A thief

Liam sighed as he shut his console of. He and his friends barely managed to defeat the wave consisting of eight enemies. But when sixteen lizards appeared they almost gave up.

After a short struggle they were wiped and sent back to the trial room. The dryad didn't try to console them but at least she allowed the party to use the teleporter.

Since defeating monsters cleansed one's red name, the party was good to go, returning to Duabalis.

Although it was still somewhat early everyone decided to log of, clearly exhausted.

Liam could see that his friends suffered a blow today. They didn't get the last hit against the world boss and failed in the trial. Only the rich loot resting in their inventories could uplift everyone's spirits.

But at least the world boss didn't go to one of the guilds. It was claimed by an unknown player called Favored Son of Crunaboul. At least according to the announcement.

Liam put the matter at the back of his head. But when he took a drive home, messages were sent through the console.

[Cyclone: It feels terrible.]

[Silver Blade: I know what you mean.]

[Cyclone: Tomorrow we need to level up! Let's get that dungeon clear!]

[Silent Acacia: Sure. But don't be too discouraged. You can't expect for everything to go perfect.]

[Radiant Shield: Acacia is right. We are still the best party in the game. On top of that we got all the loot.]

[Balm: Let's sort out the loot tomorrow morning to start the day with something happy.]

[Fortune: I agree. But guys, I need some new material for videos. Since we agreed that I won't share our leveling strat…]

[Cyclone: Well, right now it's difficult…]

[Bleary Mirage: Let's level up first. With our speed we will have a huge advantage. While I need to make some preparations for the dungeon, you guys can go questing. Afterwards it's time for training!]

[Cyclone: Training? *shivering emoji*]

[Bleary Mirage: You can look forward to it.]

Liam chuckled and stopped paying attention to the conversation as he reached Merida's clinic.

When he went in, the doctor and his sister were still downstairs. Serena was happily assisting Katherin, caring for a young boy who broke his hand.

Thus, Liam went upstairs first, approaching Merida's apartment.

Suddenly his ears twitched. The young man froze. A frown appeared on his face. But his expression quickly returned to normal as he took the last step, leaving the stairs.

Liam calmly approached the door. His finger reached for the numpad.

4, 4, 9… 4

A red light blinked on the numpad. Liam stopped for a moment, lowering his head slightly.

"Hm. Must've remembered it wrong. Right! That's it!"

4, 4, 9, 3…

With a click the door unlocked. Liam nodded to himself as he entered the apartment.

But the second he crossed the door he suddenly turned his body. He slammed the door shut with all his power.


A thud sounded out, followed by a startled, pained cry. A tremor ran through the door.

Liam shoved it open again, lunging out of the apartment with his knee raised before him.

Outside stood a man with a confused face, subconsciously holding his head. He didn't understand how Liam found him despite his usage of the [Stealth] skill.

But how could the veteran fall for something this simple? Although this was the first time someone used skills against him in the real life, his many years of experiences naturally honed his senses.

The thief would've done better by using traditional martial arts instead of game skills against Liam.

Now the thief was in a disadvantaged position. He couldn't react fast enough as Liam's knee slammed into his stomach.

Seeing his opponent cramping in pain Liam still didn't let up. He raised his hand above his head, activating [Brutal Strike] with a thought.

A mysterious pulse spread from the console through Liam's body. His hand fell, striking heavily against the thief's head.

A strange sensation hit the latter's body. His eyes showed horror as he was unable to move. This was the power of game skills in the real world.

Without hesitation Liam circled the thief, delivering a precise blow to the back of the latter's head. Only now did he stop. He noticed the tension in his muscles which slowly receded.

But a moment later his eyes opened wide, full of astonishment. Instead of falling unconscious the thief suddenly turned around.

Although Liam used the game's skills skillfully, he forgot one important fact. He wasn't the only one strengthened by the console.

Something flashed in the dim stairway. Liam acted out of instinct. He recognized the thief's familiar movements subconsciously. It was the [Lacerate] skill.

Without thinking he jumped backwards. A knife cut at him. Liam's body froze. He looked in shock at the red color slowly soaking his white clothes. His heart beat wildly.

A moment later a noise brought him back to reality. He watched with chilling eyes as the thief sprinted down the stairs.



Liam punched the wall in anger. A mix of frustration and self-blame pressed on his heart.

Looking down he stared at the knife wound on his belly. It was only a small cut, but the burning pain spread through his body and mind.

Liam felt the adrenaline pump through his body suppressing the pain in his fist.

In his old life he took fighting as a sport. The environment was controlled and the injuries never serious.

In his new life the fights were more dangerous but even when he got injured by some beasts Liam didn't feel a threat like this. If he hadn't reacted fast enough the thief might have given him a life-threatening injury.

Thinking about the brawls which could be seen in the city from time to time ever since the game started, Liam couldn't help but feel a sense of dread.



Anxious shouts drew Liam's attention. He turned his head, looking at Merida and Serena.

His sister stared at the patch of blood on his body, her face paling, tears welling up in her eyes.

Meanwhile Merida reacted with the professionalism of a doctor. She carefully pulled aside Liam's clothes, inspecting the wound.

"A shallow cut. But we need to stitch it. Come!"

Liam mechanically followed behind the doctor. Serena and Merida could both see that he was affected by shock. The young girl trembled, her face filled with worry.

A few minutes later Liam fell asleep in the clinic, his wound skillfully bandaged. Next to him Serena was sitting on a chair, holding Liam's hand, sleeping with her head on his thighs.

About an hour later a commotion awoke the two siblings. Liam's eyes blinked, opening slowly. His mind had calmed down a lot.

"I apologize for disturbing your rest. But we need your testimony, mister…"

Liam looked at the man and woman standing next to his bed. They wore red uniforms strangely similar to leather armor in Fate of Crunaboul. An insignia on their chest identified them as part of the Federation Army.

"Varsmith. Liam Varsmith."

"Mister Varsmith. We are Detective Sullen and Kolb, Federation Army, Falva Star Division, Inspection Unit. Can you answer a few of our questions?"

"Of course."

Naturally Liam had nothing to hide. He retold the earlier happenings truthfully. In this society where martial arts still hold a high position, Liam didn't need to fear punishment for attacking someone who obviously tried to intrude into his home.

The two detectives wrote down his testimony.

"Thank you, mister Varsmith. In order to assist our investigation, I would ask you to come to our station within five days. We will create a model of the attacker."

"A model?"

The detective looked somewhat strangely at Liam.

"You will see."

"Sure. Thank you for your work."

"Don't mention it. That's it for today. We will let you rest now. Goodbye."


Liam watched the detectives leave with a thoughtful expression.

"Liam! I was so worried!"

Turning his head, Liam looked at Serena's distressed face.

"I know, I know."

Liam patted the young girl's head. But she wouldn't have it, throwing her body forward and hugging her brother tightly.

"Ouh! Careful!"

Liam felt a light tearing pain coming from his wound. But it was bearable, much better than before. A few minutes later the siblings separated, going back to the apartment.

While Merida cooked some food, Liam sat on the couch, playing with a tablet. Out of curiosity he searched up on the inspection unit.

It looks like they are similar to the police but only responsible for investigations. The real confrontations are handled by other units.

Such departments are also part of the army?

Reading such information got Liam thinking. The inspection unit sounded way less dangerous than those units responsible for protecting the city. And if such units exist, what about even less dangerous ones?

Maybe I should take a look. If I can join the army, the happenings of today are less likely to repeat. It can be seen from old Ben that even the gangs in the city don't dare to mess with the army.

"Liam! Serena! Dinner!"