Chapter 26

Peaceful my ass. I was led into a trap.

As I stepped inside the portal, I found myself standing in the middle of nowhere in Sky Castle. However, just as I was about to walk, hundreds, if not, thousands of soldiers from the Temple Heavenly Army arrived, surrounding me in every direction. Be it on the ground or on the sky, they were swarming me. The bright sky soon became dark due to the large amount of forces that were at me.

Damn. Even these soldiers are quick to respond. They are no ordinary soldiers.

A horn echoed in the area. Then the angels roared their battle cry and charged at me all at once. They jumped me on every side, weapons pointing at me to pierce through my flesh. Yet as I got swamped by thousands of bodies, I swung my staff in a 360 degrees arc, sending the soldiers on top of me flying everywhere.

More soldiers charged at me and with light feet, I consecutively dodged their attacks. I could see how sharp their blades are and even without magic, their weapons are imbued with strong mana that damages the soul as well. As more attacks were coming at me, I dodged around them, dancing in the battlefield like a butterfly that flies around the flower field. But I could see it… Their attack patterns. Thanks to my fight against one of the Rulers, my senses have been sharpened to its maximum force. Everything was going in slow motion.

They charged with their weapons pointing at me in a straight line. When they miss, they swing their blade in a 180 degree arc motion. They will give themselves time to recover for a millisecond, and repeat the attack pattern once more until the enemy is dead.

They kept charging at me, repeating the same attack patterns but with slightly different time. It seems that they were taught a simple yet hard to dodge attack combo, but only fools who don't pay attention can get killed by their blades.

In the corner of my eye, I saw a bright blazing ball coming at me at a fast speed. I quickly dodge the magic attack by leaping up and using the soldier's heads as my footstep. I'm not just dealing with swordsman soldiers, but against mages as well. It's annoying to stare up at them, especially because the light from the sky is hindering my sight. But I didn't need to use my eyes to dodge the magic attacks. I could feel them. The slight change in the air. The sudden shift of the wind. The change of air pressure. Every small detail around me I could feel them. So even if hundreds come at me, I can dodge them with no problems thanks to my reflexes combined with sharp senses.

After watching and feeling closely about their attacks, I finally came to the conclusion of their team work. The swordsman soldier will charge at me straight then follow up with a 180 degree arc swing. While I get away, the mages would follow up with their magic to help the swordsman recover for a millisecond and rinse and repeat. I have to be honest… That is an impressive teamplay right there, especially with these large numbers of soldiers being crowded together.

I know of a person who can make these possible…

"I hate to admit it, but you impress me, Vivian. You really are trying to be like my mother, huh…" I said. It's my turn then.

I stopped dodging and running away as I reached the center of the city I was at. In my left hand, I was holding the chain. In my right hand, I was gripping the staff. I spun on my heels, doing a 360 degrees arc whilst swinging my chain that was on my left hand in the air to deal with the angels that were in the sky. At the same time, I was swinging my staff to deal with those who were on the ground. I increased the speed of my spin, creating a huge tornado of chain and staff that pushed away thousands of soldiers from me and destroyed everything that was around me.

I stopped and dashed against the crowded soldiers that were still puzzled, swinging my staff and the chains to kill them all as I passed by them. Then using the soldiers as my footstep, I leaped upwards and attacked the flying angels in the sky. More magic attacks were inbound towards me, but I swung my chains to cancel them out. These chains at first were like a curse, until they turned into a blessing in disguise. I landed hard on the ground, making a dent underneath my feet. I could feel my body being excited in the killing spree I am having right now. From the distance, I could see thousands more soldiers heading towards me.

Before they could arrive, I caused havoc on the city, damaging everything around me and slaughtering those who think they are superior. Live a life like a rich fool and await your death. Clearly, no one taught you how to humble yourselves. Then, I dashed forward against the upcoming horde of soldiers.

I swung my weapons, killing and destroying everything around me. I felt like a true monster at that point. I have reached the point that stopping now means death to me, so I kept pushing. Blood and screams were surrounding me. Soon, what was once a peaceful and bright city has turned into chaos and nightmare that no one has expected.

Then I remembered the memories of my kingdom during the war. The betrayal of Vivian and others that I so called loving aunties of mine. Their laughter when they killed my mother. The poor citizens were slaughtered during the war. Every bad memory from when I was a little kid resurfaced once more, fueling my anger during my killing spree.

