What If I Am Wrong? Chp 2



Sitting on a chair, I wipe the tears from my eyes as I think of my family

Slapping my cheeks to calm myself I get a move on as I try to find out what I can do now

Thanks to Goku's and Vegeta's memories, I know how to use my Ki, not that I tried it as I might have accidentally destroyed the lab

But, now...

I raise my hand and a Ki ball forms in the air

I soon make it dissipate as I try something else

I try to see if I can turn into a Super Saiyan

From Goku's and Vegeta's memories, it goes something like this...

"Woah," I say as I feel the power of the transformation for a second before I let go of the power

I breathe in heavily as I wipe the sweat on my forehead from the way my body reacted to the huge amount of pressure that I was putting on it

I think about it for a moment before I go over Goku's wealth of knowledge about Ki and the answer is pretty simple

Even though I have a lot of power waiting to be unleashed it doesn't mean that my body is able to handle it as I had never even moved around before, much less even used Ki in any actual capacity

Still, though, I am sure that I could go Super Saiyan if I wanted, but I would be absolutely exhausted

I shake my head as I decide to try out Ki manipulation later

In the meantime, I use Goku's knowledge that I have, to lower my power level as much as possible

Going over to the lab again, I quickly take a look at Cell's progress and when he will be out and about

3 years


I go over to a rather big room that used to be storage, but it's now empty as there was no way for the lab to receive any more supplies

I go perform some moves from Goku's memories and frown at my body

It's like my muscle memory is completely shot

My frown deepens as that thought crosses my head

This body never even moved at all

It's no surprise that I can't perform some of the more complicated moves that Goku could do

In fact, I am not even one-tenth as flexible as Goku

I let out a sigh and quickly performed all of the moves from Goku's memories after warming up

At the end of my little training session, my whole body is completely sore and I am left sweating buckets

"Damn it," I say while placing my hands on my knees while breathing out heavily

This new body of mine is incredible, no doubt about it, but I have to grind it to its full potential

I bring up my tail over to my face and let out a small

A little fact about the Saiyan tail, the weakness can be trained away

I take in some air as I grasp my own tail

I squeeze for a few seconds before I fall down paralyzed on the floor

I gasp as I come out of my paralyzed state

That felt awful, almost like I grabbed my own heart

This is going to be so painful...


"Ha, ha, ha," I say rather loudly as I go through some more stances

This past month has been...enlightening

Especially as I have gone through most of Goku and Vegeta's memories

I stop as I am finished for the day and go to take a shower

I chuckle as I finally get that Goku is a much more skilled fighter than Vegeta

But, not in the way that I expected

Goku is or was more skilled, while Vegeta focused more on pure power given the fact that he was practically stronger than almost all of his victims played a huge factor in it

In fact, the only person that Vegeta had that could be said to be his rival before was Cui or whatever his name was

Sure, not a lot to be impressed by, but given just how restricted and ragged most of the Frieza force was, it makes sense that they were more focused on pure power

Not a lot of people were strong enough to even put up a fight and those that were capable of fighting were not able to be everywhere at once

I shake my head as I reach the bathroom and step into the shower

I know when I am, but what should I do

"Shit, this is going to be fucking impossible," I say with a groan

I am fucked

Sure, I am in Future Trunks's timeline, but given the fact that his timeline already went out of the frying pan and into the fire when he was just a baby, its only going to get worse from here on


I am not too sure

I know for a fact that it will take me a while to reach a level I can at least put up a fight against the androids

But, I may not actually have to fight them myself

I have Goku's memories, plus Vegeta's

I can teach Gohan and Trunks as much as possible and we can fight the androids together if it comes down to it

What worries me is what might come next

I have no idea if Goku Black will make an appearance or not

Even if we don't time travel, there is always a chance he might just come here to test out his new body

Oh, and I can't forget about the immortal one too...

I rub my hair as I frown

I can't forget about Majin Buu either, but if everything goes in my favor, I may be able to pull out the Z sword and hopefully break it and get my potential unleashed

Even then, I am not even sure if Beerus will wake up at all, even if he does, I won't be at a level where I can even do anything

More than that, I am not sure when Champa will arrive on Universe 7

So, there is even a chance that Earth will be moved to Universe 6

What about the Tournament of Power?

No...above all things, I can't let that happen, no matter what

I sigh as I finish taking a shower and get out...that is not even the worst part

The worst part is...what if I am wrong about the transformations

can go Super Saiyan, I know that much, I felt it, and I even held the transformation for a few seconds before I just went back to base as my body is not exactly able to handle it

But, I don't think that's it

At least not truly...

I think a lot of the issues that I am having is me

The act of transforming is so damn foreign to my mind that I just went back to base

I can't deny the euphoria that I felt when I first transformed

Pure strength coursing through every cell in my body

I was left shaking in awe after the experience

I shake my head as I bring my tail to my face and think some more about the transformations...