Episode 480 It'll be a little easier for a while. (1)

Count Kandore, commander of the 5th Corps of the Delphine Army that invaded the eastern region, was in deep trouble.

The East was the first region where war broke out. As a result, the Kingdom and Allied Forces moved the fastest, and the Allied Forces were larger in number than in other regions.

The 5th Corps fought them off hard and advanced towards the capital, but their last defensive line was left and their supply line was threatened.

"It really bothers me."

The army, which started with 50,000 men, was reduced to 40,000 men after several battles and a surprise attack by Amelia.

Although there were still many, the remaining defensive line was not easy, because the royal forces and allied forces that had moved to the east were all gathered there.

"There must be at least 20,000 people gathered… … ."

We had to put all our effort into taking them down, but with Army Leipold lurking behind us, we couldn't advance with peace of mind.

So the 5th Corps stopped advancing and continued to hold strategy meetings.

"How about we make the supply route safe first? I think it would be better to wait for follow-up support from the workshop."

"That will strengthen our defenses. Aren't the Allied forces coming right now? And they are comfortably supplied from the capital and the north."

"However, it is dangerous to advance like this. Even if we break through the defense line, it will be useless if the supply route is blocked."

"Yes. You can't take Cardenia with 40,000 men without siege engines."

"Aren't the other legions also moving? If we just surround the capital, we can receive supplies from the other side."

"Hasn't the 2nd Army already been defeated by the Northern Army? We don't know where the Northern Army will move."

"Regular contact between the 3rd and 4th Corps has been lost. Something has definitely happened."

Even among the staff, opinions were divided. They set out confidently, but the current situation was not very good.

Count Candore knows why.

"The Northern Army is too strong."

It is said that the 2nd Corps, which moved to attack the Northern Army, was defeated, even though it had the largest number of troops and even had three superhumans join it.

Because of the Northern Army, other corps were unable to move as they pleased.

"Wow, who would have thought that little brat would grow this big and have such a huge impact on the war?"

Count Candore shook his head several times as if he was incredulous.

I can't believe we're having to watch out for just one army. I couldn't have imagined this would happen before the war.

"Count Leipold is also a problem."

The enemy forces were increasing their advance speed, thinking that they had gathered all along the defensive line. They had cleared the surrounding area, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

In the meantime, the damage was considerable as they were ambushed by the Raypold Army who had come by detour.

Even they did not join the defensive line and were just lying in wait in the rear territory.

"I can't just leave it alone… … . But going to pay for it isn't a good idea either… … ."

The Leipold Army numbered about 10,000. I was confident that I would win if I faced them head-on, but someone who made a surprise attack and ran away right away would not openly fight me.

If you decide to run away, it will be difficult to catch up with 40,000 men. It will also be difficult for the invading army to lure you.

I thought about dividing my troops to guard the supply line, but that would make it difficult to break through the defense line. Even if we did break through, we would be in shambles.

No, to be exact, there was no time to divide the troops. The Northern Army might arrive at any moment.

"It's annoying, it's so annoying."

Count Kandore seemed to be going crazy. Even while he was worrying like this, the enemy's defenses would become stronger.

I really wanted to kill both Giselle and Amelia.

Count Candore pondered for several days, unable to come up with a clear solution. In the meantime, news came that Leipold's army had taken over another territory.

And yet, they kept hovering around the supply route and making threats. It was even more frustrating to have to just sit back and watch.

To properly secure the supply route, the Duke must send a large army.

'Should I send a messenger to ask for additional support… … .'

While I was worrying like that and boiling inside, messengers covered in blood came running.

"The 3rd Corps has been annihilated!"


"We were ambushed by the Earl of Fenris and were annihilated! The few survivors were taken prisoner!"

Count Candore said with an angry expression.

"What are you talking about! The Northern Army was in a different area! How can the Northern Army, which fought the 2nd Army Corps, annihilate the 3rd Army Corps?"

"Yes, it's true! It really was Earl Fenris who struck!"

Count Candore, who was gnashing his teeth in disbelief, hesitated for a moment before continuing.

"If that's true… … doesn't that mean the Northern Army is quite far away from us now?"

If so, there was still time. It seemed better to take this opportunity to move west and join up with the 4th Corps.

It is beneficial because you can use the supply route of the 4th Army Corps and the size of your troops increases.