Yet I didn't care. My vengeance is what kept me going. My mother's death and the fall of my kingdom is what made me get stronger. I'll destroy everything around me. The humans from the physical realm called me "Queen of Void". I'll show them why I am given such a title to these damn so-called angels… And to Vivian!

Then I felt a very powerful presence headed towards me. Only one. But this time, I was ready. A bright figure dropped in front of me, creating a crack on the ground due to the impact it had made. Standing before me was a familiar face as well. One of Vivian's Rulers.

"I never got to know who that woman was… But who the heck are you?" I asked as I stood tall, fighting the urge to drop on the ground due to how heavy the air pressure had become. It's like the wind has chosen me as their enemy and is trying to push me down on the earth.

"I am the Ruler of the Wind. That is all you will know about me, lowly creature." He said, growling in anger.

"Ruler this, ruler that… I had enough of your blabbering." Without any more words, I dashed forward, hitting him with my staff at his chin. But he didn't budge. He swung his wrist and the strong wind blasted me off until I hit the wall strongly. I coughed out blood. Before I could stand up, he appeared in front of me and another wave of wind attack came at me, pushing my entire body down the ground, intending to crush me.

"Lowly creature, this is your end." He said. But I rolled away before he could crush me completely. I stood up while simultaneously swinging my chains at him. He was about to attack me with another wind magic, but the chains cancelled his magic out. Those small seconds was all I needed.

I threw my staff towards him like it was a spear. He caught it with his bare hands. I leaped at the staff and kicked him in the face. He didn't budge at all thanks to the wind holding him, but he was not my target. I used my momentum to swing the chains on my ankle and hit the building behind him. The building fell down on him, yet he was able to stop the fall thanks to the wind that he was controlling.

I appeared behind him and kicked his back. Again, he did not budge at all. I tried attacking him in every direction but it was all the same. But I understand it now. His body is being surrounded by a wall made of strong and thick wind. So whenever I attacked him, it felt like I was touching him, but it was the wind between him and my strikes that I was touching.

No openings, but at least I know what was protecting him. If there were no openings, I made one for him.

I abandoned the Ruler of the Wind and went straight to the citizens that were watching us and to the soldiers that were ready to back him up. I swung my weapons, slaughtering everyone that I passed by. I glanced over my shoulders to find me chasing me. I smiled and continued my rampage. While I was busy slaughtering lives, at the same time, I was making the buildings fall as well on top of them. He had no choice but to use his wind magic to stop it from falling. But I kept going and going, running in the crowd to kill them and destroying the buildings to smash them.

"What are you doing, you coward! Get back here!" He roared. I knew it. He can't multi-task. He can only use his wind magic one at a time. Whenever there is an opening… I said to myself. Whenever there is an opening…

Finally, I reached the main road of the city. I spun around in a 360 degrees arc, swinging my chains and my staff, destroying everything in the city and its people's lives. The Ruler of the Wind chased me down whilst trying to protect the citizens. I smiled at him.

"Getting tired yet? I'm not done." I roared and kept going with my destruction. More soldiers appeared to try to stop me, but they were walking to their demise. I see it…. I could see it… He was getting tired. Without hesitation, I dashed in front of him and pierced his chest with my staff. Blood squirted me again. Before he could push me away using his magic, I used the chains to wrap it around his neck. Finally, I began my torture. I strangled him until he couldn't breathe. Then I stopped and gave him time to catch his breath and did the same thing again. I kept repeating this process until I got tired. Until I saw his face turning very purple.

"Please… Stop…" He mumbled, but I smirked at him.

I forced him to look me in the eyes. "Hey. Blame your queen for putting you in this situation." Finally, I snapped his neck in half and his body lost all its strength.

As much as I wanted to celebrate, these soldiers were not stopping at all nor did they have no intention to stop until I died. I sighed and dropped the corpse on the ground.

This is pissing me off.

With pure strength and strong hatred, I unleashed all my force in this poor city, destroying it entirely along with its people and soldiers. I didn't use any magic at all. I just used my physical strength and destroyed this whole city.

After a few minutes of destruction, the core that was making the city float in the sky was destroyed, and the island crumbled and fell to the depths below.

This is just a small amount of my payback. And surely, there are more to come.

And without looking back, I moved on to my next target.