Did you really think…

After putting the items away, we headed to the entrance of the dungeon.

With the way that we didn't meet a single person, it was almost as if there was no one else that was in this dungeon.

It really felt a bit strange, but it could be understood since this was a C Rank Dungeon that had far less people in the first place. At the same time, this was a dungeon that was much bigger than any that we've been in before, so they must be quite spread out.

I didn't think much of it until…

When we came out of the dungeon, it seemed like there was a large crowd that was gathered outside.

This large crowd wasn't a group of normal people, but rather a group that seemed like they were soldiers with the way that they were dressed.

With the way that they stood there, it was as if they were completely blocking off the entrance to this dungeon and not allowing anyone to enter.