13 Replacing [Memories]

Chelsea remembers her dinosaur plushie.

Chelsea and her friends were sitting at the table doing homework when her mom came into the kitchen.

"Look what I found!" Eleanor said.

Everyone looked up to see her holding an old dinosaur plushie. It was a brown triceratops with a little bit of stuffing poking out of the tail.

Chelsea lit up and wheeled over to her mom. "Tricy!" she said, taking the dinosaur. She remembered when she got the toy.

"We're replacing your missing turtle," her father said. He opened the door to the toy shop. "Pick out any toy you want."

"Where did you find her?" Chelsea asked, cradling the dinosaur.

"I was cleaning up the attic," Eleanor said. "Do you want me to put her in your room?"

Chelsea handed the dinosaur to her mom. "Yes, please."

Tucker snickered as Eleanor walked out. "You have a stuffed animal?"

"Yeah, what of it?" Chelsea pouted.

"Lay off her," Sam said. "I have a few stuffed animals myself."

"You do?" Danny and Tucker asked at the same time.

Sam looked smug. "Yup."

Jacob smiled. "I'm glad you got your toy back from storage," he said to Chelsea. "Let's get back to homework.

Everyone else groaned.