54The Mysterious Offer

The Mysterious Offer

It was two days after the festival when Zhao Wei reappeared in the village, just as Li Mei was preparing a new batch of herbal oil. He arrived on horseback, his clothes even finer than before, and this time, he wasn't alone. He was accompanied by a well-dressed woman who introduced herself as Madame Lian, a distant relative of Zhao Wei's and a successful merchant in the neighboring city. Madame Lian's presence was both imposing and elegant, and Li Mei couldn't help but notice the air of sophistication that surrounded her.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you, Miss Li," Zhao Wei began, offering her a warm smile. "But I've come to see if you've made a decision regarding my proposal. I've brought Madame Lian with me today to discuss the possibilities in greater detail."

Li Mei stood still for a moment, considering the situation. She had hoped for more time, but Zhao Wei's persistence seemed to be pushing her toward a decision.

"I have thought about your offer, but I still need some time," Li Mei replied, her voice firm yet polite. "The herbal remedies I create are a reflection of who I am. I cannot simply hand them over to someone else without knowing they'll be handled with care."

Madame Lian stepped forward, her gaze sharp as she looked at Li Mei. "You misunderstand, child," she said in a calm, almost soothing voice. "We aren't asking you to give up control. What we're offering is an opportunity to expand your reach, to take what you've built here and share it with the world. With our connections, you can have your remedies sold in cities far and wide, allowing you to bring healing to many more people."

Zhao Wei nodded. "Think of the potential, Miss Li. With our help, you could become a household name."

Li Mei's mind raced as she considered the offer. Madame Lian was persuasive, and Zhao Wei's charm was hard to ignore. Yet, something felt off about the whole situation. She could feel the weight of the decision pressing down on her, but she couldn't yet bring herself to accept. What was truly at stake? Was it her work? Her integrity? Or perhaps her freedom to make her own decisions?