Episode 22

We got back to my apartment 3 hours later, each of us with a bag. Jo and I weren't supposed to indulge but August said she felt bad being pampered, so we found things we liked and got them too. We made sure August would have enough for a week at least, underwear included.

Once home, August went to take a shower and change while Jo and I discussed the details of our plan. "Tina, the mother-" "I know what you're gonna say, but if we manage to put the fear of us into her husband she'll be fine. And once she knows August is safe she can maybe even grow her own wings, no pun intended."

Jo didn't look so sure. "What if he takes it out on her?" It was a good point, but one I had considered.

"Remember the frog brooch I offered Erwan? I'll make something for her too so we can monitor what's happening there in case we need to make our point clearer."

She nodded. "That can work. I really hope we won't need to though. Oh, speaking of Erwan. I appointed Liliane to look after him to pay for her mistake. She has my phone number on speed dial and orders to call the second something happens. Let's just hope nothing will happen while we're dealing with August's father."

I smiled. "That's perfect, I'm sure she'll be extra careful this time. What if something happens tonight though? What if you can't answer?"

"Then she has orders to call one of my colleagues. You don't know him, but he's good. About as powerful as I am."

That reassured me. I was worried for the kid, and even though I'd done everything in my power to protect him so far, I felt guilty for letting things escalate that much. I really should have checked on him sooner.

August got out of the shower as I was musing on this, in her brand new favorite outfit. Black shorts on a white pair of leggings, white and black shirt, completed by a black pair of Doctor Martens. She looked ready to take on the world. I beamed at her. I was so proud of the way she was handling all this.

One last coffee, then it was time to go. We'd need about an hour to reach August's house by public transportation. I made a mental note to talk to Gianni about upgrading the system.

On the way there we were all quiet. Each lost in our own thoughts, trying not to think of what would happen if I was wrong.

We reached our destination, and I lit a smoke. I was not going in without one. While I puffed away we rehearsed our plan. It was simple and, I hoped, effective. I threw my cigarette and we began.

August went first, Josephine and I one step behind her. She rang the doorbell and waited. A butler opened the door. "I want to speak to my father. Outside." Said August. Her voice was slightly shaking, but an aura of strength emanated from her. The butler nodded, then went back in, closing the door behind him.

That's when I started noticing the guards. They were closing in on us from all sides. I nudged Jo, and she nodded. She'd sensed them too.

After a while we were completely encircled, and the door opened again. August faced her father while Jo and I faced the guards, wands at the ready. It was now or never, and I really hoped it would work.

"August! Where were you, girl? Come back in this instant or you'll never see the light again!"

Charming. I risked a look over my shoulder to meet August's eyes, nodded slightly, then resumed my overlooking of the guards. The girl took a deep breath. "I'm not going home. I came here to warn you. I'm leaving, for good. You won't ever touch me again. You won't even see me again, as long as you live. And if you dare lay a hand on my mother you'll regret it."

The guards took a step forward, I assumed at his command. Josephine and I raised our wands in unison, and twisted. They fired. 

We raised a protective shield around the three of us, but we needn't have. The guns had turned to nerf guns, the kind kids play with. I sighed in relief, and turned towards the father. Josephine did the same. It was time to show our game.

"You heard the girl", I said. "You will leave her and her mother alone. Actually, you will leave town. Preferably now."

The man's mouth was agape for a second, but he recovered fast. "I'll call more guards. Your little magic tricks don't scare me, witches." He stood straight, sure of himself. He was lucky I had promised not to change him into anything. I hadn't, however, promised not to hurt him.

I looked straight into his eyes and muttered a spell. The bottom of his trousers caught fire. "We are no witches, sir. We're worse than that. We're your daughter's fairy godmothers. Leave now, and never come back." 

He started screaming as the flames licked his ankles. August's face was filled with tears. Jo was shocked. In the middle of this mayhem, more guards arrived. At the sight of their master in flames, they stood, gaping, not knowing who to shoot or how to help. The shield was still up anyway. No harm would come to our girl.

Josephine got out of her trance and shouted "we said leave! Now!" She turned to the guards. "Put your weapons down and we'll stop the flames. Keep them up and he burns."

They put the guns on the ground, even the nerf ones. Hell yeah. I twisted my wand the other way and the flames disappeared, as if they'd never existed. The man stopped screaming. He looked at his daughter, fury in his eyes. "You'll regret this, girl. I swear on all my ancestors, you will regret the day you tried to scare me away from my own home!"

"I didn't try, father. I succeeded. You have 5 minutes to pack. After that, my friends and I will drag you out of here by what's left of your trousers."

Fuming, he turned on his heels and headed inside, not even bothering to close the door. We all turned around and faced the guards, who were staring at us as if we'd grown… Well, Jo and I had. That explained the father's turn of heart. Jo's wings were Black and blood red, with a skull motif. No wonder they stared, she looked deadly. And the look on her face matched it.

As one, they turned and ran, guns forgotten. We dropped the shield and sighed. It took a lot of energy to maintain that strong a shield for that long, but we didn't want to take any chances.