But Sir

''That was a violent and unreasonable thing for you to say to your husband, Mrs. Bloodworth.''


Era's head moved to the devil grinning at her on the boss chair. He was done with writing whatever it is he is writing on the table and his attention was drawn back on her again.

''Sir,'' She began calmly, hoping Lance would have the brains and understanding to see that he was lying. ''I don't even own a sledgehammer to beat a person with,'' She might have to consider getting one of those now. ''I only asked him to leave because he was distracting my workers from doing their job and even interrupting mine. I told him no simply because he isn't qualified to be my assistant. And we are not married.''

''But he said you are?'' Lance said, pointing in his direction. She glanced briefly at him and swallowed before staring at Lance again.