Episode 490: For the Royal Family. (3)

The royalist nobles were very busy these days. They had to reorganize the royal army and send it to the southern front as planned.

It wasn't a matter of simply reorganizing the troops and giving orders.

Because so many people had died, new commanders had to be appointed and care had to be taken to ensure that there were no problems with weapons and supplies.

Even in the midst of their busy schedule, the eyes of the nobles were filled with hope. The Northern Army's continuous victories raised expectations that the war was nearing its end.

"When the war is over, the vast South will be completely empty."

"Hahaha, isn't this the kingdom's best granary and a land overflowing with resources? The rewards will be enormous."

"Maybe we could split it all and still have some left over."

For the high-ranking nobles who did not fight directly, war was just a game of numbers. That is why they were busy calculating what and how much they would be able to eat after the war was over.

Perhaps they will not realize the seriousness of war until the sword is held before their necks.

The Marquis of Branford sighed as he watched the nobles laughing together.

'How can it be that only these types of people are in power?'

The nobles were nobles from birth. Their way of thinking, raised that way their entire lives, could not easily change.

So, isn't it true that accidents continued to occur even during the war?

No matter how strong his power was, this was inevitable. Unless he overturned everything and started anew, it would never end.

'But not yet.'

It's not just people like that. There are still meaningful people who fulfill their noble duties.

Thanks to them, the kingdom is somehow maintained.

The Marquis of Branford, calming himself down, asked the knight beside him.

"The chief and that guy haven't come out yet?"

"Yes, I don't even know what I'm doing. I just eat when the time comes."

"Hmm… … ."

Viscount Domont and the unknown wizard did not leave the king's chambers for several days.

The king was refusing to meet anyone but them.

"Get ready, I'll go there myself as soon as the meeting is over."

"All right."

The Marquis of Branford, who had given the order, continued his conference with the nobles.

But soon after, a surprising person came in.

"your majesty!"

Someone jumped up from their seat, shouting. The other nobles opened their mouths in surprise.

The king, lying in his sickbed and unable to move properly, appeared. He was being supported by his chief chamberlain, but he was clearly moving.

Berhem said with a pleasant smile.

"Hahaha, it's been a while since I've seen you all. You've really worked hard worrying about the safety of the kingdom on my behalf."

The Marquis of Branford was also very surprised, but he did not show it and just stood up. He had to give up the place of honor since the king had come.

I just needed to know what the situation was.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"

"Okay, okay. That's okay. I don't know how long it's been since I've felt this good."

Berhem sat down slowly. He seemed a little uneasy about his movements, but there didn't seem to be any major problems.

He slowly looked around at the surprised nobles and smiled crookedly.

"I know you all must be wondering. You must have thought I would never wake up."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty… … ."

"That's not it… … ."

The nobles were taken aback. To be honest, that was what they had thought, but they had not expected the king to be so aggressive.

Berhem narrowed his eyes and looked around at the nobles again before continuing.

"The wizard behind Jim was a very skilled wizard."

Everyone looked at Flaccus, who was standing behind Berhem.

They also know by hearsay that some wandering magician has appeared, confident that he can cure the king's illness.

I didn't really care because I thought I would be arrested along with the chief chamberlain soon. But who would have thought it would really save the king's spirit?

"Sir Flaccus. From now on, treat me with the same courtesy as you would treat me. He is the one who saved my life. By the way, I don't know what the magicians and priests of the kingdom have been doing."

Everyone was silent at Berhem's sarcastic words. Depending on how you interpret it, it could mean that he deliberately did not treat the king.

The Marquis of Branford glared at Flaccus. He still had a gentle smile on his face. On the surface, he looked like a truly profound scholar.

'What on earth have you done?'

The king had been unable to move properly for over ten years. If such a person could walk around normally in just a few days, it would definitely not be normal.

It is a good thing that the King has recovered. It is also something that the Marquis of Branford had been hoping for for a long time.

But the method must not be by sorcery.

We must find out what method he used, even if it means torturing Flaccus. However, since the king's condition has improved, we cannot take him away by force.

"Your Majesty, I think we should check what kind of numbers the author used."

"What are you talking about? Jim's health is improving so much."

"If you use vain sorcery, you will end up with worse side effects."

At those words, Berhem vented his anger.

"Marquis! That means I should just lie down and die!"

"your majesty."

"No one is to touch the author! Unless you wish to become a kingslayer."

"… … ."

At those words, all the nobles shut their mouths.

It was not hard to understand the king's feelings. How many people could refuse something that would improve their health?

Berhem, who had been glaring at the nobles, slowly got up and said.

"I'll be leaving for today. From the next state council meeting onwards, I will be in charge, so please understand."

With those words, Berhem left, supported by Viscount Domont.

The nobles looked at the Marquis of Branford.

"This is really… … ."

"Your Majesty suddenly wants to attend a state council meeting… … ."

