Episode 471: If I say I will do it, I can do it. (1)

The mobile force currently led and moved by Jiselle numbered 10,000.

The army assigned to Marquis Maurice Macquarie was 20,000 strong, but in order to increase the speed, they decided to select 10,000 of the best and move first.

Doo doo doo doo doo!

The ten thousand-strong Fenris Mobile Force moved at a tremendous pace. They only rested when their horses needed to rest.

The powerful horses from the north had short rest periods. The nutritious battle rations of Fenris further reduced their rest periods.

Doo doo doo doo doo!

Jisel was roaming the kingdom as if it were her own home. The mobile force, which had been speeding up without any burden on the familiar road, was soon able to catch up with the Delphine army led by Count Pogren.

Dark, who had been following the Delphine army, delivered the news through a ritual.

- They're moving forward hard.

Jiselle looked up at the sky. There was still some time left until nightfall.

"Good. I bet you didn't expect us to come."

Common sense would not have predicted that the Northern Army, which had just finished fighting, would arrive so soon.

In fact, the messengers sent by Count Matthes, who had actually lost the battle, had not yet reached each legion.

The Fenris Mobile Force moved faster than the messenger.

"Everyone, get some rest from now on. We'll be moving all night."

The mobile force, which had been running nonstop for several days, collapsed on the ground as soon as Jiselle finished speaking. Even for them, who were well-trained, a forced march was still a forced march.

They didn't even make proper camps. They just tied their horses there and rested.

Of course, they didn't just lie down and rest.

Fenris now has an abundance of things as abundant as food.

"Ah, as expected, having a lot of money is good."

"I never thought I'd drink this even when I wasn't hurt."

"In the past, it was so expensive that we couldn't buy it."

Everyone took a potion out of their arms and started drinking it.

Potions not only heal wounds, but also boost vitality. This is because they have the effect of artificially increasing regenerative powers.

It was like pouring gold into one's mouth, but no one cared.

Because of the massive production, they all had extra potions.

Although training and discipline were strict, Giselle always treated her soldiers with the best of care.

That's why their morale continued to rise as the battle continued.

Wheeeeee… … .

As the surroundings grew dark and a chilling wind began to blow, Dark, who had gone out to scout, regained consciousness and reported.

- As the master said, their movement speed is decreasing.

"Get on your horses, all troops."

At Giselle's command, everyone mounted their horses without a word.

"Now let's move."

As Jiselle gestured and drove the Black King away, the Mobile Force followed.

Dark informed us of the situation through his consciousness again.

- These guys are stopping moving from the front.

"All forces, increase speed."

Doo doo doo doo doo doo!

Their running speed became faster. There was nothing that could stop them.

It was only natural. Jiselle didn't just choose a place to wait.

The enemies aren't stupid, so it was obvious they would use scouts. And the range would be quite wide.

In order to avoid being discovered by them, we had no choice but to wait far away.

That's why Giselle chose a terrain where the horse could run without stopping and rest.

- We started building the camp.

"Run faster!"

Jiselle shouted loudly and laughed ferociously. Black energy began to surround the Black King's body and ripple.


The Black King let out a long howl and shot out like a ray of light.

The distance between us and our allies was growing, but it didn't matter.

Because it was always Giselle's role to be the first to arrive at the most dangerous places.

Doo doo doo doo doo doo!

The mobile force followed the shooting Giselle, riding faster and faster.

They always go into battle thinking that this is their last. That's why they can pour all their strength into the charge.

No matter how skilled one was, it was bound to take some time to build a camp for 30,000 troops.

When the construction of the camp was completed, Count Pogren said to his adjutant:

"Marquis Macquarie has been joined by a supposedly superhuman being. We are lacking in strength, so we must be on high alert as they may launch a surprise attack."

"All right."

"Just in case, set up stakes and blade traps around the campsite."

Count Pogren, like a great commander, did not let his guard down even after victory.

The soldiers, exhausted from the march, were smiling happily at the thought of taking a break after the construction of the barracks was completed. When the order to set up traps was given, they all looked a little annoyed.

