A Call from the Past

"But what about the potion we brought here? Why can't we use that? Where is it?" Marie, the little sister of Miss Viella, asked, her expression no longer holding the innocence of a clueless child but that of an individual much older than her age.

Caspian sighed, the burden of someone's life and their possible death weighing heavily on his shoulders. The reality that it was Miss Ivelle made it feel as if he was losing a piece of his heart. She was someone who had saved him, Caspian told himself.

"My mother has it."

"So?" Marie demanded as if all the complications surrounding the issue were just in his mind.

"I wish I could take it back just like that. But it's not that simple. My mother is surrounded by Black Opt high officials. You can't even get through one—she has dozens of them at her beck and call." And this was true.