A heavy silence reigned inside the house, while the flames of the fireplace cast flickering shadows in the dim light of the room. Yet, despite the warmth of the fire, the coldness within me refused to fade. My tears streamed down my cheeks like beads, and the deep longing gnawed at my soul like a relentless vice. At that moment, Arwa's voice broke the silence, filled with the tenderness of a wise and caring old woman:
"Oh, my dear child, why are you crying? Don't cry, or you'll make me cry too. Just a moment ago, we were enjoying a delicious meal, and now, all of a sudden, tears are falling from your eyes. What has saddened you so deeply?"
Her aged hands, trembling yet delicate, reached for my face. These hands had seen the hardships of life, had healed many patients, had brought countless babies into the world. And now, they touched me as if I were her own child. There was deep concern in her voice, an unmistakable motherly warmth.
The words stuck in my throat. For a moment, I couldn't speak. But after taking a shaky breath, I finally managed to whisper:
"I don't know how to explain it… I just… I miss my family. I miss home."
At that moment, my tears fell even faster. They poured down like a silent cry. As I sniffled, images of the home I had left behind filled my mind—my mother's warm smile, my father's wise gaze. Now, everything felt so distant, so cold, so lonely.
My words pierced Arwa's heart like a dagger. Her old eyes welled with tears, and after taking a deep breath, she wrapped her arms tightly around me. In that moment, she held me like a real mother—protecting, comforting, and sharing the pain in my heart.
"Oh, my dear child, know that you are not alone. If your mother and father were here, they would be so proud of you. They raised a diamond of a child. May the gods welcome them into their home. Tears do not always fall from sorrow; sometimes, they fall from longing. Cry, my child, let it all out—I am here for you."
The old man, Daneel, had silently witnessed everything. Beneath his strong and stern demeanour lay a deep wisdom. With a solemn expression and slightly glistening eyes, he turned to me and spoke:
"If my father were here, he would say, 'A real man doesn't cry.' But I am not my father, son. Pain is a part of being human. Without pain, there would be no sacrifice. Without sacrifice, we wouldn't know love, nor would we understand the value of friendship. It is one of the greatest gifts the gods have given us. Could a person truly be human without pain?"
Daneel's words rooted themselves deep within my mind. Yet, the storm inside me refused to settle. A voice within me whispered, calling me to free myself from the burden of the past. That voice was Siri's—mechanical, yet strangely familiar:
"Do you wish to be free of your pain? Shall I delete the memory files of the past? If you want them erased, confirm now."
I flinched at the sound of it. If I agreed, the weight I carried inside me would vanish in an instant. My past would dissolve into a mist, my family's faces, voices, and memories slipping away forever. Perhaps I would no longer feel pain, but what about my memories? What about the love they had left behind for me? I would never be able to recall them again…
Was this really an option? As I lost myself in the thought, Daneel spoke again:
"Son, I lost my family thirty years ago. I still think of them every single day. My mind is not as sharp as it once was, and as I grow older, I fear forgetting things. But do you know what frightens me the most? Forgetting their faces. My family may be gone, but the memories I have with them will stay with me as long as I live. So, remember the good days you shared with your loved ones. And if it brings you comfort, you may see us as part of your family. Never forget—we are always here for you."
Daneel's words etched themselves into my mind. His tough exterior had now given way to the kindness and love he carried within. At that moment, I made my decision.
"Siri, no matter what happens, I will walk this path with my pain. I do not want you to erase my memories. Instead, show me my happiest moments with my family. Remember this—one day, I will reunite with them, and when that day comes, you will record that memory too."
Within seconds, a slideshow of my life began to play in my mind. From infancy to this very day, the most beautiful moments unfolded before me. My family's laughter, my father's reassuring hand on my shoulder, my mother's warm embrace… My eyes were still full of tears, but now, they carried a sense of peace.
I hugged Arwa once more, my gaze filled with gratitude as I looked at her. She smiled, placing her hands on my shoulders, gently stroking them as if soothing a child.
"I don't know what to say… Thank you," I murmured softly. In that moment, those were the only words that needed to be spoken.
As the night slowly deepened, the flickering light of the fire filled the room with warmth. Yes, I was far from my family, but I was not alone. A new path lay ahead of me—adventures waiting, lessons to learn, friends to meet… But most importantly, I knew, without a doubt, that one day I would return to my family.
And when that day came, I would tell them everything, share all that I had experienced. But for now, it was time to embrace this new life that awaited me.
I looked into the flames of the fireplace once more, and with a newfound sense of peace, I closed my eyes.