Meeting Old Classmates

In the end, not only did James smack his three friends in front of Kyra, but he also decided not to sign the business partnership deal between his and his friends' company for a certain project.

More precisely, he postponed the confirmation he had already given a few days prior. James made things difficult for Anthony, Harvey, and Orlando, especially if they wanted him to continue collaborating with them.

One of the conditions, of course, was to fulfill Kyra's every request. For example, right after breakfast, Kyra immediately sprang into action, dragging her brothers off to go shopping. 

They knew Kyra wasn't the type who enjoyed shopping like most women. For her, walking around a mall just to look at clothes was exhausting. Not to mention the frustration of having to try on outfits one by one. She'd much rather stay home, lying in bed while reading a novel or watching a movie.