Count Kandore, who had the same thoughts as Count Palgau of the 4th Army Corps, exclaimed with a joyful expression.

"Good! We're giving up this area! First of all, the enemy's strength is stronger than expected, so we'll immediately join forces with the 4th Corps… … ."

"The 4th Corps has been annihilated!"

Another messenger came running, this time covered in blood, crying.

"… … ."

Count Candore was silent for a moment, then asked in a trembling voice.

"What, what did you say?"

"The 4th Legion has been annihilated! The Legion Commander has also been killed by Count Fenris!"

"What are you talking about!"

Count Candore couldn't come to his senses. He destroyed the 2nd Corps and annihilated the 3rd Corps, and now the 4th Corps?

I thought I was going crazy because I kept hearing crazy sounds.

"Do you think those Northerners have wings or something? Doesn't that make sense? It's not like there are three Earls of Fenris!"

"T-It's true! It's Earl Fenris! Earl Fenris killed the Fourth Corps Commander himself!"

"Ugh, ughhhhh… … ."

"That, and… … ."

"And what! Is there anything left to say?"

"Father, the Northern Army is coming east."


"An army of 25,000 men led by the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Army is also advancing this way."

"… … ."

Count Candore trembled. His mouth would not open.

It doesn't make sense. How can a human army be that fast? No army in history has ever demonstrated that level of mobility.

It would have been possible if you ran without stopping. But shouldn't people move while eating?

How on earth do they even move and gather food? It's not like the undead are moving around.

Count Candore grumbled for a while before muttering in a weak voice.

"… … It seems like we've made a truly scary enemy."

Even if Count Fenris himself is a superhuman, his mobility alone could change the course of the war. You never know where an army might appear.

The Northern Army can't move like that. It seems that Earl Fenris is moving only his elite troops.

Even so, I thought the entire legion would be destroyed.


I was scared. I felt like I could never win on my own.

Count Kandore, who had been absent-minded with a pale expression, opened his mouth with difficulty.

"… … Prepare to retreat."

"… … ."

The staff didn't say anything either.

The Northern Army and the Royal Army were coming. With 40,000 troops from the 5th Army Corps, it was now difficult to even survive, let alone besiege the capital.

Now was the time to retreat.

The 5th Corps decided to retreat and began to retreat.

If things continued like this, it was obvious that we would be defeated without being able to do anything. We had to retreat now and preserve our forces.

'Tsk… … It would be a disgrace even if I lived… … .'

Since all the legions were affected, it can be considered normal to some extent. In any case, the Kingdom and Allied forces continued to push forward.

The only problem was that Earl Fenris was so great.

"Move quickly. The speed at which Earl Fenris moves could mean he'll be here tomorrow."

After deciding to retreat, my mind became more anxious. The 4th Army Corps is in the central region. There is no telling when the Earl of Fenris will come with another army.

"Throw away everything useless! Don't take anything that will get in the way of the march!"

We must now retreat at full speed. The 5th Corps has abandoned everything except the bare minimum of supplies needed to hold out in the southern region.

Count Kandore, who was watching the retreat preparations, had a bitter expression on his face. It's scary to think that one Count Fenris has to run away like this.

'I will definitely repay this humiliation someday.'

Count Candore looked up at the sky and braced himself for battle. Suddenly something caught his eye.

"What bad luck, there's a crow… … ."

A crow was circling in the sky where there was no body. I felt uneasy for no reason.

"Tsk, I guess I was really scared."

It seems that he has become very weak-hearted, to have an ominous feeling just from seeing a single crow.

With morale thus low, the 5th Corps turned south again.

Raypold's army, which had been eyeing the supply route, detected the movements of the 5th Corps.

"Uh… … Those guys are retreating really quickly. It looks like they've thrown away all their supplies."

Amelia nodded as Bernap spoke after receiving the scout's report.

"Yes, I think I've done everything I could reasonably do. It's a shame I couldn't eat more of the territory though."

Amelia looked regretful. She had hoped to buy more time by engaging the Northern Army, but she had not expected the 5th Corps to give up so quickly.

"Well, that's not a bad decision. That damn Giselle is no ordinary speed."

Amelia was also secretly surprised by the report she had received. She had heard that Giselle had an outstanding talent for war.

Even when invading the West, Jiselle emphasized mobility. But when she made up her mind to move properly, she was much faster than before.

'The more I know him, the more I realize he's an amazing guy.'

