
The moment Marcus finished speaking, the car window shattered with a loud crash.

Christine stared in shock as a safety hammer smashed through the front windshield, sending glass shards flying across the front seats. In the next instant, a man's arm reached in, and Marcus was yanked by his collar with a white-knuckled grip, pulling him toward the broken window.

Christine looked outside, instinctively expecting Adrian, but saw an only vaguely familiar face instead - someone she recognized but couldn't place in her panicked state.

Within seconds, Marcus was dragged out through the windshield like a rag doll, everything happening too fast for him to resist.

As soon as he was out, the tall man slammed a fist into his stomach. The impact made a sickening thud that Christine could hear clearly from inside.

His piercing screams shattered the quiet alley like a wounded beast.