a present. Do you like frogs?"

He nodded, fear still in his eyes, but a bit of wonder too. I could work with that. I twisted my wand and made a tiny frog brooch appear. It had a webcam and a microphone in it, but I wasn't about to tell him that.

"When you're afraid, now you can talk to the frog, and it will hear you. I'll come back to check on you in a few days okay? Take care of yourself little guy." I attached the frog to his shirt and got up to leave. He grabbed my sleeve, gave me a big wide smile, and whispered "thank you Tina". I melted.

On my way back I called Josephine to tell her about all this. She approved of my methods and requested a link to the webcam and microphone, which I sent her.

I hoped the little boy would be okay. I couldn't help thinking about him as I took the bus home. As soon as I made it there, I opened my laptop and logged into the webcam. I was sure the mother wouldn't like my gift. I was right.

They were just coming home when the screen turned on. I couldn't see the mother's face, the webcam was too low, but I could hear her voice loud and clear. I hoped Jo could too.

"So Tina made you a gift, huh? Do you want me to take it and keep it safe for you?" Hah, throw it away more likely. Erwan didn't answer, he probably shook his head, I couldn't tell. "You're not wearing that thing Erwan, it's ugly." She was getting upset.

"I'll wear it! Tina gave it to me, to me! Not to you! I'm a big boy now!" I could see the inside of the house now, and the father sitting in an armchair in what I supposed to be the living room.

"What's going on here?" the father asked. 

Before Erwan had a chance to answer, the mother spoke. "Tina visited after school. She offered this ugly thing to your son and he won't take it off." I held my breath. If they were to take it away from him, Erwan would be on his own and in trouble.

"Bah, let him have it. I don't want to get on the bad side of this witch. When I have the boy I'll fire her." The mother stomped away to what I guessed was the kitchen while the father resumed reading his newspaper.

Erwan was left to his own devices, neither of his parents offering to help with homework or asking how his day had been. Poor kid. He went to what I could only assume was his room and took the frog off his shirt."Tina told me to talk to you if I was afraid, but I'm not afraid. I'm sad. Can I still talk to you?"

The frog was made to listen, not answer. I held my breath. Erwan spoke again. "Thanks frog. I'll have to find you a name, but I can't think of any right now so you'll be frog."

He sat on his bed, the little brooch cupped in his hand. "I'm sad because my parents are fighting all the time and they don't take care of me anymore. And they tell me bad things, like that I'm a bad boy who won't be a good prince when I grow up. And sometimes they take my things. I was so scared they would take you, too…" He started crying.

I couldn't handle any more of this. I texted Jo, telling her I hoped she was watching because I couldn't. She answered that yes, she was, and recording. Good.

I took my head in my hands and shivered. I knew it had to be worse than just taking his toys away. The mother looked really fearful when she saw me. I felt so bad I hadn't checked on him in so long. How long was it, 3 months? Things had gone sour since then. I should've seen it coming. Fuck I felt horrible. And the banging in my head was back.

I sighed, stood, and grabbed my purse. Maybe I could stop at two drinks tonight.