Chapter 20: Don't Talk About Martial Virtues!
当着众人的眼皮,叶枫像个傻子一样,公然把吵吵嚷嚷的莫子涵扇一巴掌打飞了,出乎所有人的意料!就连莫子勋也震惊了!莫子涵倒在地上,捂着脸,睁大的眼睛里满是难以置信!她被打败了!从小到大,她在家里一直被宠爱娇小,结果却被打败了!!而且,这一巴掌够重的,直接肿了她的半张脸,里面的牙齿开始松动,她的大脑嗡嗡作响,不断震动!但实际上,这还是叶枫的手!就算他现在的实力还没恢复多少,打败一个女人还是可以的.如果不是她和莫子勋确实有亲情,这一巴掌可以直接让莫子涵破颜而就!几秒钟的沉默之后——"啊!!h莫子涵突然爆发出一声可怕的尖叫,再加上她扭曲的表情和松散的头发,整个人看起来一点也不漂亮,反而像一个怨恨的女鬼!"你这个笨蛋,还敢打我!!"她气愤地从地上爬起来,正要用牙齿和爪子扑向叶枫.叶枫一脚踢向四面八方,整个人坐在地上,张开双腿,滑出五六米远.就这样,她甚至刮伤了身上的露背裙,看起来就像个廉价的裸体!"叶枫!"见状,莫子勋的脸色也有些变化!急忙上前一把抓住叶枫斥道:"你怎么能打人?停!"她对莫子涵的生气是真的,但还没有到让叶枫打莫子涵的程度.而且,她也没想到叶枫这个傻子,竟然如此冲动和鲁莽!但她不知道的是,叶枫现在可以允许别人贬低自己,但她绝对不能贬低自己!谁敢让她受委屈,不管对方是谁,叶枫都一定会受到严厉的惩罚!"亲爱的,你还在为什么呢?帮我把这个白痴弄平!这个傻子绝对疯了,就算我敢打,我也绝对不会放过他,我绝对不会!!莫子涵歇斯底里地喊道!林泽楷一时脑袋大,但在自己的女孩面前,他还是得保持自己的形象.否则,恐怕连莫子勋都会看不起他!他面色平静地站起身来,淡淡地对叶枫说道:"傻子,你这小瞎子啊!你知道我的...."话音落下,叶枫又一脚踢在他的肚子上,这也让他当场嚎叫起来,整个人倒飞了出去,屁股滑离地面十几米,差点着火!大卖场的售货员看到这一幕,个个都傻了,急忙跑上几个拦住叶枫,其他人上去照顾林泽楷."别碰我,你一碰我就会出来!"林泽凯咧嘴一笑,伸出双手,让身边的推销员们四散而去.他真没想到叶枫的力气这么大,痉挛地踢着自己的肠子,现在除了剧烈的疼痛之外,还有一股强烈的排便冲动,让人难以言喻!推销员们束手无策,谁能想到这个衣冠楚楚,名表齐头的男人,最后会比那个傻子更无语,但又不敢真的扯到裤裆里..."Ye Feng, go!"Mo Zixun's face was ugly now, and he pulled Ye Feng, who was in trouble, and walked out."Mo Zixun, you are not allowed to leave !!"Mo Zihan screamed, like a female ghost getting up from the ground, regardless of her ragged clothes, even high heels, and rushed to the front with bare feet exactly like Ye Feng: "You still want to leave this fool who hit someone?" If you don't give me an explanation today, I want you to look good!! "She has already decided, she has to tell her grandfather about this matter today no matter what, she has to poke it up!Grandpa is worried that he can't find a new opportunity to put pressure on Mo Zixun, this is definitely the best opportunity!"What do you want? Didn't you insult Ye Feng first just now? Mo Zixun said coldly."What's wrong with me insulting him? He's a fool, what's wrong with me insulting him? But when he hit me, you didn't come up to stop me, you are an accomplice! Or was he just instructed by you? Okay, you Mo Zixun, you have a set on the surface and a set behind you, you play yin, you despicable villain..." Mo Zihan scolded with sharp teeth.Mo Zixun frowned, and didn't want to say a word.Originally, it was not right for Ye Feng to hit someone first, if Mo Zihan was good at saying something, she was willing to negotiate, but Mo Zihan's attitude directly had no possibility of communication."Say whatever you want, if you're willing to sue Grandpa, I can't help it. You keep saying that Ye Feng is a fool, then you still fight with him, if I don't stop you, even if Ye Feng kills you just now, he won't violate the criminal law, I hope you know this, and you can do it yourself in the future. "After speaking, Mo Zixun continued to pull Ye Feng out."You !!" Mo Zihan trembled with anger, but Mo Zixun's last words really made her feel afraid!Yes, Ye Feng is a fool, a fool is a disabled person, this kind of person will not break the law even if he kills someone, fortunately, she only slightly stimulated Ye Feng at that time, instead of really provoking him, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!Thinking of this, she hurriedly endured the abdominal pain again, and trotted towards Lin Zekai behind her: "Darling, how are you?" ""My uncle's ..." Lin Zekai also relieved his breath at this time, his face turned pale, and he stood up tremblingly under the support of Mo Zihan."Darling, how can you be defeated by a fool? Didn't you practice taekwondo...""I was careless, no flash! He vilely attacked me and didn't talk about martial arts! Lin Zekai gritted his teeth!"Darling, you're going to call the shots! You saw how arrogant that fool was just now, he even dared to kick you, we can't just forget it..." Mo Zihan said aggrievedly."Of course you can't just leave it at that!" Lin Zekai bared his teeth and grinned: "That fool, I must find someone to fix him, isn't he lacking in IQ?" I left him lacking body parts, and I had to unload him! "The key is that what annoys him the most is not that he was positioned by Ye Feng with one kick, but that he ruined the image he worked hard to maintain in front of Mo Zixun!The most embarrassing appearance of him just now was looked at by Mo Zixun, which is bearable or unbearable!"Good! You hurry up and call someone to fix that fool, I will also complain to grandpa, and I must let grandpa punish Mo Zixun severely! She thought that if she was expelled from the Mo family, her grandfather couldn't help her? Joke! She will always have the blood of the Mo family on her body, and she wants to live with a fool, but there is no door! Mo Zihan said extremely viciously!