41: Li Mei's Preparation for the Village Festival

41: Li Mei's Preparation for the Village Festival


Day 1: Gathering Rare Herbs

Li Mei knew that ginseng, with its rare and powerful healing properties, was the cornerstone of her remedies, especially for improving vitality and stamina. Ginseng was not something that could be easily found. It grew only in shaded areas with rich, damp soil, typically deep in the forest where few ventured. The elder herbalists had warned her about the dangers of venturing too far into the wilderness—wild animals, treacherous terrain, and the general exhaustion from prolonged travel. But she had no choice. Ginseng was indispensable for her tinctures and tonics, as it would help not only boost energy but also enhance immunity and mental clarity.

Li Mei packed her small satchel with basic tools—sharp scissors, small leather gloves, and a leather-bound notebook where she sketched out the ginseng's medicinal properties. It was a long journey through the dense woods, with moss-covered rocks and gnarled trees creating an atmosphere that felt both peaceful and dangerous.

The herbs in her mystical space had grown rapidly, thanks to the miraculous spring water, but ginseng was too sensitive and needed to be collected in the wild to retain its potency. For three long hours, she hiked through the thicket, listening to the soft crunch of dried leaves beneath her boots.

As she found her first patch of ginseng roots, nestled beneath the tall ferns, she smiled softly. It was her first real test. Digging gently, she unearthed the roots, being careful not to disturb the delicate soil around them. With each root she carefully dug up, her heart swelled with a mix of pride and gratitude. She knew these herbs would be the heart of her remedies for the festival.


Day 2–3: Drying, Infusing, and Preparing Healing Salves

After gathering the ginseng, Li Mei immediately returned home to begin drying and preparing her infusions. The drying process was critical in maintaining the potent properties of each herb, and she had learned from past mistakes that over-drying could cause a loss in medicinal benefits. Ginseng was particularly sensitive; its essence had to be preserved carefully.

In the cool shade of her house, Li Mei hung bundles of herbs—lavender, peppermint, and chamomile—from the rafters to dry. The herbs she had for her healing salves were mostly calendula, yarrow, and comfrey, all known for their wound-healing properties. Calendula was especially dear to her because it could heal skin abrasions and soothe irritation, making it a vital salve for villagers suffering from burns or cuts.

For the salves, she followed a precise formula:

Calendula Flowers (freshly dried)

Comfrey Leaves

Beeswax, harvested from local beekeepers

Olive Oil (as a base to infuse the herbs)

It took about two days of gentle simmering, slowly extracting the healing properties of the herbs. As the herbs soaked in the oil, their scent filled the room, making it feel almost sacred. Li Mei felt the connection between the earth and herself as she blended these healing potions.

Once the oil had absorbed the herbs' essence, Li Mei added beeswax. The challenge was getting the consistency right. Too much beeswax would make the salve too thick, while too little would make it runny. She experimented with ratios, adjusting until she found the perfect balance—thick enough to stay on the skin but smooth enough to be absorbed.

Each salve jar was filled with care. Li Mei added a few drops of lavender oil to each batch as an additional calming effect. The moment the salve cooled and solidified, she felt a deep sense of accomplishment. These remedies weren't just products—they were created with purpose and care.


Day 4: Herbal Tinctures and The Mystery of Dong Quai

The herbal tinctures Li Mei prepared were a combination of alcohol and herbs, specifically designed to extract the medicinal essence of the plants. This process took time, as tinctures needed to steep for several days to draw out their full potency.

Li Mei had been experimenting with a more complex tincture blend: dong quai (often called "female ginseng") mixed with ginseng and angelica root, both known for their ability to balance energy levels and improve circulation.

The preparation was meticulous. First, Li Mei chopped the roots of dong quai, noting its distinct, slightly sweet aroma. She soaked it in rice wine, a local spirit she had purchased from the village's distillery. The tincture had to be shaken gently every few hours for the next seven days to extract the herbs' medicinal properties.

Her thoughts drifted as she worked. Dong quai was often used to regulate menstrual cycles, but Li Mei was interested in its other properties, such as its ability to nourish the blood and strengthen the reproductive system. She had learned from an old herbalist in the village that Dong Quai had been used for centuries to treat ailments related to blood flow, something many women in the village suffered from, particularly in their later years.


Day 5: Packaging, Labeling, and Quality Control

The week flew by. As the day of the festival approached, Li Mei realized that it was time to package everything. She had spent hours designing her labels, carving small wooden stamps, and carving out the name of each remedy in flowing, delicate script.

She carefully poured each healing salve into small glass jars, ensuring that the consistency was perfect. Next, she filled small glass bottles with the tinctures, sealing them with wax to preserve their quality. The bottles were lined up neatly, each labeled with a carefully written ingredient list and the recommended use.

For her herbal teas, she mixed dried chamomile, peppermint, and lemongrass, tying them into small fabric bags. The act of preparing the tea bags was calming, and Li Mei took the time to label each one with the specific benefits.

It was during this final preparation that she noticed the effects of her mystical space's spring water. Her body felt lighter, more energized, and her mind clearer. The water's natural properties seemed to enhance her own ability to connect with the herbs she had gathered. She realized that her deep connection to this mystical space was more than just a place—it was a part of her essence, helping her to see beyond the ordinary.


The Challenge of Ginseng's Full Potential

As she added the finishing touches to her herbal remedies, Li Mei thought about the ginseng root she had collected on her journey. Despite being an essential ingredient in her most prized remedies, it was extremely difficult to find. Not all ginseng roots were equal, and some contained far fewer medicinal properties than others.

It took five full days of careful preparation before Li Mei had enough tincture to fill two large jars, and she knew that the ginseng would be sold at a premium. She carefully placed the jars on the shelf, next to the dried chamomile and calendula salves.