Chapter - 20 - Being An S-Rank Hunter

After we wrapped up our adventure in the red gate, we finally stepped out of the dungeon. The moment we did, someone yelled, "Look, it's Naruto!" The noise of the shout was quickly drowned out by the bustling crowd of people and reporters swarming around the gate. It made sense since the red gate had attracted so much curiosity.

Luckily, the chief inspector of the hunter association, Woo Jin Chul, was present. He had brought along some security personnel to keep the reporters and curious bystanders at bay.

"Seems like you're quite the celebrity," Kim Namjoon quipped with a playful grin.

I didn't take the bait. "Well, that's the last gate for us. Guess it's time to say goodbye," I replied, watching him nod in agreement.

He gave me a quick salute, "Thanks for saving us, Sir Naruto!"

I nodded back. "Take care, everyone. It was great working with you all. I hope everything goes well for you."

With that, I parted ways with them and made my way over to Chief Woo, who had noticed me heading in his direction.

"Chief Woo, you're everywhere these days," I joked as I approached him.

He chuckled, "Your arrival caused quite a stir. I couldn't just ignore it. But I didn't expect you to handle the red gate so swiftly."

"Well, it wasn't easy, but we managed."

"Now, I think it's time you face the crowd. They won't be patient for much longer," he suggested.

"Looks like there's no avoiding it now," I said with a sigh.

As I moved toward the crowd, the noise grew louder. Reporters shouted for my attention, cameras flashed, and microphones were thrust in my face while the security team tried to keep things orderly.

I raised my hand to calm everyone down. "Alright, alright," I said, trying to be heard over the din. "I know you all have questions, so let's take them one at a time, okay?"

A reporter stepped forward, her microphone aimed at me. "Mr. Uzumaki, you've just come out of a red gate. Can you share what happened inside? Were there any casualties?"

I kept my face serious but not too grim. "The red gate was tough, but we got it under control. Thankfully, no one was hurt."

There were a few more questions about the dungeon raid, mostly similar.

Another reporter jumped in eagerly, "Mr. Uzumaki, you're being called the 10th S-Rank hunter in the country. How does that feel, and what responsibilities do you think come with that title?"

I scratched my head with a smile. "It's an honor, but it's also a big responsibility. Being an S-Rank hunter means stepping up when needed, and I'm ready for that."

The crowd seemed to agree, murmuring among themselves. Another reporter asked, "Mr. Uzumaki, what are your plans now? Will you join a guild or stay independent?"

I took a moment to think. "For now, I'm staying independent. I want to focus on improving my skills and helping out where needed. Guilds are great, but I like the freedom to take on challenges as they come."

An older reporter from the back had the last question. "Mr. Uzumaki, with the recent double dungeon incident and the appearance of red gates, many are worried about the growing danger of dungeons. What message do you have for the public?"

I softened my expression as I addressed the concern. "I understand the fear, but I want everyone to know there are hunters working hard to keep you safe. It's tough, but we're not backing down. My message is simple: stay strong, stay prepared, and trust that we've got your backs."

I thanked the reporters, allowed a few more photos, and then turned to the waiting crowd for some autographs and selfies before leaving the raid site. As the day returned to normal, the reporters and onlookers went back to their routines.

Being an S-Rank hunter is tough, not because of fighting strong magic beasts—that's easy for me—but dealing with the media and public attention is a hassle.

As I headed back, I noticed Chief Woo Jin Chul talking on the phone. "Everything's under control, so I'm heading out," he said, walking to his car with his team. "You did well out there."

"Thanks," I replied. "And thanks for managing the crowd. It could have been risky for those outside."

Though, it was his duty , I couldn't help but appreciate him.