However, since it was a war, they could not afford to be lax. Like elite soldiers, they moved immediately.

"Come on, hurry up and rest!"

The soldiers who had been standing guard began to be replaced one by one. Some soldiers were moving to change missions.

The soldiers who went out to work chose a suitable spot and began digging the ground.

That moment when everyone's tension is relaxed and their guard is most relaxed.

Doo doo doo doo doo… … .

A few soldiers raised their heads when they heard the sound of horses' hooves running from somewhere.

But the sound wasn't that loud. The soldiers knew from their experience that there was only one opponent.

"A messenger?"

Their faces, which had been filled with puzzlement, soon turned into ones of shock.

Doo doo doo doo doo doo!

A large-scale sound of hooves echoed, drowning out the sound of a single horse's hooves. Even the sound was getting closer.

The surroundings were not yet completely dark. Even though it was getting dark, the knight with good eyesight noticed that the approaching man was holding a spear in his hand.

"The enemy! The enemy has appeared!"

"Take up your weapons!"

"Get in line!"

Everyone started to panic. Even the soldiers who were trying to make traps threw away their tools and looked for weapons.

It wasn't that they didn't prepare. They acted according to the combat manual and didn't do anything carelessly.

It was just that Jiselle exquisitely poked at the gap in that boundary.

Jiselle pulled back the spear. The spear, filled with black energy, began to tremble.

"Let's play."

With those words, Giselle threw her spear with her red eyes flashing.


The spear, filled with mana, flew at high speed and detonated a huge shockwave.

The soldiers around them were unable to even scream properly as their bodies were torn apart.

But the army of 30,000 was huge. Those killed by Giselle's attack were only a small portion of them.

There were still too many enemy troops left.



The Black King ran into the camp of the Delphine army, who were still not in their right minds, while crying loudly.

Jiselle grabbed the spare spear that was on her saddle.


The enemies were still in disarray. They had exploited the gap so exquisitely.

We must rush them before they can properly line up. We must prevent them from coming to their senses.

He must assume that role until the mobile force arrives.

"let's go!"

Whoosh! Whoosh!

As Jiselle shouted, the black aura surrounding the Black King grew slightly larger. At the same time, dozens of magic spears rose up around him.


The spear of magic spread in all directions and pierced through the enemies.


"Stop it! Stop it!"

"Get in line!"

Doo doo doo doo doo!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Jiselle and the Black King ran wild, beheading the soldiers. They ran around the camp until the soldiers' spirits were exhausted.

Some people rushed out armed, while others were busy running away to avoid Giselle.

Commanders gave orders here and there, but they were not properly conveyed to the soldiers who had not even formed ranks.



When they tried to do something, a spear of magic flew in and shook the space. The Delphine army fell into confusion and fear.

"What the heck! Who the hell is breaking in!"

"Come together! Come together!"

"Damn it! Some monster came in!"

No one would have guessed that the opponent was Earl Fenris. It would have been nonsense.

Still, as if they were elite soldiers in their own right, the large army of 30,000 men began to form formation from the outer area.

Those in the center of the camp quickly gathered to protect their commander.

Clank! Clank! Clank!

Mages gathered around Count Pogren. Then knights surrounded him with shields.

The best elite soldiers also gathered around them. Even though they did not know the situation, they had to protect their commander for now.

Count Pogren shouted in annoyance.

"What the heck! How on earth did you draw the line! Didn't the enemy invade? Who is it? Who the hell is it!"

"I have one enemy. His identity is still unknown… … ."

In the meantime, the darkness grew darker and the other person's sentences and appearance became hard to see. This was even worse because the other person was surrounded by a dark aura.

The priests of the Salvation Church and the Earl of Fenris were famous for using the black aura.

Since the priests of the Salvation Church would not attack them, the only target was Earl Fenris, but they did not think that Earl Fenris had come here alone.

"Stop it quickly! Stop it now!"

"Don't worry! It happened suddenly! Soon our troops will surround you… … ."

The reporter who was reporting from the side was cut off midway.

Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo!

The sound of horse hooves shook the earth strongly. If the ground shook like this, it meant that a huge number of cavalry were coming.

"Wh, what… … ."

Before the situation can be properly assessed.

Ten thousand cavalrymen stormed the Delphian camp.



The soldiers who had barely managed to keep their ranks together were running away screaming.

The Delphian army could not even form a proper formation, let alone ride horses. There was no way they could stop a sudden cavalry charge.

The camp was set ablaze everywhere. The Delphian army began to be slaughtered by the charging cavalry.

"What, what is this… … ."

Count Pogren could not believe the sight unfolding before his eyes.

Nothing was done carelessly. They were even preparing traps for a surprise night attack.

But they managed to pull off a perfect surprise attack by taking advantage of the brief moment when they were vulnerable!

To do this, they must monitor their position in real time, avoid the sight of scouts, and estimate distance and speed accordingly.

It was absolutely impossible. I could only think that the other person was just lucky.

Then suddenly, Count Pogren remembered someone famous for this kind of mobility.

"S, no way… … ."

That doesn't make sense. There's absolutely no way it could be him in terms of time.

But if that were not the case, the current situation would not have been explained. The defeated troops led by Morris could not have displayed such grandeur.

One who runs wild while fighting numerous enemies alone.

A giant black horse surrounded by black energy.

A spear of magical power that flies in all directions.

The strongest man in the North, acknowledged by all the people of the kingdom.

"Earl Fenris!"

Giselle responded to Count Pogren's scream-like cry.

"Yes, I am the Earl of Fenris."


Jiselle ran towards Count Pogren at lightning speed.

Even if we were surprised, it is a large army of 30,000 people. If we continue to fight until the end, our losses will also increase.

The 6th circle magicians were particularly problematic. Their destructive power was strong. I had to focus all my attention on them.

As Giselle had expected, Count Pogren pointed and shouted.

"Kill him! Everyone, attack him! If we just kill him, this war will be our victory!"

I don't know how we've already dealt with the 2nd Corps, how we've already arrived here.

I don't even know how I hit this spot with such perfect timing.

But Marquis Pogren knew one thing.

That we must kill that bastard even if it means killing everyone here.

"Okay, Commander. We have a lot of allies. If we use magic now… … ."

The wizard was at a loss. Count Fenris was a master. To harm such a man, only the highest level of magic could be used.

Even if you use interpersonal magic, it is inevitable that damage will be done to the surrounding area.

But Count Pogren seemed frustrated and grabbed the wizard by the collar and shouted.

"Now! Kill them now! You idiots! If we leave them alone, we'll all die anyway!"

We were already behind in terms of momentum and our formation was in shambles. Our opponents were sweeping away our campsites with incredible mobility. It was just taking time because of our numbers.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Jiselle blasted away the soldiers surrounding her and ran towards Count Pogren.

It wasn't difficult to clear the way, as the knights were all around Count Pogren.

We need to keep attracting attention like this.

Boom! Boom! Boom!


The magicians looked solemn as they watched the soldiers being swept away without end.

Count Pogren was right. Right now, I couldn't fight while caring for my allies.

We must kill that monster here.

Gooooooooo… … .

The 6th circle wizard, the 5th circle wizard, and the wizards under their command raised all their magical power.


The 6th Circle is the level just below the 7th Circle, which is called the Superhuman. Even if they are not Superhumans, they are weapons of war that can change the course of war.

Although it was less than the 2nd Corps, there were two 6th Circle magicians and six 5th Circle magicians participating in the battle. The number of magicians under their command reached a whopping 50.

They casted magic with the intention of killing all of their allies.

Towards just one person.

Feeling the tremendous magical power gathering around her, Jiselle held the Black King's reins tightly and spoke.

"Kongiya, you have to hold on tight."


Jiselle's body was completely enveloped in black darkness. Red eyes flashed within it.


The Black King was also enveloped in a swaying black aura, and his red eyes shone like his master's.

Immediately after that.

Numerous spells cast by the wizards struck Giselle.