Episode 414 The Door Opened (2)

Sister Sarah, who lives in a monastery, has been hearing strange sounds every time she falls asleep recently.

It was the sound of the nun in the bed next to me muttering to herself all night long.

'Ah… … . Why are you suddenly doing that?'

At first, I thought she was just yapping. But after a few days of this, she was getting quite annoyed.

'I'll have to talk when I wake up.'

She barely managed to fall asleep, clutching her pounding head, and tried to talk as soon as she woke up.

"Oh, he's already gone?"

I must have overslept because I couldn't sleep. My classmate was already out of bed.

I thought I would have to talk to you if I happened to meet you. However, I was so busy praying and doing my work that I couldn't meet you.

Come to think of it, I don't remember seeing my classmate's face recently, except when I was sleeping.

'I have a feeling that the paths keep getting crossed.'

When I came back from work, my partner was already asleep.

Sarah came closer and looked at her. She was so quiet, sleeping without moving at all.

'Please be quiet today. I haven't slept in a few days and I'm having a hard time.'

She grumbled to herself and lay down on the bed to try to sleep. Just as she was about to fall asleep, she heard a strange sound again.


It was a voice that seemed to whisper very quickly, but I couldn't understand what it was saying because of the mumbling pronunciation.

'Oh, please… … .'

Even though I covered my ears, I could still hear it. It was as if someone was sitting next to me and whispering in my ear.


She jumped up from her seat, goosebumps running down her spine at the sudden thought. But there was no one around.

'Why on earth are you doing that?'

She carefully got up and walked to the seat next to her.

I slowly approached the bed and looked at it. The nun was still sleeping quietly. Just as I had seen her a moment ago, she was completely motionless.


Am I mistaken? But what is this sound I hear whenever I lie down?

If you wake up like this and come to your senses, you won't hear anything.

Even if you look at the seat next to you, there is no sound.

In the end, Sarah spent the night wide awake.

As the sun began to rise, she fell asleep without realizing it.



She jumped up from her seat at the strange noise she heard again.

"Please stop!"

I screamed and looked around to see that it was already night.

Are you saying that you slept all day?

That doesn't make sense. Then someone would have come to wake me up. There's more work in the monastery than you think.

But right now, her anger at the guy sleeping in the bed next to her was greater than any such doubts in her mind.

"Why on earth are you doing that!"

Sarah walked over to the seat next to her and roughly lifted the blanket.


Then he screamed and fell to the ground.

Her motive was a bloody corpse. It was probably already dead when Sarah first checked it. That's why it was lying there motionless, in the same position it had been in.

"W, what the heck is this… … ."

Who would dare come to the monastery and kill people!

"I, I need to call someone… … ."

I need to call the others. I need to catch the culprit. I thought to myself as I jumped up, but suddenly the world became distorted and my head became dizzy.

Support support support support… … .

It sounded like the world was splitting apart.

At some point, the area before her eyes turned red. She couldn't find anything that still had its original color anywhere.

"Why, why is this happening? What is this?"

She was trembling with fear and tried to leave.

Creak… … .

At that moment, the door opened by itself.

"What, what is it… … ."

Sarah took a step back. The space between the slightly open door and the darkness was thick, but she could clearly see.

Knock knock.

In the darkness, a single bloodshot eye appeared, peering into the room.

It's the devil, it's clear that the devil has appeared here.

Sarah was so scared that she didn't have the confidence to go outside.

"Lord, Lord… … ."

She sat on the floor, closed her eyes, and prayed to God, turning the rosary beads over and over again.

The more I recited the prayer, the more my heart seemed to calm down.

But her relief was short-lived, as other sounds began to creep into her prayers.


It was the whisper I heard every night.

There was no way it was my comrade's voice. He was already dead.

This was clearly a sound coming from the devil.

"Please… … ."

[$%&*#Kill… … !%^$$#]

The whispers became clearer and clearer. And the whispers that she had never heard before began to change to the point where she could now understand them.

[$%&*#Kill… … !%^Escape… … .#]

'What to kill? Where to escape to?'

[$%To live&*#kill… … !Escape the%^world… … .#]

'Devil! Get out of me!'

The more she heard the whispers, the more fervently she prayed.

'Father in heaven… … . Please save my poor soul… … .'

Now there was no other way but to pray. So I continued to ignore the whispers.

At some point the content of the whisper changed.

[Kill… … . Kill… … . Kill… … . That way I can live… … .]

She opened her eyes to the sudden cold sensation and looked at her hands.

Before I knew it, I had a wide butcher knife in my hand, the kind used when slaughtering meat.

Knock… … . Knock… … .

Fresh blood dripped from the knife, as if the meat had just been caught.

Her hands and body were also covered in blood.

"What, what is this… … ."

The red world was still suffocatingly quiet. All that could be heard were unknown whispers and one's own breathing.

Even in this situation, the monastery was too quiet. She thought it was ridiculous and looked ahead.

The snow that was visible through the crack in the door had disappeared.

She swallowed hard and carefully opened the door and stepped outside.

Only small candles illuminated the dark interior of the monastery. Normally, I didn't mind, but today, this atmosphere was so scary.

Squeak… … . Squeak… … .

It seemed like I was hearing a strange sound every time I walked. I looked around carefully and saw that the walls were covered in horrible blood.

"iced coffee...."

She let out a trembling voice without realizing it.

People were dead here and there. That's why no one responded.

Did the devil really come in and kill everyone?

