[Chapter 084] Acacia Count Proxy


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It's a chilly afternoon, even with the warm sunlight. Doris scrutinized the pitiful noblewoman before her. Her attire was no different from usual, but her face, which looked as if she hadn't slept well, was dry, with dark shadows under her eyes. And her slightly gaunt face made it easy to guess how much she had suffered mentally, even without hearing about it. With Irene, who was busy preparing for her debut next season, not in the palace, the reception room was even more quiet. She could let Bliere be depressed, but Countess Jusetta was silent and had an anxious expression.

"Nora, is something wrong?"

"No, nothing."

Nora's eyes followed Doris, lingering on Bliere for a moment before dropping. Doris hoped that this foolish and old noblewoman would spread rumors about Bliere's miserable appearance and her own warm comfort.

"Of course something is wrong. It's with Bliere."

Doris laughed softly and poured the cold tea into the vase next to her, then raised her teacup slightly. Nora quickly poured tea into the cup.

"Your body and mind must be in poor condition, and to come to the palace right away... I think Bliere needs some rest."

Doris said gently but firmly. Bliere, who had been sitting with her eyes downcast, raised her head. For a moment, there was a strong feeling of rejection. A woman who resembled Adrienne had driven out Noebian Trovica. Of course, this woman hadn't personally pulled out a knife and stabbed her heart, but there was no doubt that she had played a part in cleanly disposing of Noebian Trovica for reasons other than his name in the west.

'But I wonder if I will continue to need her?'

Although she deserved to be commended for her achievements, considering it, wasn't it her karma to be betrayed by the Grand Duke for having excessive greed that didn't suit her status? Even if the Grand Duke had another woman, what was so big a deal? Where was a noble without a mistress?

'She's naive, emotional, and has no sense, but she's strangely good at her job.'

The problem was that every time she saw that face, she got angry and felt a strange emotion.

"Do you mean to say that I should quit my maid's job?"

At Bliere's trembling voice, Doris smiled gently, as if to say, "What a ridiculous thing to say."

"What a hurtful thing to say! How could I say such a cruel thing to Bliere who has no one to rely on? I'm just saying this because Bliere seems to need rest right now. Isn't that right, Nora?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

Doris smiled, revealing her teeth, at Nora's immediate response. Bliere, who had bitten her lip and trembled, looked at Doris for a long time, then got up as soon as she said that she could leave.

"Thank you for Your Highness's consideration. Until Your Highness seeks me out, I will take good care of myself."

Doris glared at Bliere until the door closed, then burst out laughing.

'This is right. Now that she has gotten rid of the Grand Duke, there's no need to keep that woman lingering around Roardnes' eyes in the palace.'

Every time Doris saw Roardnes passing by, she couldn't control her racing heart. The more the Crown Prince looked down at her, the more she noticed the noble Roardnes. She naturally turned her gaze to the date she had marked on the calendar for their consummation and her eyebrows twisted involuntarily. If she didn't have a child with the Crown Prince, wouldn't it be foolish to just keep looking at him like this? Maybe he really had a fertility problem and had been avoiding consummation. If by any chance she didn't get pregnant after her consummation with him, instead of planning a future with a seedless Crown Prince, she could topple the Crown Prince and gain sympathy to have Roardnes. The old law that a brother should support his brother's wife if his brother died had been abolished a long time ago, but with no more Grand Duke Noebian to stop Castagna from the Crown Prince's faction, it wouldn't be entirely impossible.

"Nora, bring me the mirror."

Doris carefully examined her reflection in the hand mirror that Nora immediately handed her. She had dyed her hair recently. Her clothes, hairstyle, and even her perfume were similar to those of Bliere, who was a substitute for Adrienne.

'Roardnes can't forget that woman, Adrienne Pireta.'

That was why he had an affair with a woman as unworthy as Bliere for quite a long time. If he wanted Adrienne, and if she could only have him that way, Doris was willing to become Adrienne.

"Nora, was there a flag hanging around the Second Prince's palace when you entered the palace today?"

"Yes? Oh... I think so. I think I saw some people from the Second Knights' Order as well."

"Nora, rest here until Irene arrives."

"What? Your Highness! Where are you going alone...?"


Doris, feeling emboldened by her newfound power over the crown prince, had begun to crave more. When she was younger and vying for the position of empress, she had naively assumed that if she failed, she would naturally become the wife of the second prince, Roardnes.

"How naive I was," she mused.

Doris was on the verge of storming into the second prince's palace right then and there. She would claim she needed to consult him about the crown prince and Roardnes wouldn't be able to refuse her. It was impulsive, but with no one to stop her, she felt she could do anything. Until, that is, she witnessed an unbelievable scene at the entrance to the empress's palace.

There, like a painting, stood Roardnes and Blie. As soon as Blie stepped into the entrance hall, Roardnes, his face lit up like a star, extended his arm and escorted the seemingly ordinary woman away.

"Your Highness! Your Highness, where are you going in such a hurry without even a maid? You should at least put on this coat…"

"No, I must have made a mistake. Let's go back."

Doris watched the pair disappear into the distance before turning away. Her teeth clenched.

"Adrienne Pireta. You're ruining me even in death."

Doris stormed back into the reception room, her eyes bloodshot, as Nora, who had followed her with the coat, stopped in her tracks. Nora had caught a glimpse of the disappearing couple as well.


