The flames that the peacock released seemed to move in a strange manner.
It was almost as if there was something guiding the flames that the peacock released.
No, those flames were already being guided by the peacock in the first place, so that was the wrong way to describe it.
It was as if there was something else that took control of the flames of the peacock as it was no longer surging towards me. It seemed like it was flowing in a strange manner around the peacock instead of following the will of the peacock.
I could even see the look that was on the face of the peacock that showed that it was struggling.
Almost as if it was no longer in control of the flames that it released.
The look on the face of the peacock changed while the flames continued to flow around it like this. The change in the expression that the peacock had showed that it was trying what it could to wrest back control of the flames.