[Chapter 257] Thanks for Choosing Me

When the doctor showed up, Neris's room was already filled with a few people.

This wasn't planned at all. Neris was always on the go, and her mom and Ellen figured she wouldn't just pop back into her room in the middle of the day for no reason. So when Dora confidently announced that she had called a doctor, Neris quickly ditched her idea of keeping the appointment under wraps.

The doctor Dora summoned was an older gentleman who had been around White Swan Castle for ages. Joan was inexplicably by his side.

"Your Highness, I heard you needed me."

"Your Highness! Are you feeling okay?" 

Joan asked, her eyes welling up with tears before the doctor could even finish his sentence. Neris let out a sigh.

"I've just been feeling a bit worn out lately, so I thought I'd get checked out. It's nothing serious, so everyone just relax."

Even as she said this, Neris felt a flutter of excitement. Don't get your hopes up, don't get too carried away, what are you doing... she reminded herself, but the thrill was hard to shake off.

The fact that she didn't have to be absolutely sure she wasn't pregnant when she called the doctor was a big deal.

The old doctor chuckled knowingly, as if he understood the unspoken thoughts swirling in Neris's mind. He then took his time pulling out various instruments to examine her, all while being watched by five concerned women.

With each tiny prick of the needle and drop of blood that fell, every time the magic paper he used changed color in a seemingly random way, and with every question he asked, Neris felt her heart swell. But along with that came a wave of anxiety.

What if I'm just getting my hopes up? What if it's not true again?

But after a bit, the doctor, with his wise eyes peeking out from under his white brows, said, "Your Highness, I heard you called for me."

Looks like the heir of Maindelant has finally made an entrance.

Joan was about to shout in excitement but caught herself, covering her mouth. She probably didn't want to startle the expectant mother.

"Liz! My daughter!"

"Congratulations, Madam."

"Thank you, Your Highness. It's truly amazing news."

Mother, Dora, and Ellen chimed in with their well-wishes. Neris was too overwhelmed to respond. It felt surreal, like she was dreaming that her deepest wish had come true.

Before long, tears began to fill her eyes, spilling down her cheeks. She quickly hid her face in her hands to keep them from being seen.

"My child."

Mother wrapped her arms around Neris's shoulders and whispered, "Once I have a grandchild, I won't be able to call you that anymore. The little one might get confused about who's who."

Neris bowed her head, her shoulders trembling as soft sobs escaped her fingers. Joan clapped her hands gently, trying to keep the noise down.

"Well, from now on, Your Highness, you'll need to take it easy."


Neris lowered her hands, surprised by the comment. When she saw her red, tear-filled eyes, Joan beamed with happiness.

"I just spoke with the doctor. You've been working too hard, so I was thinking he could whip up some food or medicine to boost your energy. We were ready to pull all the resources from the Morie Trading Company's pharmacy to help you, but now you have a reason to lighten your load."

It's wartime, and everyone's swamped with tasks. How can one person lighten their load? That was the first thing that popped into Neris's head, but she nodded along to what Joan was saying.

This was the child she had wished for endlessly, and now it was finally happening. She remembered reading that she needed to take it easy during early pregnancy. It felt right to rest as much as she could, at least until things felt more stable.

"And you need to take a spoonful of Pantralu twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. Stay away from Juemil, and dry the stems of the Flower Bridge to keep under your pillow..."

Joan kept going, listing off a bunch of unusual foods and herbs. The people in the room were starting to look more and more exhausted.

Ellen, speaking for the group, asked, "Is this what pregnant women in Morie's homeland follow?"

"Absolutely! My mom had six healthy kids this way."

The doctor chuckled, mentioning that a lot of it was just superstition, but hearing "six healthy kids" made Joan's advice seem a lot more credible. After all, what was the harm in giving it a shot?

Ellen asked Joan to repeat her advice and eagerly grabbed a pen and paper. Meanwhile, Neris's mother held her hand and shared her own feelings from when she first discovered she was pregnant. Dora, bursting with excitement, twirled around the room a few times.

Before long, Neris was gently helped into bed, treated like she was fragile. As she gazed up at the fancy ceiling, a wave of dizziness hit her. She felt a pang of regret for the child. If she had known this little one was on the way, or that they were already here, she would have taken it easy—no question about it.

Ellen insisted she needed to rest and ushered everyone else out of the room. In the stillness, Neris placed her hands on her flat stomach. Even though it seemed impossible, she could almost feel a tiny heartbeat.

It still didn't feel entirely real. She whispered softly, almost like a sigh, "Hello, my child."

1. It's going to be quite a while before I get to see your face. 

I can't help but wonder if you'll take after me or your dad. 

I promise to make sure only the best things come your way when you arrive in this world. 

I'll be so good to you. 

Thanks for picking me to be your mom. 

You'll hear the soothing sound of waves rolling in and out. 

I'll show you the beautiful sight of daffodils dancing under the bright blue sky. 

You'll get to enjoy sweet pie made with fresh strawberries. 