Even as she ran towards the empress who was calling out to her sharply, Nora couldn't shake the memory of Blie's voice.

'I feel like Your Highness sometimes forgets her name and calls her "Nora" as a way to subtly belittle her.'

'To be treated so disrespectfully…'

And the image of Blie, who might not become a grand duchess but was being escorted by the second prince Roardnes as she left the empress's palace, was deeply etched in Nora's mind.


As if to confirm my suspicions about Neil's whereabouts, Roardnes was standing right in front of the palace when I arrived this morning. He escorted me all the way from the empress's palace to the crown prince's. The atmosphere in the crown prince's palace was as gloomy as a funeral parlor. With the sudden demise of the crown prince's most powerful ally, the grand duke, everyone walked on eggshells, their movements cautious and quiet.

"Why did you bring that butler?"

"Oh, I had something I wanted him to do."


"I thought I'd play the role of his master for a while."

Roardnes stopped abruptly at the end of the long corridor, right in front of the audience chamber. He seemed dissatisfied and hesitated, as if debating whether to speak.

"There's someone else who needs a master."


Roardnes, his neatly trimmed eyebrows raised, looked down at me for a long time. I looked up at him, utterly bewildered.


With a short sigh, Roardnes gave a faint smile before changing his expression completely and gestured to the attendant guarding the door to the audience chamber. The attendant, glancing nervously at Roardnes' fierce gaze as he checked the visitor list, immediately reported to the crown prince. As the heavy door to the audience chamber opened, the people already inside bowed their heads politely to us and exited. Before leaving, they glanced at me briefly and quickly disappeared.

"Welcome, Countess. Roan."

The crown prince greeted us by rising from his seat, his face pale and weary. He looked as if he had been through a lot. The teacups for the previous visitor were removed and fresh tea was poured into new cups. Once the attendants had finished their tasks and left, the crown prince invited us to sit.

"You came sooner than I expected."

"I happened to stop by the empress's palace on my way here, Your Highness."

The crown prince's face darkened. With a complicated heart, I examined his pale face. Under the table, Roardnes squeezed my hand tightly. Startled, I looked at Roardnes, but his gaze was fixed on the crown prince.

"I didn't expect you to come with Roan."

"Is there any reason why I shouldn't?"

"...No, no, that's not what I meant."

I thought Roardnes was always weak in front of his older brother, but unexpectedly, he stood his ground quite firmly.

"The reason I called for you, Countess, is to express my gratitude for your courage and decisiveness. Ronta is a country with clear rewards and punishments, and as the crown prince of this country, I want to commend you for choosing the greater good over your personal well-being."

The crown prince, who didn't know I was Adrienne, was offering me a drink and a pill. I felt a bitter taste in my mouth and quietly removed my hand from Roardnes' grasp, folding it neatly on my lap. Roardnes' gaze, which had been fixed on the crown prince, immediately shifted to me. I ignored his gaze and focused solely on the crown prince. I had expected the crown prince to call me for this reason. Having just sensed a strange aura from Doris, the timing couldn't have been more perfect. I had already realized that Doris was trying to discard me. Praise should have been received from Doris who wanted to eliminate Noevian Trovika, but she had only advised me to rest. In other words, it meant that I needed to prove my usefulness to Doris once again, and at the same time, I needed a legitimate reason to investigate this crown prince. Both Doris and the crown prince were potential enemies that I needed to keep an eye on.

"If it weren't for you, Countess, I might have overlooked this enormous fact. While I felt uneasy about banishing my uncle, it was necessary for the sake of order. Since you've done so much for the country, please don't hesitate to ask for anything you desire."

"Anything, would that be alright?"

The crown prince, his gaze fixed on my hesitant lips, nodded faintly.

"Yes, anything I can do within my authority."

Bardenaldo, to what extent did you have a hand in my death?

"As someone who almost became a grand duchess, it's only right that I look after you."

As soon as the word 'grand duchess' was uttered, Roardnes reached out and grabbed my hand tightly again.

"I'll feel more at ease once your situation is settled."

I smiled in response to his worried expression, which was filled with naivety.

"Then there's one thing I want, Your Highness."

"Yes, please say it."

"I would like you to appoint me as Your Highness's advisor."

The crown prince immediately looked stunned.

"That, what… I can't appoint a mere noblewoman as my advisor. I'm sorry, but I'll have to ask you for a different request…"

"No, Your Highness. You can do it."

The crown prince looked embarrassed, and Roardnes gently tugged on my hand. He looked just as embarrassed as it was something he wasn't consulted about. I gently patted the back of his hand with the hand that wasn't being held by Roardnes.

"Strictly speaking, I'm not the Countess of Acacia, but rather the regent of the Count of Acacia."

Bardenaldo's narrowed eyes grew wider as he tried to grasp my meaning. He must have realized it. The inheritance law. The law that had instantly turned Duke Noevian Trovika into Ronta's greatest romantic.

"When a noble dies without a successor, their title is bestowed upon their wife for the next five years."


"So, am I not the regent of the Count of Acacia right now?"

'Your heart will be at ease once your situation is settled?'

I'm sorry, but your peace of mind is not part of my plan.

"Please appoint the Count of Acacia as Your Highness's advisor using your authority."

I need to confirm whether you are someone Roardnes should protect or someone I should eliminate, even if it means hurting his feelings. I must use this ridiculous law created by Noevian to find out.


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