21: Harvesting and Preparing

21: Harvesting and Preparing

A few weeks later, the herbs reach maturity. Li Mei carefully begins the harvesting process, using her hands to gently pluck the leaves and roots without disturbing the rest of the plant. She collects the Mountain Ginseng and Red Sage first, followed by the Moonlight Blossom, and finally, the Jade Leaf, which seems to shimmer as she touches it.

She dries the leaves and roots under the sunlight that filters through the canopy above, carefully storing them in small bundles. The herbs are now ready to be made into healing salves, teas, and tonics. With the mystical water, Li Mei blends them into potent remedies that are even more effective than what she could have made with the herbs alone.

As Li Mei looks over her flourishing herb garden, she feels a deep sense of accomplishment. She's not just surviving in this new world; she's beginning to shape her future. And with each plant she nurtures, she's one step closer to building a life that's truly her own.

As the days pass, Li Mei's herb garden flourishes. The once small and fragile seedlings have grown into vibrant plants, each one brimming with life and potential. The Mountain Ginseng, Red Sage, and Moonlight Blossom now stand tall, their leaves unfurling in the sunlight, their roots deep in the fertile soil. Li Mei takes pride in the success of her garden, knowing that these plants are not only sustaining her but also providing her with the knowledge and resources to survive in this strange, new world.

One afternoon, as she carefully harvests the last of the Moonlight Blossoms, she realizes that the time has come to take the next step. The mystical water has not only given her strength and healing but has also awakened a deeper sense of purpose within her. She no longer wants to merely survive—she wants to thrive. And for that, she needs to turn her skills and knowledge into something more.

Li Mei stands in the center of her small hut, looking at the jars of dried herbs she has carefully prepared over the past few weeks. She's noticed that the villagers often come to the edge of the forest for herbs, and many have a basic understanding of herbal remedies, though their knowledge is rudimentary. The local healer, an elderly woman named Grandmother Wen, has her own collection of herbs, but Li Mei can see that it is not as comprehensive or potent as the remedies she has created with the mystical water and her modern knowledge.

Li Mei realizes that this is an opportunity. She can use her knowledge of herbs, combined with the power of the mystical space's water, to create remedies that will be more effective than anything the villagers currently have access to. If she can create a reputation for herself as a healer, she could become a trusted figure in the village—someone who can help others and, in turn, help herself.

Her first task is to make a batch of herbal remedies. She mixes the Mountain Ginseng and Red Sage together, crafting a soothing tonic to boost energy and fight fatigue. She then creates a salve from the Golden Herb and Jade Leaf, a healing balm that can speed up the recovery of cuts and bruises. Lastly, she brews a calming tea from the Moonlight Blossoms, hoping to offer the villagers a way to improve their sleep and relieve stress.

The air in her hut is filled with the fragrant scents of the herbs as she works. The mystical water aids her efforts, infusing the remedies with a subtle yet undeniable potency. As she bottles the salves and tonics, she feels a sense of pride in her work. She is no longer just a wanderer in a foreign land—she is becoming someone with a purpose, a healer in her own right.