I Discovered The Language Of Trees

As I made my way from the depths of the forest towards home, the fatigue in my body grew heavier, my sickly condition making the journey even more difficult. Yet, my mind was drifting towards different thoughts to escape this agony. My thoughts were overflowing with the creature's presence and the mystery of the mist that appeared around the cedar trees. These three elements— the creature, the trees, and the mist— which seemed independent of each other, appeared to be linked by an invisible thread. If I could learn more about one of them, the others would naturally fall into place. It was like the complementary pieces of a puzzle, and when I found the right key, I was certain it would open the door to the truth.

"Siri, when the creature moved into the depths of the forest, did the mist around the trees change? If it did, can you compare the new mist with the previously recorded mist?" I asked, unable to hide the excitement rising within me.

"Accessing memory... Comparison in progress... Some matches found. Displaying." Siri's cold yet reassuring voice echoed in my mind.

In an instant, I could see how the mist had changed as the creature left the forest. They were different from the previous mists; yet, there was a strange order and harmony within them. It was as though the trees were responding collectively to this change. Compared to the earlier ones, there were clear differences in colour and pattern; some were darker, while others were faintly trembling in form. These unknowns were prompting even greater questions with every step I took.

"Siri, compare the recorded mists in terms of colour, shape, size, and pattern. Especially examine the mists that appeared when the creature received news from the black bird and highlight the differences." I instructed.

"Comparison initiated. This process will take some time. You will be notified once it is completed." Siri's voice resonated, and I began to lose myself in the possibilities that were emerging in my mind.

Were the trees and the creature communicating with each other? If so, why hadn't the creature formed a connection with the trees after receiving the news from the black bird? Or perhaps the creature, seeing itself as the master of the forest, had an instinctual bond with the trees? Maybe these cedar trees were under its protection. If the black bird was bold enough to deliver news to it, then the creature must have been a natural part of the forest's order. But what exactly had the creature heard? What had frightened or angered it so suddenly? More importantly, if the trees were allies of the creature, why had the mist changed when it decided to leave? Were the trees sending it a message?

As I lost myself in these questions, Siri's voice echoed in my mind once again: "Significant changes in the mist detected. Processed results are being displayed."

I immediately focused my attention. The images that appeared in my mind showed how the mist around the trees had changed. The mist was now denser, and each seemed to change in a specific rhythm, almost as though responding. Was this response from the trees connected to the creature's emotions?

"Siri, save these mists as a separate file. Name the file 'Cedar Language.' Transfer the gathered information to this file. Save the mists that appeared during the creature's reaction to the black bird's news as 'hatred and disgust.'" I instructed.

"Your wish is my command." Siri's cold but reassuring voice echoed.

I had no idea where these new discoveries would lead. But one thing was certain: If there was truly a language between the trees, I had a great opportunity to learn it. However, perhaps what I learned would bring regret. If the trees were speaking, who knew if what they said was suitable for human ears? What if I uncovered a secret I wasn't meant to know? What if the things this language would teach me led me into even greater dangers? As my thoughts got lost in these uncertainties, I realised I was getting closer to home. This forest still had many more lessons to teach me. But the real question was: Was I ready for it?