25:Creating a Healing Salve

24:Creating a Healing Salve

Next, Li Mei moves on to experimenting with a healing salve for external wounds. She gathers Golden Herb, known for its regenerative properties, and Jade Leaf, which strengthens the skin and promotes healing. The leaves of the Golden Herb are sticky, almost resin-like, and she carefully slices them with her small glass vial knife, a tool she had found in the mystical space. She grinds the leaves into a fine paste with her mortar, feeling the rich, healing energy that flows from the herb.

Once the Golden Herb is ground, she turns her attention to the Jade Leaf. Its soft green leaves are full of healing properties, and she crushes them delicately under the pestle, mixing them with the paste. As the herbs combine, the paste takes on a smooth, thick texture—perfect for a salve.

Li Mei adds a small amount of beeswax she gathered from a nearby apiary, melting it over a low fire. She adds just enough to bind the salve together, then stirs the mixture with a wooden spoon she's carved from local wood. Finally, she adds a drop of mystical water—a single drop is all she needs to amplify the healing properties of the herbs.