09 Forgotten [Memories]

Chelsea remembers her plushie.

Chelsea looked at the triceratops plushie on her dresser. She had forgotten the toy and it had been abandoned in the attic. It had stuffing coming out of its tail so she couldn't hug it. She didn't want to damage the keepsake more than it already was. Maybe she should have it repaired. For now, she could only stare at it from her bed.

She remembered playing with the toy when she was eight or nine. It lasted three years. Yeah, she must have been nine because she was twelve when it faded from her memory. She called it "Tricy." Tricy the Triceratops.

Tricy jumped from the platform and into the sky. The daredevil acrobat known all throughout Fairy-tale-landia. Millions watched her swoop through the air. Her tail swished back and forth, helping her find a safe landing. A pool waiting for her became her haven. She splashed down and posed for her adoring fans.

Chelsea smiled at the memory. She was older now. Her playtime with Tricy was over.

But she would keep the memories forever.