49:Experimenting and Fine-Tuning Remedies

Experimenting and Fine-Tuning Remedies

After the festival, Li Mei spent several nights working in her cottage, refining her formulas. She made sure that each potion and salve was potent and effective, using her extensive knowledge of herbs from her mystical space. She wanted to build a reputation for herself as someone whose remedies truly worked, so she meticulously tested every recipe she crafted, experimenting with different herbs and ratios.

For example, she began adding peppermint leaves to her tea blends, which not only provided a refreshing taste but also helped to soothe digestive discomfort, a common complaint in the village. She also experimented with ginseng root in various forms—dried, powdered, and in tinctures—so she could offer it in a way that best suited the individual needs of her customers.

But refining her products wasn't the only challenge. Li Mei also learned the importance of packaging. She had seen how the simple wrapping of her products made them feel more special. So, she began experimenting with materials to make her packaging both aesthetic and functional. She used woven bamboo baskets for her herbal teas, and small clay jars for her salves, carving intricate designs on the lids to give them a more professional look.

As her remedies gained more praise, she felt more confident in her abilities. Yet, she remained humble, always open to feedback from her customers, and eager to improve her products further. With each batch of remedies, Li Mei found herself feeling closer to her dream of becoming the most respected herbalist in the region.