And I'll give you a love that makes everything feel beautiful, reminding you that being alive is a true blessing. 

I love you. 

Neris whispered as she gently closed her eyes.


The late summer heat was really kicking in.

Cledwyn was just a few big estates away from the imperial capital, chilling in his tent and mapping out what he needed to do next.

By now, the nobles in the capital must be freaking out. The Maindelant army, which they thought would be a piece of cake to handle, was about to turn the tables on them. If the royal family had acted fast and got their nobles in line, they wouldn't have been pushed back so easily.

But Abelus wasted valuable time by pushing the nobles away. He was so caught up in his own paranoia about losing power that he didn't see the bigger picture.

'What a useless jerk.'

Abelus thought he could read the nobles like a book and control them at will. But that was just a fantasy, a result of a life where everyone catered to his every demand.

An illusion created by Caymil, Nellusion, and Megara, who were using Abelus for their own gain.

It wouldn't be long now. With the clever Neris tying up the enemy's hands and feet, Cledwyn planned to wrap up the war quickly. He aimed to step into Maindelant before winter hit.

He was determined never to be apart from his wife again.

From the start, this war had bored him to tears. He hadn't had a decent night's sleep since he left. Each morning began with her face in his mind, and the only way he could face tomorrow with any peace was by holding her close at night. The endless fighting, the faces he didn't care for, the dying curses of those who blamed him... he just wanted it all to be over. He longed to go home.

Suddenly, a soft glow appeared from the magical device attached to the chair he was in. Cledwyn quickly grabbed it and channeled his magic into it.

Click, click. A few tools clicked together softly, and then the voice he missed so much came through.

"Hey there."

It was odd how the crushing boredom that had weighed him down lifted instantly with just that one word from her. Cledwyn grinned and replied earnestly, "I love you, too."

<...Me too.>

His wife, who usually turned red and shied away when he expressed his love, responded quietly today. Cledwyn burst into laughter. If his men had walked in at that moment, they would have been shocked by the brightness of his smile.

I must be feeling pretty lucky today. I actually heard you say you love me.

Who would have thought I never say I love you? I don't really say it that much, do I?

"Say it more often. That way, I can feel loved by you even a fraction of how much I love you."

What are you talking about? Neris replied, sounding a bit shocked.

I love you a lot. You know that, but saying it's less than a fraction is a bit much. I could love you even more.

"That's impossible."

Why? Do you think my love isn't enough?

"No, it's my love that feels overwhelming."

Honestly, he was just trying to get her to admit her feelings. Cledwyn chuckled, and Neris looked like she wanted to argue, but she just sighed and dropped the subject.

I told Talprin to stop hanging around the imperial capital and come up here. It's time for Her Majesty the Empress to take charge again.

Neris and Cledwyn hadn't really done anything for the Empress. She wasn't very politically savvy and didn't care much as long as she was treated well. The only thing she had attempted was that letter she sent to Diane last time.

The Empress and the Princess of Vista had always been like that. Women who came to the palace with big dreams, no matter how talented, eventually realized they weren't Jewel Eyes and slowly lost their spirit, often being treated worse than their less capable husbands. The same went for the envoys and princes.

The current Empress, especially, had no interest in politics. As soon as the Emperor got sick, Abelus started acting like he was the one in charge, as you can see.

Sure thing! Here's a different take on that text:

Absolutely. All the nobles who are worried about having a blade at their necks will flock to her. On the surface, the Empress will make her move, but really...

Cledwyn and Neris weren't buying the gossip that Caymil had tried to take out the Emperor. If she had really gone for it, the Emperor would be pushing up daisies by now. Plus, it wouldn't have ended well for Caymil if Abelus had suddenly taken the throne while Megara was causing chaos.

Still, it's possible she was up to something other than just an assassination attempt. Maybe she was trying to find a way to escape the madness of the court and let the nobles see how incompetent Abelus really is...

"She saw the storm coming and dodged it just in time. She must have been fed up, knowing Abelus would mess everything up, to the point where she wanted to shake things up."

I totally get that vibe, Neris said with a smirk. Cledwyn shut his eyes and grinned, picturing the look on her face. She was probably wearing a fancier smile than usual to mask her frustration.

"The Empress realizes she can't fix this mess, and that bringing Caymil back is the only way forward. So she'll do it quietly. She can't show her face publicly since she's seen as a traitor. Things are getting spicy now. The guys Abelus sends are so weak, it hardly feels like a fight."

Cledwyn paused, caught off guard by what he just heard. He stood up without even realizing it.

"I'm heading back."

Those words slipped out first. Neris's laughter chimed through the magic communication device, bright and clear.

"I was about to tell you, but I hesitated. Wrap up what you're doing and come home, Cledwyn Maindelant. Show our child a world that's been made better."

As if his sudden decision had been a dream, Cledwyn sank back into his chair. He could feel the unmistakable happiness in his wife's voice.

A slow grin spread across his face.

"I have to."