The forest breathed around Sarah as she walked deeper into its shadowed heart. Sunlight struggled to touch the woodland floor, painting dappled illusions on the fallen leaves. She enjoyed these hikes, the solitude a balm to the incessant demands of her city life.
At forty, she had learned the value of silence, the restorative power of nature. Yet, today, the silence felt different. Heavier.
A prickle of unease tickled the back of her neck. It was irrational, she knew. She had walked this trail countless times. Still, something was…off. The usual forest sounds – the chirping of birds, the rustle of small animals – seemed muted, distant. An unnatural quiet pressed in.
She stopped, scanning the trees. They stood tall and impassive, their branches interlocking high above, forming a dense canopy.
Everything looked normal, yet her senses screamed otherwise. The air itself seemed to vibrate with a tension she could not name. She told herself it was just her imagination, the product of too much coffee and too little sleep.
Forcing a steady breath, she started walking again, her boots crunching on the dry path. "Don't be ridiculous, Sarah," she muttered to herself. "It's just the woods." But the words felt hollow, unconvincing even to her own ears. The feeling of being watched intensified, a cold weight settling in her stomach.
She quickened her pace, hoping to shake off the sensation. The trees blurred into streaks of green and brown as she moved faster, her breath catching in her chest. She told herself she was simply going for a brisk walk now, transforming her unease into purposeful movement.
A branch snapped behind her. She whirled around, heart hammering against her ribs. Nothing. Only the silent trees, their shadows lengthening as the afternoon waned. It could have been an animal, a deer maybe, or just the wind. But there was no wind. The air remained still, heavy, expectant.
Deeper she went, the trail twisting and turning, leading her further into the dense woodland. The sunlight had almost disappeared entirely now, leaving the forest floor in a perpetual twilight.
The silence continued to press in, broken only by the sound of her own breathing and the crunch of her boots. It was a silence that felt alive, a silence that listened.
She should turn back. The thought flashed through her mind, insistent, urgent. But a stubborn part of her resisted. She didn't want to give in to this irrational fear. She wanted to prove to herself that it was all in her head. Besides, she was almost at her favorite viewpoint, a rocky outcrop that offered a panorama of the valley below. Just a little further.
The trail narrowed, winding through a thicket of bushes. The air grew colder, a sudden drop in temperature that sent shivers down her spine. She pulled her jacket tighter around her, her fingers brushing against the small canister of pepper spray she always carried, a habit from city living that now seemed strangely comforting.
As she pushed through the bushes, she heard it. A sound that was not a snap of a branch, not the rustle of leaves, but something else entirely. A low, dragging sound, like something heavy being pulled across the ground. It was faint, almost indistinct, but it was there, breaking the oppressive silence.
She froze, every muscle tense, listening intently. The sound came again, closer this time. Dragging, scraping, and something else…a wet, sucking sound. Fear, cold and sharp, pierced through her bravado. This was not her imagination. Something was in the woods with her.
Slowly, she reached into her pocket and gripped the pepper spray, her thumb hovering over the trigger. Her breath came in shallow gasps, her eyes darting around, trying to penetrate the gloom. She could see nothing but trees and shadows, but the sound was getting closer, inexorably closer.
"Hello?" she called out, her voice trembling despite her efforts to keep it steady. "Is anyone there?" Silence answered her, except for the dragging sound, now louder, clearer, much too close. She could feel it, a presence, something large and unseen moving through the trees, heading towards her.
Panic began to claw at her throat. She turned to run back the way she came, but her legs felt heavy, unresponsive. It was as if the forest itself was holding her back, trapping her in its silent grip. The dragging sound intensified, now accompanied by a wet, heavy breathing, ragged and close.
And then she saw it. Not a clear image at first, but a disturbance in the shadows, a ripple in the gloom. Something impossibly tall, impossibly dark, moving between the trees. It was vaguely humanoid in shape, but distorted, elongated, its limbs too long, its torso too thin.