"What happens next?"

The king had been absent from state affairs for more than ten years. His prime minister had also been infirm for several years, and had left all affairs to the Marquis of Branford.

In such a situation, if the king suddenly intervened, there was no way the state affairs could run smoothly.

Honestly, you need to know something to proceed with the meeting or not.

Commander-in-Chief Maurice frowned. He was currently in the capital, receiving reports from all legions and managing the troops.

"We are currently at war, and if Your Majesty, who does not know the situation, takes the lead in state affairs, won't it only delay decisions? Why not just tell him to take care of state affairs after the war is over?"

The Marquis of Branford spoke with his face still expressionless.

"It is not strange for Your Majesty to lead state affairs. From now on, please prepare accordingly."

With those words, he too left the conference room. Of course, he was not at ease.

"Toleo, what do you think?"

The nobles do not have the ability to sense or understand the spirit of their opponents. Although they have learned swordsmanship through education, there are not many who are of a high level.

Although Maurice was a high-ranking knight, he didn't seem to notice anything particularly strange.

"I don't know either. If they had used some kind of black magic or sorcery, I should have felt the aura, but I didn't feel anything like that. However… … ."


"That unknown wizard is clearly suppressing his energy. I felt it from the moment I first met him."


Indeed, it was difficult to know the nature of the energy even for the highest level knights unless the opponent intentionally showed it.

It would be difficult for a king who is weak and untrained to notice something strange right away.

From that day on, Berhem attended state council meetings without fail. His health was improving day by day.

"Haha, today is a really refreshing day. I now know that moving around like this is a great happiness. So, is the war going well?"

"Yes, most of the legions have now been reorganized and are preparing to move to the Southern Front one by one."

Berhem, who had been receiving various reports and had a rough idea of the situation, said with a slightly surprised tone.

"Even though we're at war, there's no shortage of supplies. I didn't know the production in the North would be this abundant. It's so different from before I got sick."

"It's all thanks to the Earl of Fenris."

"Earl Fenris… … I have heard your name many times from the Chamberlain. You are truly a blessing to the kingdom."

He was praising her with his mouth, but his eyes were not like that at all. Feeling the discrepancy, all the nobles looked at Berhem's expression.

Soon Berhem spoke in a commanding voice.

"After looking into the situation, I see that the damage to the people is too great due to things like divisions and war. That is why I have made up my mind."

"What is it?"

"I think it would be best to stop the war at this point. I will negotiate with the Duke. I intend to forgive him and create a peaceful world."

"… … !!"

The Marquis of Branford's eyes widened. The other nobles were equally surprised.

The Duke of Peacock rebelled against the kingdom and started the war first. And now the King is stepping forward to negotiate with them.

Where in the world can you find such a king?

The Marquis of Branford answered with a cold expression.

"Your Majesty, that is not right."

"What do you mean?"

"The Duke is a traitor who rebelled against the royal family."

"Didn't Jim say he would forgive you?"

"Not only that. They have colluded with the cult to create rifts and kill countless people. If we do not punish them for causing chaos in the kingdom, even greater chaos will come in the future."

Maurice also spoke in a fierce tone at the Marquis of Branford's words.

"Your Majesty! Because of them, countless soldiers from the kingdoms have died! The same goes for the soldiers from the allied forces that came to help us! How can you, the king, just ignore the deaths of your children!"

Other nobles also expressed their opposition.

"The Salvation Church is defined as an enemy of the four major religious groups! If we forgive them, the kingdom will also become an enemy of the four major religious groups!"

"That is absolutely not possible!"

"How can you trust the author and the Salvation Church and proceed with negotiations!"

In fact, there were some nobles who hoped the war would end. They were waiting to see if things would change now that the king had risen.

But they could not go against the will of the Marquis of Branford. They were more afraid of the Marquis of Branford, who held all the power, than of the king, who had no power.

Berhem's eyes trembled as all the nobles unanimously opposed it.

"This is the first decision I've made since I got up! And yet everyone says they're against it!"

"That cannot be, Your Majesty."

Berhem exhaled heavily and shook his fist as he saw the cool expression of the Marquis of Branford.

As expected, he was a puppet. Everyone was only looking at the Marquis of Branford.


Berhem stood up after slamming the table once and said.

"We will adjourn for today. We will discuss this matter again soon, so stop the movement of the royal forces immediately."

After saying that, he turned back. As the king left, Maurice became very angry.

"I knew this would happen! Time is of the essence right now, and a decision can't be made quickly! There's a corps that just finished reorganizing and hasn't even set off yet! My nephew is probably waiting for me. What are you going to do?"

The legions that had already set out could make excuses for moving before the king's order was given. However, as long as the king was against it, the royal army waiting could not be moved at will.

In the end, I had to pressure the king to get his orders. It was really a headache.

"Oh my, if only grandma were here, I could have asked her what to do."

"… … ."