As much as I hate to admit it, Giselle's war-fighting abilities were top-notch.

'I don't know how the author will turn out.'

You need to watch the movements of the craftsman in the future and know how much power is being consumed. Only then will you be able to decide how to move in the future.

Amelia said, gathering her thoughts.

"Let's go back too. We need to quickly reclaim the 'territories' we've taken over this time."

"Hey… Will the other lords stay still?"

"What are we going to do? I've taken over. I've already agreed on everything with the Commander-in-Chief."

Amelia had a smile on her face.

Now she too has to move busier, because she has to move Leipold's supplies.

"Spread the word and prepare for migration."

Because of Jiselle, they could no longer increase their power within the North. It was difficult to move around with peace of mind.

So she came up with another plan and used the war to create a new foundation.

And it's much larger than the existing territory.

"Oh, that's right. Let's start by recovering the supplies that the 5th Corps left behind. There's going to be a lot of them, so let's use them wisely."

"All right!"

Bernap saluted vigorously. Anyway, if you do as Amelia says, everything will be fine.


Bastet, seeing that sight, narrowed her eyes as if laughing and cried.

* * *

The 5th Corps moved as fast as possible. This was possible because they had abandoned most of their supplies.

"We will be able to reach the southern border soon."


Count Kandore nodded at the adjutant's report. Although everyone was exhausted, they were able to move safely thanks to the effort.

Just a little further on, we reached the southern front where we had initially fought. Once we got past that point, we would be in the Duke's territory, so we would be safe.

"What about food?"

"It's almost gone. But the soldiers will be patient because we'll be there soon."


Count Candore had a gloomy expression.

They were so scared of the enemy that they even abandoned their food and fled. As a result, the soldiers, who were already exhausted, had to starve.

Starving your men is not what a good commander should be. It didn't feel good, but it was better than dying.

"Tell him to try a little harder."

"All right."

The exhausted 5th Corps moved again. What kept them going was the hope that they would soon arrive.

But that hope was shattered when bad news arrived.

"Pe, pe, the Fenris Army is ahead. Su, Su is about 20,000 strong."

The scout returned in thought and reported.

Count Kandore, who received the report, widened his eyes in disbelief.

"What are you talking about? Fenris's army? Not the Northern army?"

"Yes. There is only the Fenris flag. It seems that the Earl of Fenris has moved separately."

"… … ."

Count Candore was left speechless.

As soon as I heard the news, I abandoned my supplies and retreated immediately, so how can you say you came first and are waiting for me!

"Hey, is there a spy on our side?"

His staff were speechless at his trembling voice. How could a spy come and go among a marching army?

But it was also nonsensical that Earl Fenris had arrived first. How on earth could he know all the movements?

I felt like my every move was being watched.

"Commander, I think we should prepare for battle."

"I don't think it can be avoided."

Count Candore exhaled deeply at those gloomy words.

You want me to go into battle with hungry and exhausted soldiers?

But there was no other way. This great army would not be able to shake off the pursuit of the Earl of Fenris.

Suddenly, I remembered the crow I saw before I left. It made me feel uneasy for some reason.

"This is a really bad situation."

If I had known this would happen, I would have just eaten my fill and saved my strength.

"Prepare for… battle… … ."

I can't just die. I have to fight and win somehow.

I don't know if we can defeat that fearsome army though.

Everyone lined up in formation with tense expressions. The soldiers were especially terrified.

Exhausted and starving, they had no strength left, and yet they had to fight the most fearsome army in the kingdom. Despite their superior numbers, a thick sense of defeat already hung over them.

The fear grew as he saw the army slowly approaching from afar.

"I, that's Fenris… … ."

"Earl Fenris… … Undefeated monarch… … ."

"I wonder if we can really win?"

The soldiers trembled at the mere sight of Fenris' flag, and the fear quickly spread to the surrounding area.

Even Count Candore, who would normally have shouted and inspired the soldiers, remained silent.

Because he too was overwhelmed by the army approaching him.

Slowly, slowly.

Jisel, riding the Black King, slowly moved forward.

He smiled as he watched the Delphian army preparing for battle ahead.

"You may attack as you wish, but you must ask my permission to retreat."

Jisel fought against the Duke who was the kingdom itself in his previous life. He knows very well how great his stamina is.


The Duke's forces had no intention of sending even a single person back unharmed.