You don't own her

I tried hiding but James and his loud mouth couldn't keep quiet.

"Look who's here." James said as the others looked Drew their attention to me.

I bit my lips in embrassment facing them.

"Mia who's the dude?" James asked.

"Guys this Hassan, Hassan these arey co-worker, friend and boss." I said classifying them.

"Mia really co-worker." Anthony teased

"Friends don't hide their life." I said referring to his marriage and kid.

"Nice to meet you guys." He said reaching out for a handshake.

James and Anthony accepted it but Jaden left him hanging.

"Okay then." Hassan said retracting his hand feeling aqward.

"Alright then Hassan let's go." I said dragging Hassan away.

"Mia are you leaving us." James said when I was walking away.

I just waved my left hand at his significing good bye, I pulled Hassan away.

We were laughing and giggling like little kids when we were excerising.

"Oh my." I said sitting on the floor in exhaustion.

"You're quite strong." Ha said sitting on the floor looking at my face.

"Thanks." I said to him giggling.

"You've got many male friends around you, is there something I should know?"he said searching my eyes.

"Two are friends one is my annoying boss."I explained.

"His the one you're his personal doctor for right?" He asked.

"Yep his the worst rude, grumpy the worst." I added.

"Let's do squats." I said chuckling.

"What! Those are for women." He complained. "If I do them you're going to do five push ups." He said after getting the idea.

"I don't want muscles." I said.

"And I don't want ass."he replied.

We laughed at each other, as we accepted the challenge.

 Other guys were looking at Hassan when he was doing squats with he.

 "Look funny." I said laughing to the floor. I couldn't bare it anymore a guy doing squats.

 " Your turn." He said straighten himself up

 I got in position for push ups.

 I only did three push ups then gave up.

 "I can't continue anymore." I said laying on my back.

 "Two more." He said squatting besides me.

 "No." I giggled.

 "Uhm Mia are you sure you and your boss are dating or anything?"he asked.

 "No, why are you asking?" I said curious.

 "He been glaring at me since you walked away from them."he said.

 I looked over at them, but Jaden wasn't facing our direction.

 "That's his problem not mine." I answered

 "Mia time to leave."Jaden came to us.

 "I'm not leaving."I said not looking at him

 "Mia let's go." He said again.

 "I'm leaving but not with you, I'm leaving with Hassan."I said pulling Hassan away from them, out of the gym.

 "I think his jealous, he likes you." He said.

 " Don't care even his friend likes me and don't pretend that you don't too." I said seducingly.

 He just smiled at me.

 "Where do you want to go now, I could buy you a drink." He said to me.

 "That will be nice." I said following him into the bar.

 "So can I get your number now." He said as we sat down.

 "Uhmm, okay." I replied.

 "What should I save it with." He said when he gave me his phone staring into my eyes bitting his lips.

 "Keep your distance please." I said.

 "What really." Ha chuckled.

 "Yeah."she said giving him his phone.

 "I have something better." He said typing on his phone.

 "What." I said thinking of possible name he could use.

 "Sexy Mia." He said cutely.

 "Really." I laughed " how Mia's are they in your phone?" I teased.

 "You're the only one, so what do you want to drink."he said calling the bar attendant.

 "I don't do alcohol, give me something classy, sparkling or red wine."I said to him.

 "Uwwwww, fancy."he said smiling.

 "Alcohol, has a bitter taste, I don't like it."I confessed 

 "One Hennessy and the best red wine you have." He told the bar attendant.

 "You don't have to do that." I said.

 "It's no biggie."he said. 

 Then bar came and gave us our drink.

 "For the lady the best sparkling wine in the one of the best hotels in Dubai." He smiled

 "Now you're just showing off."teased.

 "Uhmm maybe." He smirked sipping his wine I had a sip on mine that was poured into my glass.

 I saw Jaden,the girls and the guys all dressed up.

 They were coming by way.

