Chapter 2 [2]

Unlocking the car door, i pushed it open and stepped out. "Thanks again for dropping me off at work again Chad. I owe you one."


"Will you be fine taking a cab home after work because I won't be free to pick you up later since I'll be going out of town." Chad was the only one between us who knew how to drive. I failed my driving test twice so I eventually gave up trying. I got him a car for his birthday and he has been driving me everywhere I need to go even though I've told him countless times not to bother about it. He always feels the need to pay me back so I let him.


I brushed him off. "Thank you but I have a night shift today so I won't need a ride home. I'll see you when you get back. Have fun at the shoot!"


"Alright sugar." He blew me a kiss and drove away. I waved at his car until it was out of sight. As soon as Chad left, I threw my ID card over my neck and made my way inside the hospital building to get started with work right away. Life of a nurse was not all rosy and shiny as the media had made it seem, it was hell.


"So what are you going to give Jason for his birthday Mr. Lockwood." My work friend Amy teased me halfway through our shift. Everyone at work knew that I was dating Jason and as much as some of them congratulated me for it, the others were quite jealous that I had landed such a hot dude without even trying too hard.


"Well, i don't know yet. i wanted to organize a little get together dinner party but i can't because I'll be too tired to do so after work today." I answered sadly. I wonder how Jason had always managed to put up with me despite all my excuses and my tight schedule. I was a terrible boyfriend and I knew it.


"Then do it. A hot guy like Jason doesn't come around everyday." Amy encouraged me. "You're lucky to score a guy like him Liam so don't blow it up."


"But my night shift—"


"I'll cover for you." She interrupted. "As long as you give me all the juicy details of the party when you get back."


"Really?" I asked wide-eyed. "You would do that for me?"


"Of course." She nodded in affirmation. "Just finish up your normal work for today and I'll cover for you on your night shift. It'll be better than babysitting my kid brother at home anyway. I need a break from my family dilemma."


"Thank you so much Amy." I shrieked in delight. Today was finally looking up after all. I would try my best to knock off early from work so that i would get the ingredients to make a surprise dinner for him. Reaching for my phone, I dialed Chad's number but it sent me straight to voicemail. I guess he's probably busy at the shoot. He doesn't usually answer the phone whenever he's away for work but I'll definitely give him the news when he gets back.


I knocked off work later and before deciding on going home, I stopped by at the market to pick up a few things for Jason's surprise dinner. I was going to make him his favorite dish and bring it over to his place so that we can have some alone time with each other before the big day tomorrow.


I got all the ingredients for dinner rushed back home to prepare it. After that, i showered and changed into my outfit. I tried my best to look a little more presentable for him so i settled for one my best outfits. Satisfied with my look, I covered up the dishes before packing it up. I dialed Chad's number again. It rang this time around but he didn't answer. I guess being a supermodel was harder than I thought. What do I know?


Rushing out of our apartment, i flagged down a cab and got in after giving him Jason's address. I arrived in less than thirty minutes and made my way inside after passing through the security. Just as i am about to enter, a familiar sight halted me in my tracks. It was Chad's car and from where I stood, I sighted his pair of white Jordans at the front porch too.


Was I dreaming? I know it's his because I saw him wear it this morning when we both left the house together. Maybe my mind was playing tricks on me. I'm guessing that since today is Jason's birthday then he invited some friends over. That's the only logical explanation to this. Chad is out of town and two or more persons can own the exact pair of shoes and cars right?


Pulling mine aside, i let myself in. I set the food aside and went in search of Jason in his bedroom. I approached the door and just as i am about to knock, i heard giggling followed by the moronic sound of Jason's laughter.


With shaky hands, I dialed Chad's number again. I heard it ring and my heart skipped a beat. I could feel my nerves building up. A strange tension creeping towards me. It can't be. I was breaking down in a sweat but I didn't even know the next step to take.


"I thought I told this annoying pest that I'll be out of town for an entire day." I overheard Chad's irritated voice. "I don't know why he keeps on calling me." He said and clicked his tongue in utter frustration. It was indeed Chad. There's no mistaking that voice.


"Jason, why can't you just tell him that we're in a relationship with each other?" He said angrily. "Or are you maybe in love with him? How long do I have to keep on pretending that I enjoy his company? He irks me."


I could swear I felt my heart skip several beats as I heard him utter those words.


"I told you to be patient didn't i?" Jason's voice came through. "The fact that you're right here with me at this very moment is proof enough that I love you."


"Liam's parents are wealthy." Jason started. "They're loaded with money and if we want to live the life that we both dreamed, the life that we both deserve then we have to keep up this charade until we have him at the back of our palm so until then, you have to be nice to him. You know how insecure he gets all the time"


I felt my heart drop to the floor then break into a million pieces. I shook my head vehemently trying to tell myself that it was all a lie. Jason was cheating on me with my best friend. It felt like I was punched in the gut, the pain taking its time to spread round my whole body. I felt broken. Too broken.


My phone slipped and fell to the ground, the sound deafening and just as i was about to pick it up, the door to the bedroom pushed open and there they were, staring at me. Both of them naked with nothing but a fleece blanket covering their waists. My boyfriend and my supposed best friend were having sex behind my back.


"H-How could you?" I stuttered. My words failing me as tears slid down my cheeks. "How on earth could you do this to me!" I yelled at the top of my lungs hoping for this to be a lie but sadly it wasn't.