True Angel

As promised, Era and Stephanie arrived at control center very early the next day with a special made vehicle to pick up their special case she had agreed to cure before the end of the year. They both stood shoulder to shoulder in the cold outside the grounds of the buildings of the control center. The air was chilly because it rained heavily last night. It has been raining quite a lot this year, and it is getting so unusual given the time and period of the year they are in.

They both watched as the team of experts whisked Andrew out and carefully brought him inside the car. Era noticed from the corner of her eyes how Stephanie stood beside her and tried so hard not to show that she was shivering from the intense cold. Era called her so early in the morning and told her to leave her house before five am to get this over with. Knowing Stephanie very well and her obsession to never disappoint her or keep her waiting must have rushed to get here without bringing along a coat.