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Olivia still shuddered whenever she recalled that day.
On the day when the Duchess of Pireta went into labor a month earlier than expected, in the absence of the Duke.
The sky, which was always clear, poured down rain, and the labor pains continued for two days.
When the Duke of Pireta, who loved his wife dearly, returned after canceling his schedule, the delivery room was filled with the smell of blood.
Ignoring the words not to enter, the Duke entered the delivery room and soon saw a tiny, blood-soaked baby and his wife's body growing cold.
"Helene... Helene. Why isn't Helene breathing?"
The midwife remained silent, and Olivia, the maid who had served the Duchess since she was young, burst into tears.
"Helene, Helene!"
The Duke, searching for the light that had gone out of his green eyes, soon wept as the dead woman's eyes failed to close.
As if it were a familiar sight, the midwife broke the silence and handed the Duke the baby, who had been washed and wrapped.
"Hold her. She's a beautiful princess."
The Duke didn't even look at the midwife who kept urging him. The Duke's gaze remained fixed on the dead Helene, and then turned to the baby when she started crying madly.
The Duke looked at the sticky blood and the blond hair that vaguely resembled him with a distorted expression.
"...I don't need a child who killed her mother."
The midwife instinctively hugged the baby tightly. Words too harsh for a baby who couldn't even open her eyes were pouring out of the Duke's mouth.
"Throw her away."
After saying those words, the Duke never looked back at the baby. The Duke's guard took the baby from the midwife and left the delivery room.
"Your Grace! You can't do this! How can you abandon a princess who is still just a baby? If Lady Helene sees this in Avaderia, she will weep..."
"Shut your mouth if you don't want to die."
"Your Grace!"
"I can't give Pireta to a child who killed her mother."
Olivia, who had tears streaming down her cheeks as she glared at the Duke who couldn't be reasoned with, was about to rush out of the delivery room to find the baby when.
"Ah, another baby is coming out!!"
The Duke's eyes, which had fallen with Helene's hand, began to waver for a moment.
"Oh, what a miracle! I guess it's twins!"
The midwife, who had been stunned after being robbed of the baby, dug into the dead woman's legs.
The head of the baby, who was preparing to come out of the mother's body who could not give birth, began to emerge.
The midwife washed the baby with tears.
"It's a princess. She's a twin!"
When the baby didn't cry, the midwife slapped her bottom and started artificial respiration. The Duke blankly watched the midwife who was crying while desperately trying to save the baby.
"Father. The baby... is dying...?"
A young child's voice echoed through the quiet and desperate delivery room, following the father who had barged in.
The child, who had followed his reckless father, couldn't stand the continued commotion and stepped into the delivery room with small feet.
"My, my sister... is dying...?"
As tears welled up in his large, greenish eyes, the Duke groaned softly and swayed.
It was clear that he saw Helene in young Gregory's eyes.
"It's Adrian, it's Adrienne."
"If it's a boy, it's Adrian. If it's a girl, it's Adrienne."
Gregory approached the pale Helene and the Duke beside her, tears streaming down his face.
"It's the name you and Mother chose together..."
Soon, the baby's cry echoed through the delivery room. Gregory rushed to the midwife.
Instead of the father, the Duke, the midwife handed the baby to the young boy who had practiced holding babies with his mother.
The baby, who had been crying for a while, soon quieted down, as if the warmth of her brother's arms was very comfortable. Gregory smiled at the red baby who couldn't even open her eyes. It was a smile that could only be seen because he didn't yet know about his mother's death.
"Her name is Adrienne Pireta."
As if unable to bear the sight, the Duke said without looking at the barely alive baby.
It seemed that Gregory's smile, which resembled his mother's, had somehow protected his last remaining sanity.
Olivia was relieved that Adrienne was alive, but she immediately rushed out to find the other twin.
"It's unbelievable."
"I know. It's really unbelievable. If God knew, he would have punished you for this."
Olivia, who had barely managed to stand up and was sitting hunched over in a chair, buried her face in her handkerchief.
"You know, don't you? I lost a daughter first."
Olivia, who was from a humble family but was of noble birth, had volunteered to be a nanny because of this.
First, it was because of her infinite loyalty to the Duchess of Pireta.
Second, to overcome the sadness of having a baby at the same time as the Duchess and having to send the baby away to Avaderia as soon as she was born.
At that time, Olivia was half-mad.
Her husband, who had not even announced his pregnancy, had died of illness. The baby died as soon as it was born. She felt that the aura of death had enveloped her, and even the Duchess, the owner, had been harmed.
Olivia ran out of the delivery room like crazy and soon snatched the baby from the guards.
"The Duke entrusted this task to me, the Duchess's confidante!"