Terror seized her, a primal, paralyzing dread that rooted her to the spot. She could only stare, mouth agape, as the shape resolved itself into something…unnatural.
It was tall, easily ten feet, maybe more. Its skin was the color of shadow, blending seamlessly with the twilight forest. Its eyes were not eyes, but points of cold, green light that seemed to burn through the gloom.
It moved with a fluid, gliding step, its feet barely touching the ground. The dragging sound came from behind it, a long, thick…appendage…trailing behind it, leaving a dark, wet trail on the leaves. The sucking sound was the sound of this appendage, dragging itself through the undergrowth.
Sarah tried to scream, but no sound came out. Her throat constricted, her lungs seemed to have forgotten how to work. She was trapped, frozen, helpless. The creature stopped a short distance from her, its green lights fixing on her, cold, assessing, predatory.
It tilted its head, a grotesque, inhuman gesture. Then, it spoke. Its voice was not a voice, not as she understood it. It was a sound that resonated in her bones, a low, guttural growl that seemed to vibrate the very air around her. But somehow, she understood it. Understood the intent, the meaning behind the sound.
"Lost?" it seemed to say, the sound echoing in her mind, not in her ears. It was a statement, not a question. And it was laced with something else…something hungry, something eager.
She finally found her voice, a weak, croaking whisper. "Who…what are you?"
The creature did not answer with words. It simply took a step closer, and the green lights in its face intensified. She could smell it now, a cloying, sickening sweetness mixed with the earthy stench of decay. It was a smell that promised death, corruption, and something far worse.
Instinct took over. She fumbled for the pepper spray, her fingers shaking so badly she almost dropped it. She pointed it at the creature, her hand trembling violently. "Stay back!" she yelled, the words ragged, desperate.
The creature did not react. It simply watched her, those green lights burning into her. She pressed the trigger. A cloud of orange mist erupted from the canister, enveloping the creature's face. She had aimed well. The pepper spray was potent. It should at least give her a chance to run.
But nothing happened. The creature did not recoil, did not flinch, did not even blink. The orange mist seemed to dissipate around it, swallowed by the shadows that clung to it. It was as if the pepper spray had no effect at all.
Despair washed over her, cold and complete. She was helpless. Utterly, terrifyingly helpless. The creature took another step, and then another, closing the distance between them. She could see it clearly now, in the fading light. The distorted human shape, the elongated limbs, the shadow skin, the trailing appendage, and those cold, green lights.
It reached out a hand, impossibly long, impossibly thin, the fingers like skeletal branches tipped with sharp, black claws. She saw the movement, slow, deliberate, inescapable. She closed her eyes, bracing for the impact, for the pain, for whatever horror awaited her.
The hand closed around her arm, its grip surprisingly gentle, yet unyielding. She opened her eyes. The creature was looking at her, those green lights seeming to probe, to analyze. It did not hurt her, not yet. It was…examining her.
Then, it lifted her. Easily, effortlessly, as if she weighed nothing at all. She was lifted off her feet, dangling in the air, looking up into that shadowed face, those cold, green lights. Terror choked her, stealing her breath, stealing her voice.
The creature turned, and began to move, gliding back into the deeper woods, pulling her along with it. She struggled, kicking, twisting, trying to break free, but its grip was like iron. It didn't even seem to notice her resistance. It simply moved, deeper and deeper into the darkness, dragging her with it.
She saw glimpses of its trail now, a dark, wet path leading through the undergrowth, marked by the dragging appendage. The smell of decay intensified, becoming almost overpowering, making her gag. She was being taken somewhere, somewhere terrible. She knew it with a certainty that chilled her to the bone.
After what felt like an eternity, the creature stopped. It had brought her to a small clearing, hidden deep within the woods. The air here was even colder, even heavier, thick with the scent of rot and something else…something ancient, something malevolent.
In the center of the clearing was a pit. A large, circular hole in the ground, surrounded by rough, jagged rocks. And in the pit…she saw them. Shapes, forms, huddled together in the darkness. Other people. Men and women, young and old, all of them pale, gaunt, lifeless. They moved weakly, listlessly, their eyes vacant, empty.
