Chapter 222: The Dark Maze

"Wizard Leo, we meet again," one of the wizards accompanying Hobbes finally spoke, breaking the tense silence.

"Wizard Gesero," Leo acknowledged with a nod. This was a familiar face—one of the powerful seventh-level wizards who had joined forces with the Abyssal Fortress to counter the Osium threat.

"This is Wizard Balin," Gesero gestured to the other wizard, then continued in a calm tone, "We've had a discussion. This young Wizard Merlin is not just your student but also a prodigy of the Dark Spirit Domain. A six-element wizard, surpassing even Kleis in talent. Am I correct?"

Gesero's sharp gaze rested briefly on Merlin before he turned back to Leo.

Leo didn't appear surprised. Although Merlin had only recently become a formal member of the Dark Spirit Domain, word of his talent had undoubtedly spread. While the Dark Spirit Domain, Abyssal Fortress, and other organizations had united against Osium, they remained competitors, with their own means of gathering critical intelligence.

Merlin's status as a six-element wizard was already a topic of quiet discussion, so it was no surprise the Abyssal Fortress was aware.

"You're correct. Merlin is indeed a six-element wizard and has already signed the highest-level contract with the Dark Spirit Domain. He is now a formal member," Leo confirmed without hesitation. Such a monumental fact was impossible to keep hidden. When Kleis was revealed as a five-element wizard and became a formal member, the news spread rapidly. Merlin's even greater talent would surely attract attention.

"A six-element wizard…" Gesero mused. "The Dark Spirit Domain is truly blessed with talent. Just as Kleis departs, Merlin appears—an even more gifted wizard. But, Wizard Leo, talents like Merlin may also catch Osium's eye—"

"Osium is our concern," Leo interrupted, his tone sharp. "Let's focus on the matter at hand. I proposed certain terms earlier. Have you come to a decision?"

Not wishing to dwell further on Osium, Leo redirected the conversation.

The three wizards exchanged glances, and it was Hobbes who spoke. "We've discussed your terms and are prepared to agree. However, you must understand that the Dark Maze carries inherent risks. If Wizard Merlin becomes lost within the maze, the responsibility will not fall on us."

Rather than showing concern, Leo smiled faintly. "I'm well aware of the dangers. Should Merlin truly lose himself in the Dark Maze, I will still honor my promise and provide the method for cultivating the *Dark Eye*."

"Very well," Hobbes said, clearly satisfied. His companions, Gesero and Balin, nodded in agreement, though their eyes gleamed with an almost predatory interest.

"This is the method for cultivating the *Dark Heart,*" Hobbes said, producing an elegantly bound book from his ring. The slim volume, written entirely in Morta script, exuded an air of mystery and significance.

Merlin accepted the book with reverence, flipping through its pages briefly before having the Matrix record its contents.

"Wizard Merlin, please sign the contract," Hobbes said as he retrieved a golden-glowing contract parchment.

Merlin, already familiar with the process from his prior contract with the Dark Spirit Domain, took the parchment without hesitation. Channeling his mental energy into it, he declared solemnly, "I, Wilson Merlin, swear to never divulge the *Dark Heart* cultivation method or any dark-element spells obtained from the Abyssal Fortress."

With each word, corresponding mystical runes emerged from the parchment, then re-merged into its surface. When Merlin finished, a powerful suction drew a fragment of his mental energy into the parchment, sealing the contract.

"The contract is signed," Hobbes said as he stored the parchment. "Wizard Merlin, would you prefer to visit the library to choose dark-element spells first, or head straight to the Dark Maze to begin cultivating the *Dark Heart*?"

Before Merlin could respond, Leo spoke decisively. "Merlin will enter the Dark Maze first."

Though curious about the Dark Maze, Merlin respected Leo's decision and nodded. Still, uncertainty lingered—Hobbes had made it clear that the maze was perilous.

Sensing Merlin's unease, Leo added, "I'll explain everything about the Dark Maze on the way."

Reassured, Merlin followed Hobbes, Leo, and the other wizards deeper into the labyrinthine tunnels of the Abyssal Fortress.


As they walked, Leo began his explanation. "The Dark Maze was created by the founder of the Abyssal Fortress, Archwizard Damanis. It's a unique environment filled with dense dark-elemental energy and potent illusionary effects from dark-element spells. Anyone who enters is drawn into a powerful illusion."

"It's dangerous, of course, but Damanis didn't create it purely as a hazard. The maze is invaluable for cultivating the *Dark Heart*. If you can resist the illusions, the *Dark Heart* can be fully mastered. The cultivation method details how to use the maze's unique properties to this end."

Merlin nodded thoughtfully. It was clear that the Dark Maze was both a trial and a tool, designed to aid wizards aspiring to master the *Dark Heart*. Yet its dangers couldn't be understated.

"Why, then, have so few wizards succeeded in mastering the *Dark Heart*?" Merlin asked.

Leo's expression darkened slightly. "The maze is treacherous. Without caution, one can easily become trapped in an endless illusion. However, the Abyssal Fortress once possessed a treasure known as the *Stone of Clarity*. As its name implies, it grants clarity of mind, protecting against illusions. With it, wizards could traverse the Dark Maze safely and master the *Dark Heart*. Unfortunately, the fortress has lacked such stones for centuries. Isn't that right, Hobbes?"

Hobbes halted briefly, his silhouette shadowed in the dim light. Though his tone remained cool, there was an edge of frustration in his voice. "That's correct. Without the *Stone of Clarity*, most who enter the maze are lost forever. Few have succeeded in mastering the *Dark Heart*."

The group soon arrived before a towering stone gate, behind which loomed impenetrable darkness.

"This is the Dark Maze," Hobbes said, his tone heavy. "You know the risks, Wizard Merlin. Without a *Stone of Clarity*, your chances of survival are slim."

But before Hobbes could say more, Leo interjected, holding up a smooth, oval, jet-black stone. It emanated a calming aura that immediately eased the tension in Merlin's mind.

"This," Leo said, his voice firm, "is a *Stone of Clarity*."

The three Abyssal wizards, including Hobbes, stared in stunned silence. Their expressions betrayed shock and longing as they regarded the rare artifact, thought lost to their fortress centuries ago.

"When I sent Merlin here, do you think I would leave him unprepared?" Leo's tone was sharp, his blood-red *Dark Eye* glowing ominously.

With the *Stone of Clarity* in hand, Merlin felt a surge of confidence. The artifact would protect him from the maze's illusions, greatly increasing his chances of mastering the *Dark Heart*.

"Take this and enter the maze," Leo instructed, his *Dark Eye* pulsating with an eerie light. The three seventh-level wizards exchanged uneasy glances but said nothing. Leo's recent feat of slaying an Osium seventh-level wizard was still fresh in their minds, ensuring their compliance.

"Open the gate," Hobbes ordered reluctantly. He wove several intricate runes, and the heavy stone gate creaked open, revealing an abyss of darkness so profound that even mental energy could not penetrate it.

Merlin took a deep breath, clutching the *Stone of Clarity*. Without hesitation, he stepped into the Dark Maze, disappearing into its shadowy depths.

"Let's wait," Hobbes said, his voice cold. "Most who enter the maze emerge within two or three days—at most, seven. If he takes longer than that, even the *Stone of Clarity* won't save him."

The three Abyssal wizards, still wary of Leo's imposing presence, reluctantly settled in to wait.