'I have to go outside.'

You have to go outside and call people. You have to ask for help.

She took two trembling steps, clutching the sword tightly. This sword might have been given to her by God to protect her body.

Why does the monastery, which always seemed stuffy and narrow, seem so spacious tonight?

[Kill… … . Kill… … . Kill… … . That way I can live… … .]

I ignored the whispers. I ignored the blood smeared on the walls. I ignored the corpses.

She gritted her teeth and did everything she could to escape from here.

"iced coffee...."

When she came out into the monastery garden, she trembled with a fear she had never felt before.


The sky, which had turned red, was distorted. Even the moonlight was distorted and emitting an ominous roar.

"Ahhhh… … ."

An endless, gloomy wind blew. All the trees were drying up and dying.


It seemed as if strange screams were being heard from all directions.

She shed tears with a look of despair.

If the world were to end, would this be the scene? The scenery beyond the iron gate was filled only with red darkness.

Only then did I begin to understand a little bit what the whisper meant.

[!Escape the world%^… ….#]

I don't know what's going on, but the world seems to have gone crazy. But I have no idea how to escape.

But I couldn't be here alone.

It was so scary, but I had to find out how the world had changed. I had to find the survivors.

She opened the monastery's iron door forcefully.


The door opened and bright light poured in. She closed her eyes for a moment.

This doesn't make sense. The iron gate is just a gate separating the monastery from the outside.

It was already night, so there was no way light could pour in like this. When I looked at the outside world through the iron gate, it was no different from a monastery.

She closed and opened her eyes several times to the bright light and soon found people standing in front of the door.

"iced coffee...."

A blond young man who looked like a nobleman stood in front. Behind him were a line of knights with serious expressions.

Although I was curious about the different style of clothing and armor from what I usually see, I was still very happy to have met the person.

She fell to the floor and cried.

"Please save me! The devil has appeared! Everyone in the monastery is dead!"

The young man said nothing to her as she cried. The knights beside him did the same.

Rather, he was just looking down at himself with a serious expression.

"Come on! Come on, check the monastery! I'm Sarah, a nun here! Did the lord sense something strange and send me here?"

She spoke sobbingly, but the young man still did not open his mouth.

Rather, he took out the sword he had on his waist and pointed it at himself.

She screamed in horror.

"What the hell is this! I told you to look inside the monastery!"

The young man ignored her words and answered in an indifferent voice.

"It's already been eaten."

"Huh? It worked? What is it?"

"You are not a nun."

"What did you say?"

I have lived in this monastery since I was young. I have served God my whole life, but how can you say that you are not a nun?

Those were words that denied one's own life.

No, that didn't matter now. There were corpses all over the monastery, and this wasn't the time to be here.

"Okay! First, please… … inside the monastery."

The young man cut her off again.

"This is not a monastery. And you are not a nun. Men cannot become nuns."

"What are you talking about now… … !"

She was screaming when she suddenly felt something strange. Her voice had suddenly changed into a thick, rough man's voice.

"Uh, uh… … What is this now… … ."

The bloody knife was still clutched in his hand, but the rough, hairy hands and forearms were not his originals.

He was confused by the unbelievable reality, and suddenly the smell of blood and a foul odor wafted out. He slowly turned his head and looked behind him.


Rather than the monastery's gardens and buildings, there was just a fairly large butcher's shed.

Blood dripped from chunks of meat hanging everywhere.

Next to it, human corpses were hanging. There were also corpses strewn all over the floor.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah… … What, what is this… … ."

Iron grumble.

The man dropped the knife and looked dumbfounded.

It only occurred to me that all the dead people there were people I knew.

Coworkers I work with, customers who come by occasionally, and family.

The walls of the butcher's shop were all covered in blood. It would have been strange if they had killed people like this and remained unharmed.

"Ah, ah, ah… … ."

His own memories and Sarah's memories were mixed together. He couldn't tell what was real.

He was clearly a man who worked in this butcher shop. He was just an ordinary man who slaughtered and sold meat to support his family… … .

And she was clearly a nun. Praying to God in a world that was perishing… … .


The whisper came to my ear again. Now I could clearly hear its meaning.

The whispers spoke in a language he knew, but which was not of this world.

[… … That's how you can survive.]

"iced coffee...."

Tears of blood began to flow from the man's eyes. He had killed his own family with his own hands.

A nun who worships God killed innocent people.

I couldn't figure out what on earth was going on in his mind.

He just wanted to live.

Yeah, that was it.

Knock, knock! Knock!

Suddenly, there was a sound of bones breaking and the man's body began to twist bizarrely.

Then, soon, the man's head began to split open from the crown.

Crackle… … .

As if a shell were peeling off, the human's outer skin was peeled off. And what appeared was a mutant with thick tentacles writhing around on its brain.

Tsk tsk tsk… … .

The red ore attached to the mutant's head like an eye began to glow, and the mutant began to emit an ominous aura.

The young man, Giselle, who was watching the scene, spoke in a serious voice.

"Gordon, go to the mayor here immediately and tell him to gather troops, evacuate the people, and surround the city."

"All right!"

"All the rest, prepare for battle."

No matter how many mutants there are, Jiselle can handle them all by herself. However, the current situation is not one where mutations have occurred normally, like in the village when she caught Raviere.


An enormous amount of magical power began to emanate from beneath the ground.

Jiselle knew very well what this phenomenon meant.

"The 'door' here has opened."

Jiselle's expression hardened coldly.