 "We're leaving I have already packed your thing and select your dress let's go."he said dragging my left arm 

 "You don't treat a lady like that." Hassan said separating us.

 "It's not your business." He said coming to me again, buy Hassan blocked him.

 "Mia let's go." He ordered.

 Hassan till refused to move as people gathered.

 "It's okay I'll be fine." I said going out to meet Jaden

 "You can be my personal doctor." He offered.

 "She's already mine." Jaden said dragging me away.

 "She has a choice to choose."Hassan said blocking the way.

 "She signed a contract." Jaden said.

 "It's just paper with ink." Hassan said with stubborness 

 "Hassan it's okay I'll be fine promise." I told him coming close to him holding his hand.

 "You can come with me I pay you better." He tried to convince.

 "I got to go,"I said about leave his hand but he held mine tight.

 "Promise I'll call you." He said.

 "I'll." I said then kissed him on his check.

 He left my hand.

 Then Jaden pulled me away from his out of the hotel in gym wear, he made sure I was in the car before he left.

 "Where are we going." I said trying to be strong.

 "Jaden got the keys back." Anthony explained 

 "How?"I asked in surprise.

 "I don't know." He replied.

 We had gone along way I was looking out the window I couldn't enjoy the view, I was thinking about Hassan.

 "I know you're hurting." He said 

 But it made me cry even more.

 "It's going to be okay."he said trying to comfort me,then the car stop in the house

"No it's not." I said coming down from the car.

"I was finally happy but Jaden had to be a barrier." I said in tears "I just wanted to leave far away from you." I said to Jaden who walked into the house.

"I know you're pretending to not like Jaden but it won't work for me, Jaden is mine." Snow white said to me when everyone left.

"Is that so?"I said because a crazy thought came into my head.

I ran to where inside the house they where all in the living room.

"Your attention please!!" I yelled to get their attention I want to cause a little confusion.

"Snow white says she loves Jaden and he's hers I just want to make one thing clear to Harriet and snow white who are madly in love with one guy. I don't love that freak."I said pointing at Jaden, while Harriet and snow white looked at each other.

"I will never in my life love, a rude, stupid, ass hole, and a fucked up bitch, he is my sorrows my pain, his my night mare, my fear, my misery.." 

"I get it, you don't like me, but you don't understand me." He cut me short when I was talking. I could hear pain in his voice.

He walked out of the room leaving us alone.

"Mia that was harsh." James said.

"Harsh! what Jaden did back there wasn't it harsh, you wouldn't see it when you bent on making Jaden find love, you don't care about me. Remove me from your stupid plan of me and Jaden together because it would never work." I said to him.

"Anthony where my room?" I asked him leaving Jaden cleaning my tear.

Anthony showed me my room it was really luxurious, everything in the room looks expensive.

I wasn't in the mood to acknowledge the room I just entered the comfy bed to clear my head.

I was tired of thinking so I went to take my Bath.

 I wasn't in the mood to wear any thing too long.

 I found matching black shorts with parting at both sides and a handless cropped top.

 I haven't eaten breakfast, I only had a drink,I went to the kitchen to get something to eat.

 I saw Jaden in the kitchen but I walked past him, we didn't speak to each other.

 He saw the way I was dressed but didn't say a thing.

 I made eggs and bacon to go along withy bread bring out an orange juice from the fridge.

 I made only for myself, I not anyone's mother.

 "Jaden are we leaving now." James said thinking it was only Jaden in the kitchen.

 "Oh Mia." He added when he saw me.

 "Get the girls let's go."Jaden said.

 I don't give a fuck where they were going.

 It was only I and Anthony in the house, I didn't talk to anthony until they all came back,by night time.

 It was none of my business, I don't give a fucks about their lives.

 Someone was calling my phone an unknown number.

 "Hello." I said waiting for the other end to say something.

 "Mia it's Hassan." He said, I was like a happy puppy when I heard his voice.