03 Grieve [Ache]

AU where Chelsea doesn't get life-saving medicine. Warning: this one is sad.

Chelsea's last moments were hard enough. Now they were lowering her casket into the ground. Eleanor clung to her husband's coat. No parent should have to bury their child. It wasn't fair. Chelsea wasn't even old enough to drive.

"Chelsea wanted everyone to know that they were allowed to grieve," the pastor had said, "but also to know that she was waiting for them in Heaven."

It was a belief Chelsea held since she was young. Eleanor remembered explaining death to her at her grandpa's funeral. Chelsea said she believed when the pastor said that she would see her grandpa again. It was Eleanor's turn to hold to that belief, but nothing could heal the ache she felt in her soul. Even if she saw her daughter again, she didn't get to watch her grow up. It just wasn't fair!

Eleanor's tears came freely, but she kept her sobs as quiet as possible. Parley shook with sadness beside her. As the two wept, friends and family gave their condolences. Eleanor hardly paid attention.