15 Delicious [Pleasure]

Jacob takes Chelsea to Nasty Burger.

After finishing their homework for the day, Eleanor drove the kids to a fast food place called Nasty Burger. Chelsea thought it would be a bad idea based on the name, but Jacob insisted it was the best place in town.

"Trust me, you'll love it!" Jacob said as their food arrived at the table.

Chelsea gave her burger a dubious look over. It looked like any other restaurant burger–messy and greasy. "What's so special about it?"

Jacob bit into his burger and talked with his mouth full. "Id's dewishus!"

Chelsea looked at him and giggled. He certainly looked happy.

"Give it a try, honey," Eleanor said. She picked up her burger and took a bite. Her face revealed all.

"You don't like it, do you?" Chelsea asked.

Eleanor chewed and swallowed before speaking. "It's not so bad. Try it."

"I will, I will," Chelsea said, and picked up her burger. It squished in her hands and smelled of pickles and ketchup. Biting into the food, she smiled.

"See! See!" Jacob said, mouth empty for once. "Didn't I tell you it's the best?"

Chelsea swallowed, shook her head, and said, "It's good, I'll give you that. Maybe not the best but…"

Jacob groaned. "Oh 'ome on. Id's de bwes!"

Chelsea giggled again and kept eating.