They were alive, but barely. They were shells, husks, drained of everything that made them human. They were…food. Her blood ran cold. She understood now. The Hiking Devil. The stories, the legends, the whispers she had dismissed as nonsense. They were real. And she was its next victim.
The creature lowered her to the edge of the pit, its grip still firm on her arm. She looked down into the darkness, into the pit of despair, at the broken figures huddled below. They looked up at her, their vacant eyes registering something, a flicker of recognition, a spark of…pity? Or was it envy? Envy that she was not yet like them?
One of them, a young woman with hollow cheeks and sunken eyes, reached out a trembling hand towards her. Her lips moved, forming words that were too weak to hear. But Sarah understood them. Understood them in the silence of her own terror. "Don't…stay…away…"
But it was too late. The creature released her arm. She stumbled, lost her balance, and fell. Fell into the pit. Into the darkness. Into the stench. Into the midst of the broken ones. She landed hard, the impact jarring her bones.
She looked up, at the creature standing at the edge of the pit, silhouetted against the faint light filtering through the trees.
It looked down at her, those green lights burning cold, impassive. Then, it turned and walked away, gliding back into the woods, leaving her alone in the pit, with the others. The silence returned, heavier than ever, broken only by the weak, rattling breaths of the dying.
Days turned into nights. Time lost all meaning in the pit. Sarah existed, but she did not live. She was surrounded by despair, by emptiness, by the slow, agonizing drain of her life force. She watched as others faded, their life lights dimming, extinguishing one by one. And she knew her turn would come.
She tried to talk to the others, to offer comfort, to find some spark of hope in the darkness. But they were beyond hope. They were broken, hollow, waiting for the end. They had given up. And slowly, inexorably, she began to give up too.
One night, she woke to a different sound. Not the rattling breaths of the dying, not the rustle of leaves outside the pit, but a new sound.
A low, rhythmic pulsing, coming from somewhere deep beneath the ground. The sound grew louder, stronger, vibrating through the earth, through her bones.
The other figures stirred, their vacant eyes widening, focusing for the first time in what seemed like forever. They looked at each other, then at Sarah, a flicker of something…anticipation…in their eyes. They knew what was coming.
The pulsing intensified, becoming a deafening roar. The ground began to shake, rocks falling from the sides of the pit. And then, the pit began to glow. A faint, green light emanating from the depths of the earth, rising up through the floor of the pit, bathing everything in an eerie, unearthly luminescence.
The light grew brighter, hotter. The air crackled with energy. The figures around Sarah began to convulse, their bodies writhing, their mouths opening in silent screams. And then, it began. The draining. Not slow and insidious this time, but sudden, violent, complete.
Sarah felt it too. A tearing, ripping sensation, as if something was being torn from her very soul. Her life force, her essence, being sucked out of her, drawn down into the earth, into the green light.
Pain exploded through her, unbearable, all-consuming. She screamed, a soundless scream lost in the roaring, pulsing light.
She looked at the others. Their bodies were shimmering, translucent, becoming less and less substantial, fading away into the green light. They were being consumed. Completely. Devoured. And she was next.
The green light enveloped her, swallowing her whole. The pain reached a crescendo, and then…nothing. Darkness. Emptiness. Silence. She was gone. Consumed. Her life force added to the strength of the Hiking Devil, fueling its unnatural existence, making it stronger, more powerful, more terrifying.
Above ground, the forest was silent once more. The green light faded, the pulsing ceased. The pit was empty. Only the faint, dark trail leading deeper into the woods remained, a silent testament to the horror that lurked within, waiting for its next victim.
And somewhere, in the heart of the forest, the Hiking Devil grew stronger, nourished by the life force of those it had taken, its green lights burning brighter than ever, ready to roam, ready to hunt again. The forest breathed, indifferent to the sorrow, the loss, the unending cycle of fear and death.