Turning Tides

Lena was sitting by Margaret's bedside, her hand was wrapped gently around her mother's weak fingers.

The steady sound of the machines was the only sound in the room, broken constantly by Margaret's heavy breathing.

"Mom, I'm here." Lena whispered, her voice was trembling.

"My sweet girl." Margaret said as her eyes opened, the bright eyes always were now very dim. She smiled very weak at Lena, her voice was even barely above a whisper.

"Don't try to talk, You need to rest." Lena said, squeezing her hand.

"No, I don't have much time, Lena. There is something I need to tell you." Margaret said, her voice was now firmer than Lena expected.

"Mom, please, You are going to be fine. The doctors..." Lena was saying, her voice was breaking.

"The doctors have done all they could, and I have made my peace with it." Margaret interrupted, her tone was gentle but strong and determined.