Chapter 18: Accolades

There was a celebration banquet at the Lockwood mansion. Everyone was filled with merriment and excitement.

Even though it had been twenty-four hours already, many still found it impossible to believe what had happened.

How in the world was Seraphina able to not only secure the Maverick contract but also convince them to double the budget allocation? It was nothing short of a fiscal miracle.

The entire hall echoed with congratulations and pleasant smiles as Seraphina walked into the banquet hall, hand in hand with her mother, Caroline.

Ever since her husband Luther Lockwood's death, Caroline rarely attended any of the Lockwood functions and events. She always felt out of place, like an intruder in a family she no longer belonged to. But today was different.

Today was the biggest moment of her daughter's life, and she couldn't dare to miss it for the world. Caroline would wear her skin inside out rather than miss out on the spotlight for herself.

Alexander, on the other hand, was ordered to wait by the car until the banquet was over.

As they walked through the banquet hall, a swarm of favor seekers disguised as well-wishers surrounded them. Each one exchanged pleasantries:

"Congratulations, Seraphina! We are so happy for you. Don't forget us when you become project manager!"

This was the general sentiment from everyone. Seraphina responded with a smile and a nod, while her mother, Caroline, didn't hesitate to open her mouth:

"Of course, she is her mother's daughter, after all," became Caroline's response to almost every well-wisher. Whether it was relevant or not, Caroline made it her mission to include herself in every praise-related dialogue.

Seraphina, on the other hand, couldn't help but feel like an imposter. She felt like she was receiving accolades for a job she didn't truly do.

The contract was basically handed to her; she didn't have to do any major convincing to get it. It was as if the contract had been waiting for her to come pick it up. And Alexander—why and how was he so deeply involved in all this?

First, he motivated her to pursue the contract, despite it being obviously impossible. Then he made a bet that could have banished her from the Lockwood family and compelled her into ruining her chance of getting the contract by marrying Ethan Bishop. How could he have been so sure that she would get the contract? It was almost as if he alone knew how the events would unfold.

Lost in thought, Seraphina found a way to escape from her mother, who had been consumed by yet another riveting but pointless conversation. Seraphina made her way to the bar.

"A Lemon Drop Martini, please," she ordered, slightly bending to hide the unpleasant expression plastered across her face.

"Make that a double," a familiar voice said.

Seraphina raised her gaze, and behold, it was Alexander.

"Alexander," she called out softly.

"Let me guess, you're experiencing a crushing wave of imposter syndrome," Alexander said rhetorically.

"What? How? I mean, no," Seraphina tried to hide her feelings.

"Relax, Seraphina. It's totally normal. Scoring a two hundred million dollar contract is more than enough to make anyone feel like an imposter. But you need to understand that whether by luck or by skill, you scored a contract many others failed to secure, which means you earned it," Alexander said.

His words were a calm, soothing sensation that calmed the storm inside her. She felt at peace. She realized he was right; she did earn it and deserved the accolades despite how she felt or what anyone else said.

Seraphina rearranged her composure. Instead of saying 'thank you,' she spoke in a different tone.

"I thought you were supposed to be waiting in the car," she said.

Alexander let out a prideful smirk. "Well, I got thirsty," he said, then gulped down his glass of Lemon Drop Martini.

But this was an obvious lie, as Alexander already knew that this would happen, that Seraphina would be hit with a wave of imposter syndrome.

"Another, please," he ordered the bartender.

"How did you know?" Seraphina asked Alexander out of the blue.

"Know what?" he asked.

"That I was going to score the contract."

Alexander took a deep breath, wondering what lie he was going to cook up this time, when suddenly a glass was struck with a fork over a microphone by Lady Lockwood, causing the entire hall to fall into abrupt silence.

"Call it a hunch for success," Alexander whispered into Seraphina's ear.

Lady Lockwood stood on a podium two feet above everyone else.

"We are gathered today to celebrate a momentous achievement. Thanks to one of our own, we have not only been able to secure the Maverick multi-million dollar contract, which many thought would be impossible, but we were also able to double the contract allocation to a sum of two hundred million dollars. Ladies and gentlemen, join me in a toast to Seraphina Lockwood, the woman who made this possible."

With that, all glasses were raised in the air toward Seraphina.

"Seraphina, we are grateful for the hard work, diligence, and sacrifices you made to make this happen. We are in your debt," Lady Lockwood said.

"Sacrifices?" Seraphina murmured to herself.

"Here's to the bright future of the Lockwood family," Lady Lockwood toasted to end her speech.

After the speech, the banquet returned to its bubbling state, with well-wishers swarming Seraphina once more.

"See you in the car," Alexander whispered to her before disappearing into the crowd.

Seraphina continued exchanging pleasantries with well-wishers and favor seekers for a while longer before retreating to the bar once more.

"A Lemon Drop Martini, please," she ordered.

"I must say, I'm impressed," a familiar voice said. It was Daniel Lockwood.

"And I must say, Daniel, you are the last person I expected to join the congratulatory wagon," Seraphina replied.

"Oh no, I am a man who gives credit where credit is due, especially considering what you had to do to achieve this," Daniel said.

"What I did?" Seraphina asked, confused by his phrasing. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I know all about your 'one night for the Maverick contract' deal with Ethan Bishop."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Seraphina said, taking a sip of her Lemon Drop Martini.

"Seraphina, I always knew you had no class or standards for marrying that wretched thing you call a husband, but I had no idea your lack of class made you a cheap whore, a skill you used effectively to secure this contract."

"You better shut up before I cut your lips off," Seraphina responded aggressively.

She was irritated by his disgusting allegation, but if someone else were to hear him, a little rumor could start, which could compromise her reputation.

"Oh, my lips are the last thing you have to worry about," he replied, sipping his cocktail.

His words confused Seraphina once again. Suddenly, one of Lady Lockwood's right-hand maidens walked up to Seraphina and said,

"Mrs. Seraphina Lockwood, Lady Lockwood would like to have a word with you."

"Bingo," Daniel said, slamming his glass on the bar table with a coy grin plastered across his face.

Seraphina looked at Daniel and then at the maiden. Their expressions spoke volumes, and soon Seraphina put the pieces together.

"No!" she echoed in her thoughts as the realization hit her hard.