Since the guards felt uncomfortable killing a baby, they readily handed the baby over to Olivia.
Olivia wondered whether she should return to the delivery room or hide the baby.
Although the Duke's heart had softened for a moment because of Gregory's appearance and the miracle of the barely alive baby, would that mercy reach this child as well?
She hid the baby in her own house outside the mansion and waited for the right time. She even brought in a nanny to feed the baby milk, as she didn't have enough milk to feed Adrienne.
But even when the baby's red skin turned pale and she opened her bright eyes and met people's eyes with the same green eyes as Helene Pireta... the Duke did not come looking for the baby.
Olivia always cried while feeding Adrienne milk.
Every time she looked up at Adrienne with innocent eyes, she thought of her sister who was in her own residence, not the Pireta mansion, and secretly cried out to Helene Pireta.
One day, while she was cautiously watching the Duke.
"The guards said so. You said you would kill that child."
"Did you kill the child?"
She waited for the Duke to finally come to his senses and ask for his daughter.
"Of course you did, right?"
And at those heartless words, her last bit of faith shattered.
"...What else could I have done? With the lady gone, my master is Your Grace."
She replied like that, and to make sure the Duke wouldn't check, she entrusted the baby to the next-door neighbor.
As expected.
She led the guard who visited that night to check, dug up the grave where she had buried her daughter, and handed over the coffin.
As the guard walked away, she watched the small coffin of her daughter being placed on the saddle and wept, beating her chest.
"From now on, you are my daughter, Blie."
And she gave the princess the name 'Blie', which was the name of her daughter.
I sat down heavily, unable to believe the story. No one else there could easily add a word.
"When the lady was alive, the Duke didn't leave the territory easily. But after the lady passed away, he rarely stayed in the territory. That's why I always resented him. The reason I could sometimes even dare to talk back to him, even though I was just a nanny, was because I was a person who had seen everything about the lady."
"If you had told me later that Blie was still alive, would Father have killed her?"
"The midwife who received the princess died in an accident soon after. I'm sure it wasn't an accident. I was afraid of the Duke. Even if he knew later that she was alive and brought her back to the mansion, I thought all the Duke could give Blie was a cold gaze and wounds."
"It might not have been like that. My father's eyes weren't like that when he looked at me."
"It's because he saw Lady Helene in you, who was weak. That's why I wanted you to be healthy, but at the same time, I secretly hoped you would grow up as weak as a flower. I was afraid that you, a sick girl, would eventually receive a cold gaze from your father."
"How did Blie live...?"
I finally asked the question that was gnawing at my heart.
It felt like I had a thorn in my throat.
"I hid her at the edge of the Pireta territory for a while and then sent her to a relative's house in Elacon. I wanted to be with Blie very much, but... I also had a duty to take care of you, Adrienne, so I visited her whenever I was on vacation."
"That's why the investigation results always said she was from Elacon."
Roaldness intervened suddenly and sighed. He firmly held my shoulder from behind, but I couldn't control my trembling body.
"Then one day, I heard that Blie had run away, so I went to Elacon right away. Blie, who was said to have run away to my house at the edge of the territory, came to see me."
Olivia burst into tears again, recalling that day.
"It was when the news of your marriage spread throughout Ronta. She hugged several newspapers and kept asking me about the family I worked for and about you. So at that time, I foolishly..."
Olivia's sad cry lay on the floor.
"Foolishly, I told her everything. I wanted to apologize. Because I couldn't be by her side even though I had decided to make her my daughter. Blie went back the same way, but she didn't go back to her relative's house. But she occasionally sent me letters from Elacon."
Olivia wiped her face with a sopping wet handkerchief, recalling the memory.
And then.
Rossi, who had been listening quietly, opened her mouth.
"I think I'm the one who lived with her after she ran away."
Everyone's gaze turned to her.
"It's starting to become clearer now. Blonde girl. The reason why you could open that mana stone chamber."
Rossi forced a smile on her lips with a somewhat relieved expression.
"I'm sure it was Blie who put my magic into the mana stone. But that magic is something you are born with."
I stared blankly at her, still in shock.
"The fact that you were weak. And the fact that Blie's magic was unusually strong."
"Powerful magic? Are you saying that Blie wasn't just an ordinary sorcerer, but that she had such powerful magic?"
"The mystery is solved. The Pireta territory was the capital of Ronta when it was an ancient kingdom. There are not many people with magic now, but the power buried in that land, which was originally a land of magic, sometimes manifests in a very small number of people, like Blie. Since the blood of Pireta is mixed with the blood of the ancient royal family, the probability is high. But you two are twins, so you should have shared it together."
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