System (Current Status)

[Name: Yoichi Isagi]

Status -

(1) Physical Fitness: A

(2) Soccer Technique: A-

(3) Game Intelligence: A

(4) Talents: (2/~)

(5) Devour Shop: 520 Points

[Physical Fitness: A]

Balance and Coordination: A

Strength: A

Stamina: A

Agility: A

[Soccer Technique: A-]

Shooting Power: A-

Dribbling Control: A-

Passing Accuracy: A

[Game Intelligence: A]

Visionary Playmaking: A

Tactical Knowledge: A-

Spatial Awareness: A

Positional Sense: A-

[Talents: 2/~ (Av. Rating: A)]

God's Eye (A): A talent that allows the user to perceive the entire field and anticipate play movements, leading to superior spatial awareness and decision-making. Enables the player to manipulate the game by predicting the movements of opponents and teammates alike.

King's Will (S): This talent amplifies his physical and mental capabilities during key moments of the match, improving his offensive play, and overall athleticism. King's Will also empowers him to influence both his teammates and opponents, intimidating rivals and inspiring his team to greater heights.