Everyone was silent. To Maurice, the fortune-teller was above the king.

He was now sending out search parties to the southern front, desperately looking for the fortune-teller.

The Marquis of Branford rose from his seat and said:

"Let's try to persuade him for a few more days. Isn't this how a state council meeting is supposed to be?"

It was thanks to the Marquis of Branford that decisions were made quickly, but originally meetings were a slow-moving affair.

Although he said there was nothing he could do, the Marquis of Branford was thinking differently.

'I guess I'll have to kill that wizard first.'

Now that I look at it, it seems like the Duke and the Salvation Church were up to something. Otherwise, the King would not have said something like that.

That wizard was clearly a priest of the Salvation Church. The king must have planned this to heal his own body.

The Marquis of Branford said to Toleo.

"Toleo. Think of your opponent as a superhuman and prepare your troops, knights, and magicians. We will strike and kill you as soon as we get the chance."

"All right."

If he was a priest of the Salvation Church, he would have definitely reached the level of a superhuman. In order to catch him, the Marquis began preparing the best knights and magicians.

Even if the opponent is a superhuman, there is a way to deal with him if he is alone. There will be a lot of casualties, but he has to be caught and killed somehow.

While the Marquis of Branford made such preparations, Berhem attended meetings for several days and continued to insist on negotiations with the dukedom.

However, he was unable to proceed as he wished due to opposition from all the nobles.

When nothing went his way, he returned to his room and vented his anger.

"Marquis Branford! You son of a bitch! How dare you go against my will! What else is he but a traitor!"

Berhem was anxious. His current improvement was only temporary. He needed to receive something from the duke's house to fully recover his health.

The Duke offered to exchange it for the royal treasure, and at the same time requested a ceasefire negotiation.

However, the plan could not be carried out because the Marquis of Branford opposed it.

Some legions were waiting, but they could not stop the legions that had already moved. It was clear that the Marquis of Branford was fanning the flames behind the scenes, pretending not to notice.

If this continues, war will break out again before we get what we want.

"What can I do about this? The Marquis of Branford won't listen to me."

Flaccus smiled softly at Berhem's urgent words.

"I guess we'll have to bring the lion hunt forward a bit."

The lion was the emblem of the Marquis of Branford, meaning that he would capture the Marquis of Branford.

Berhem asked cautiously.

"Is it possible?"

"It took a lot of energy for me to heal Your Majesty, but it is not impossible with the help of the Royal Knights."

Flaccus had expended considerable energy trying to heal Berhem. A special ritual was needed to replenish his energy.

In order to conduct the ceremony comfortably, Berhem had to wield strong power.

"Okay, what should I do with Jim?"

"At every meeting, demand a ceasefire and waste time. I will set a date with the Royal Knight Commander."

"I see, I have to succeed."

Berhem said in a trembling voice.

The Marquis of Branford holds all the power. We have to prepare while avoiding his eyes and ears. So it was inevitable that we would be nervous.

From that day on, Berhem caused a commotion at every meeting, invoking the king's authority.

The nobles were also in a difficult position. They had to start the war again quickly, but the king was holding them back.

Finally, the Marquis of Branford stepped forward and spoke.

"Your Majesty, we cannot afford to waste any more time. The Duke is preparing to fight even at this very moment."

"Jim didn't say he wanted to negotiate!"

"I am sorry. This is a matter of life and death for the kingdom. I cannot do that."

The Marquis of Branford then said to Maurice:

"Move the legions on standby immediately. Afterwards, follow the orders of the Northern Army Commander."

"Oh, I see."

"Your Majesty, I would like you to hand over the chamberlain and the magician. I believe we need to investigate."

Berhem, who had been listening, shouted loudly in anger.

"You bastard! I am the king! I am the king! How can you do whatever you want with me!"

"… … ."

"You idiot! You are a traitor! You are a traitor!"

"… … Serve His Majesty."

There was nothing he could do about the seizure. The Marquis of Branford simply turned around and left the conference room.

"You traitor! What makes you different from that woman? I am the king! This kingdom is not yours!"

Berhem's voice was heard screaming from behind.

Hearing that sound, the Marquis of Branford closed his eyes.

'All we need is for the war to end.'

If only the Duke's family were gone, there would be no one left to threaten this kingdom and its royal family. Once that was done, I planned to retire.

But it seems that it is not as easy as it sounds.

The butler came in and reported to him as he returned to the writer's residence and worked late into the night.

"The Royal Knights and the Royal Guard have begun to move. This is their target."

The Marquis of Branford said nothing. His expression remained indifferent.

The butler also continued his report with a blank expression.

"The knights and soldiers are all ready. Also, the capital defense forces are ready to move and surround the palace. The servants who have infiltrated the palace are also ready to move."

"… … ."

"Just give the order."

Flaccus and the Royal Knights began to move secretly to attack the Marquis of Branford.

But the Marquis of Branford had already been informed of all this.